Darkness: We All Possess It

Most won’t be able to handle working with Ahriman. I worked with him as something needed to be broken quickly.

Every negative energy you have ever felt is ten fold. You change quickly. I work with him for one reason only. There is a gate beyond the gate. Tik Tok.

Time’s up.

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Sounds like it’s worth looking into, especially at current, although working with Tiamat, Kali and Lilith, and about 10 others, things are working pretty quickly too.

Not to burst any bubbles, but there’s always another gate beyond the gate from my experience.

You haven’t burst my bubble!

If you want to work with Ahriman, go for it! :heavy_check_mark:

Working with that many at once, I’m surprised you haven’t gone insane. I must sleep now.

Good night!

Glad I haven’t burst your bubble.
I think I might look into it.
I tend too push my limits, kind of an extremist, it’s the scorpio in me.
Good night.

Questions though, if you are working with ALL these Gods, how do you retain system information?

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Kindly keep insults out of my journal.

Telling someone they don’t understand or judging something is the really the lowest form of human nature you can have.

You’ve got three fingers pointing back at you buddy!

Please only contribute to my personal journal if you have something that will contribute to the conversation. We’re all at different levels of understanding.



That is an excellent question, :heart:
Working with so many, yet essentially working with one and all at once.
On my journey, I’ve made certain discoveries about myself and my capacity for learning.
The simple example and explanation would be this… Consider a group of people, each individual has their own strengths and personality, yet the collective is the same all round. When I was younger I worked heavily with Baphomet for years, (though that never truly stopped either), in that working/or in those workings I got to a point of being overwhelmed, after that I slowed down, I noticed that I would be getting called be multiple beings at once consistently thereafter, and after answering it started to become like a network.
There is a key phrase that came from that working with Baphomet before being overwhelmed. “You are my deity in microcosm”
So for myself it’s like talking to aspects of myself and still recognising that they are also their own beings. If that makes sense, and working with them, therefore is both an extension of myself as well as working with another and having those aspects brought out in me and there by having retention. Being someone who is more feminine by nature, I tend to work more closely with the feminine, yet there are still my masculine aspects and so working with the masculine is also important.

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I don’t think I’ve seen a single post of yours that was meant to benefit anyone but yourself.

@jennaelizabeth sorry to derail.



You do realize the sacred marriage in the Kundalini is in yourself, right? That the Divine Feminine and Masculine are in you?

Very interesting concept once you start looking at it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yea actually I’m well aware of the kundalini, not what I was referring to though.
We all have within our nature, masculine and feminine aspects we express (or don’t) outwardly, which in itself is not particular of the kundalini frame work. While kundalini work strengthens or enhances those nature’s they are rarely ever to my knowledge, intertwined beyond that.
And as for divine masculine and feminine being within, yes I’m well aware of that too.

I just want to thank you, I was thinking about what I had posted yesterday in response consistently, And I want to thank you because your post brought me to recall something that I had almost forgotten. Truly although there are outer branches/influences everything does start from within and it’s what we don’t tend to express that gets externalised and therefore reflected or handed back to us.

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Aye! You’re welcome! For we are the light and dark of ourself.

You know who and what you are! :sparkling_heart::heavy_check_mark::sun_with_face::star2::wink:


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You’re fine! No harm done. I’ll always bring it back on track.

Love ya! :sparkling_heart::heavy_check_mark::star2::sun_with_face::hugs::slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah I know what I am :slight_smile:

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The train is being put back on the tracks.

Southbound, the end of November. For there is a whisper in-between the end of night where the wolves howl just before the end of night break and the morning sun rises. When the grey meets the white and the black.

Remember! The steam is the secret of the soul.

Poof! Ritual about to happen with Ahriman, one of the darkest yet. I side with The Queen of the Red Clay, always. For she has helped most with the path of sovReign-ty. The lessons of ego thrown out the door.

Yet, a wild woman doesn’t always forgive. Sometimes the door slams in your face for a reason. My legs only open for those who are sovereign.

The eagle rises! Yet, the crows are not the stupid bird.


When another alpha wolf rises, she’ll lead her own pack. But first, she leads herself.

For silence comes for 24 hours.

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True darkness as in the type of energy entities such as demons emanate is its own thing and has nothing to do with unresolved trauma or old mental wounds I mean think about all these people running around occult communities especially LHP communities acting like they watch Star Wars a bit too much do you really think that’s how demons act?
As one of my demons explained so perfectly once there’s unresolved darkness and there’s actual darkness and he proceeded to ask do you Angels aren’t capable of what your kind considers to be evil ? do you think demons are incapable of doing what your kind considers good ?
He really magnified on what WE consider good and evil because frankly it is all just in our heads and has no basis anywhere at all because if there is any such thing as good and evil then humanities very existence is a form of evil that needs to be cleansed


Who is to say that angels and demons aren’t the same, two face to the same coin?
Either angel or demon, they are both capable of the same.

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Peeps are going to do what they wanna do, regardless of the path they are on!

In general, I am learning to just be me! And let others be themselves. What other LHP and Black Magickal peeps do, no qualms on my end. :slightly_smiling_face::honeybee::slightly_smiling_face:

If people want to join me and talk to me about weird stuff, I am happy. Plus, I don’t watch Star Wars, play Dungon and Dragons, nor have an appointment with death.

I wanna live!

I should put some of the crazy stuff I posted in my journal on the forum, then peeps would really be scared or perplexed by me.

:point_up: That is truth right there though.

This was something I wrote in June 2020, welcome to my brain.


nu-uh, dunno touch me,
for i have yet to assended

nu-huh-nu -
it’s my blood,
eternal damnation

goddess of the red,
goddess of the north
i belong to the south
i rise in the west
i dunna do death

east - sing with me

nu-uh, do not touch me
i do not belong to you
neva-ever again

he screams,
“then to whom?”


goddess of blood
goddess of death
goddess of -

he screams -
“say it!”

i am not pərˈdiSHən

saved by the blood
saved by the wind
always, forever

you can’t have me,
he can

he screams,
“whose he?”




Awesome poetry, if you’ve got any you’d like to post on the dedicated poetry page, feel free :slight_smile: