Dating people who are only into Magick?

Last experience: in short. Ive been single for along time. Had a crush on a gothic wiccan. He let me down. Did some manifestations to find a teacher and a magician lover. He soon came. He said he studied in an ‘Order’. He started pushing abit for intimacy. Later retracts gives mixed messages, degrades me, and started doing questionable sht with his magic to me. Radomly crushes my self worth etc. In short he did something that left me feeling shocked and traumatised, I guess for at last sticking abit up for myself and not treated like, what I thought was me being humble and respectable to a teacher, to voice my confusion and standing ground by feeling done by, yet denying my feelings and pain he caused. As we practied remote viewing and energy work together too, I felt his onslaught and wrath for months at certain times he sent them even, and also it was generally constant and peaks… I lost weight, got ill, and almost insanity, and flashbacks of trauma, disturbed sleep, night terrors, etc. And I felt an extra energy of a girl he used to send me this sht too. Either you believe in magic, or pure narcissistic abuse and the qualms it brings - it felt like it was both. It was a shock unexpected, even due to his ‘cues’, and I envisioned if it happening Id still with time get over it… Like Ive gone through heavy sht in my life, I should be able to handle this, but now hes making a joke out of me that I can’t handle this. Because this was different, it was a shock, a betrayal, making me feel all my efforts and all that I am, etc, all rolled into one, by the person I saw as my best friend, lover, spiritual confidant, self improvement teacher all rolled into one, as I wasnt not worth it. The amount of stoney heatedness and disrespect and severe lack of empathy I didnt believe hed stoop so low a blow, to break me in all the pillars, and weak spots, I felt held me together he knew where to knock and leave, and instead of getting back at him and confessing his wrongdoings to his face at the time, I never did in retaliation, whats worse I found myself apoligising and begging, self blame, lets try again, which I didnt notice at the time, was giving him more power of how stupid and pathetic I was and refused point blank “he cant help me anymore” I was a “mistake” he “didnt know what he was getting himself into” and “nobody will ever want me” " all my working on myself wasnt worth it"… (like please mate, I was only trying nice to you, such a stupid people pleaser I was, loving and loyal, bought you stuff, tried to make you happy and please you etc;, and I survived sh*t so far in my life without you, to put me down and tell me “I cant move on because I feel sorry for myself” (out of the blue while sitting on a bench eating pizza next to him, yet he complains Im the one constantly unhappy and apparently its just me being “triggered” which causes me to not react to prove Im not getting ‘triggered’ and self improving, while hes getting away being bulling more and more out of the blue under the guise ‘hes helping me’ and have no respect for what I say, the views of his ‘friends’ of ‘what I am’ is above me… like why go out with me and take up so much of my time and assets if you didnt,… I didnt notice at the time he was having a small ego trip, but it confused me as in the beggining it seemed like genuine love…) yet saying such things to anyone who has been open to you and they have been affectionate about listening up until this point, saying such things out of the blue while having a ‘romantic moment’ will kill the vibes, mate! But not only that push it to the point of making your ‘girlfriend’ cry… but no he was ‘just trying to get me to have a breakthrough’ and see thats why hes gotta leave me because he ‘cant help me’… more like he was intrested and already talking to a better looking and more attention side chick… but Im guessing it didnt work out with them… he missed out on someone genuinely loving and generous and loyal!..) – I never told him that though). (But I keep repeating the mistakes out of “love” - questionable, aha). And I never deliberatly mistreated him, quite the opposite… I gave him my all … but he claimed it was nothing and inauthentic, "he got himself too deep with me"aha…, I felt again, I suffer in silance, no justice.
What Im saying is be very careful dealing with such people. I was lucky, eventhough I only started studies with him and didnt finish, my guides where protecting me. He didnt seem to like it. He was the master here, and I his willing humble side kick. I dont mind but at least some respect. As by then I deeply trusted him and he broke my heart and soul/ without a second thought of remorse it seems. Always in the game of one upping, and convinced hes never wrong “Im the broken one”, “he doesnt need to change” and this dear lover and dream of dating an occultist turned into a cosmic joke. Yes I learned lessons but its not enough.
He admitted working at one point with Glasia Levulosh, but once he found out I worked once with him, he denied he did… at first he was intruiged and then he didnt like, and warding me off, and scaring me as if I wasnt protecting myself, and banish the spirits that were making me feel stronger or supported. What was worse more I worked with him, more I learnt to open up my natural abilities to spirit (which I constantly put myself down of what I knew and could do and self trust, and put him on a pedastle as a teacher and trust his “advanced” skillset …) I was getting from my guides to leave him, and warning me about him and dislike towards him… which I was never put in the position to choose over my guides (which I obviously I trust and love) and my magic teacher, lover, ‘boyfriend’; my 3d dream, manifestation, invested, soul connection?..etc.
It seems he didnt see me that way in return and I didn’t see it at the time. It hurts to know he lacks empathy or reasoning communication, - if I wasnt what he wanted or made him feel good enough his ego would fall but I didnt know, yet he silantly struck me over and over and I did not retaliate, yet Im the gurbage now, flips the table on the head plays victim on refuses to talk even through for closure. How did I not see this all before. I mean there were the little red flags here and there, growing, but I always like to see the best in people, nobody is perfect, Im not perfect, so I thought I can kindly and logically figure this out because I cared and loved the guy. But when it came down to it he didnt care if I lived or died it seemed… a far cry from the timid and nice(ish) etc person I once knew.
Even he did me dirty, out of respect and holding back, as I did learn from him and loved him, eventhough he denied it and wrecked my soul.
At one point someone mentioned that if they were me they would curse such a person. I guess in an equally honest world he would of deserved it and then some…
But later I asked advice at the time from Glasia Levulosh (when the psychic magical onslaught was still kinda bad) and he said no, (which I was surprised) (probably best not at that time) and that he didnt know what he was doing - eventhough in a physical 3d sense he did. I was also worried because he said he worked with him and thats why I was getting this, but Im sure it wasnt the case and for the best at the time. It might of made things worse.
But hes still not here, hasnt apoligised for the huge havoc he caused, the livespells I did right afterwards didnt seem to help (hes probably not going to change and shouldnt have given him the benefit of the doubt… but why still the deep seated love and urge and upset of not wanting to lose him still after so much time. He was amazing at one point, and I blamed myself for his shift in behaviour towards me.
But when I did a specific love rite, which involve angelic aswell, but when in perticular, I felt as if when I called on Sitri I felt like a grasp at my neck, as if she was not happy or not letting me say my words when I called on her help. But why am I still longing for him after all these signs. I feel there is a strong fight between love, shadow work, the spirit realm and him. Dont know what to do. Was he just precisely that, a lesson, for me to trust my self worth and spirit guides, or these pangs, I once I evolve into a better version of myself he will come round and he is a twin flames of sorts… as at one point he made me the happiest I have felt in along time in my life… and it pains still my heart to let him go, and repeatedly again try cutting those cords, which I didnt want to let go of in the first place. But Im in a stuck place, it has to come from him to want to change or even apoligise or do the right thing or grow a concious. I was at a low place and Im accending, now rolls are reversing, but he cant take that shit and wants to be in his false control… now I see he has to catch up!
Anywho, Ive been in hemit mode for quite some time now, my heart to messed up and trust broken and faith in humanity for like the 100th time shattered. Rebuilding myself from the ground up. But Im not going to give all my love devotion etc to people so freely again. Im trying to learn to ankor in myself, so even if the whole world is against me (like times in my life it has) I will be rooted in myself, and not blindly follow and freely give love to everyone around me who clearly (blinkers) didnt deserve it. And it shows when Im shrivveled up and nobody cares. Selfishness my old nemisis, now we slowly make an agreement and see eye to eye…
Be careful out there peeps. Psycological warfare aint simple.x

P.s. Well this turned out rather long :joy:. But hey, while in your bordom, while having your coffee and biscuite, you’ll have something to read. Dunk dunk.


Remember one thing for the future friendship/relationships. Talk is cheap. Don’t listen to what people say. Look at their actions. People these days say whatever you want to hear. Promises are never kept. Even from those you think will never betray you ever in a million yrs. Still happens… Action is golden. It really save you time from the fakes if you focus on their actions. Love is not all talk. It require expression and action is where it’s at.


you know i am also looking. I wont mind taking you on a date. Anyway Im Moses

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Okay, that was smooth AF, not gonna lie


Lol, One need to treat a lady like a Queen. I am looking and i consider myself to be a Gentleman. So I am just trying to find that person you know.

Totally agree with you here!
In answer to @sailing on your question. I’ll briefly give you my answer using my own life as an example,

My husband & soulmate of over 20 years is spiritual but not into magick in any way whatsoever & that’s ok. As he’s always accepted that my spiritual path is very different than his. He appreciates & understands what I practice and why.

Limiting oneself to only having a committed relationship with another mage, sorcerer or witch isn’t really at all wise. Especially when there’s a chance that you may fall in love with somebody whom isn’t into magick at all.

Sometimes there can be different spiritual practices that we can have in common such as meditation, chanting, playing musical instruments & art etc. It doesn’t always have to be literally about casting spells, divination, spiritwork & invocation/evocations etc.

Sometimes something deeply within somebody whom is very different than ourselves resonates deeply within our own soul.

Remember love is not only universal but also eternal!


No kidding your dilemma sounds exactly like mine in my youth. :joy: lol Brings back happy and some crazy memories for me too.
Don’t ever be rushed to the altar by someone whom is over eager. I know because it happened to me a very long time ago. Divorce is soul wrenching and isn’t always easy to get over but in time I did.
So much happier for it now many years later that’s for sure!

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Here’s why i don’t seek occult friends and just don’t deal with female occultists in general. If you think Thots are enough trouble, imagine giving a thot magick. That’s just trouble for everyone. And that goes for competitive, jealous guys too. If people are petty and manipulative in physical life, the last thing they need is access to your spiritual self.


Hmm. To be honest I wasnt going to go on any dates for now and Im holding myself to that, until I get my broken heart and sh*t sorted…, its not fair for anyone bringing that baggage to another relationship, friendships or whatever.
But, as I see your abode is in my neck of the woods lol, it might be interesting to just meet up as friends and get to know each other. Talk things occult and so forth lol, if you are up for that…
Anyways, admire your directness lol.
Pm me if you want. All the best.

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When I listen to conspiracy shows (Shout out to Paranormies S5 EP14), pretty much everyone in art and entertainment, that doesn’t run a conspiracy show, is an occultist already. They also say female pop stars are transexual, so if you happen to be a female pop star, I am invoking my occult privilege to verify it for myself :wink:.

I used to think that it mattered a lot to that if you practice magick, that you should be with someone who does the same as you.

How about someone who is spiritual and open minded?

My boyfriend has been listening to me talk about my practice for a while now, and the other day he asked me if I could put a sigil of Satan on the headboard above where he sleeps. He said Satan is his father.

Honestly id rather be with someone who is going through their own spiritual journey that you can experience and help them get through it in their own way, and when they blindside you with realizations that align with your path, the feeling is Indescribable.

I think if you are gonna be with someone who is already following your path, at least maybe make it someone who is at the same level as you. I ran into someone who was much more adept than me, and that short lived experience was quite unpleasant and has had residual effects on my psyche. Magickians can do some harsh shit to less experienced practitioners.

It’s common. You reach a higher level in your practice, completely lose sight of what made you start on this path from the get go, and act as if you’ve never been a noob.

Honestly after writing all this, I realized that there is great risk associated with anything you do and with anyone you involve yourself with, and a friend can hurt you just as bad as a partner.

Just choose your associates wisely, and make sure you have the tools to get through whatever obstacles you have thrown at you. If you don’t, get ready for a good learning experience.


Even I’m impressed.

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Lol me too. Saw the guy say he was single and looking yesterday and today I wake up to wow, prob wrong one but he’s (She/it, however they identify) on the move!

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Is it bad lol?

Lol guess not-cuz at least your moving towards wut ya want instead of sitting here like the rest of us

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well i am serious…I want to have someone in my life now. So im moving

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Ok that they are into magick yet i somehow prefer them not and knowing many other stuff i don’t know . this way we can share knowledge and learn. More important is their open mind to support/grow /explore together. If they have that mind, then magick isn’t a problem. The activities and interest is not more important than the person.

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Lucky !!

I’m open to dating someone who is open to my practices. I was married to someone who hated anything I did that he couldn’t control… screw that. As for dating another magical practitioner, I wouldn’t be opposed to it necessarily, but I’ve heard war stories about how things can go horribly wrong in the end, so I would only do it with eyes wide open.

Unfortunately, most of the guys I meet who are into the occult are not my type, and we have no spark.


My exes, they were well aware of it — they found it intriguing but not one of them were on the paradigm of belief that I was on. This didn’t cause conflict, there’s a lot to learn in a relationship which is a magical experience by itself.

Many women I’ve encountered don’t seem to have interest in these type of practices besides pop cultural astrology and tarot; maybe a bit of esotericism. I couldn’t date a religious person unless there is no clashing or conflict of beliefs.

My preferences are open, but I’ve always endowed on key factors of having a partner with the same passion in mind. It sounds like tremendous depth. Can raise to great heights or burn to ash very quickly! Humans are abrupt, chaotic!