Darkness of Sitri & Set

Hello everyone!
This is not part of a public thank you (when I asked, Sitri just said he wanted my “devotion”), but I felt compelled to post about a recent encounter with Prince Sitri (Set/h). This was a ritual for Samhain and honestly, I did one the night of (3 am on the 31), so this was the night of the 31 and wasn’t sure what to do that night until this all happened. I don’t know what happened really but I found myself reading about Sitri, something has always kept me away from him a little bit so it was odd to me.
Fast forward to the ritual where I’m slightly scared because I’ve just begun reading everything I can find about this being a few hours ago but hey he called me so that’s that. I invoke Set which is easier to read about than Sitri in my experience and this dark dark deeply dark (and simultaneously immaculately beautiful) presence forms around me. I feel dizzy, nauseous, suffocated, blinded by the energy, so intense. I don’t even know what I’m doing other than asking Set why he called me. When I say called me, I mean pestering in dreams (something I read about the 31 the matched perfectly with dreams my boyfriend then I had), the energy, the sudden appearance of his name on my screen that I don’t remember typing in, etc. I used tarot cards (and had a pendulum which is more a habit than anything else) also he spoke to/through me which had an interesting feeling…listening to that recording was really something.
It became revealed that his energy has always been with me. Ever since I remember, I’ve felt that type of energy (in much less intensity) and I’ve been frustrated because the spirit wouldn’t tell me its name. I’ve tried to read about Sitri & Set but never followed through like someone took my hand and guided me away. But now I understand that before, this version of that darkness would have destroyed me instead of making me seek out more power. Also, some crazy daemon sexual experience that is a highlight of my life came from it and the idea of “celebrating conflict” (leave it to a chaos deity to suggest that).
I’m posting mainly because I wanted to share that sometimes things come to us at ideal moments so don’t always push what doesn’t flow. Sometimes there’s a reason. Also, I’m interested in similar situations with entities leading you towards them, and of course how has Sitri impacted you, and did you also have bizarre dreams related to him, and what else?


Prince Sitri, once you come in contact with him he will always be at your side. He is a warrior-protector spirit, as weird as it sounds, and he is an expert medic as well. He likes incense and water offerings, and he is LOVELY. Keep working with him he will reveal his true self to you soon.


So lovely, I agree one thousand percent with this. I feel him with me. It’s like reassurance and knowledge and safety all wrapped up. I am so deeply in love with his energy and way of being. Sitri really is something else for me. Thanks for the insight on “expert medic” I didn’t know that.


Been a hot minute, but you’ve really piqued my interest and I’m wondering if you have any sources on the medic/healing side of Sitri. Protector can be assumed based on the lore, but I’ve yet to come across the other aspect. Thanks in advance if you can help!


Use his sigil and this enn and you will find out. SITRIS MEDICA REVELE


Ohhhh maybe that’s why I find him quite “refined” or in some way like if he was part of the “nobility”, when I evoke him I feel like in the presence of some kind of true old(only spatio-temporal wise) french noble.
Dr.Sitri of the renaissance sounds about rigth :joy:


Don’t forget his tarot card in Thoth deck (4 of cups ) is Luxury


I just wasn’t aware of that at all, but it helps me knowing I can feel things more sharply than a few month ago

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When using his medic enn, see for signs of a plague doctor mask in black robes. This is one of his forms appearing for medical issues. He can totally provide first aid healings. As a young demon he fought several hard fights and survived. I always admired prince sitri for the fighting spirit he possesses. TASA SITRIS SETH


Beware Prince Sitris dark side. I’m not trying to pee in anyone’s cornflakes but he is a very powerful danger spirit capable of anything. I made a serious beginner mistake with him and got my ass chewed up for it bad. So take some friendly advice be careful with him. He’s actually a really cool spirit and I’m sad I fucked up and made it a learning experience. Just realize behind his sickly sweet presence there is a real black soul there.


What spirits we summon and work with are similar to us and one starts to become like the other. Remember like attracts like. TASA SITRIS KAGIMGATAR


Thanks so much for this extra info! Do you have google sources by chance? I look so hard to find his stuff online and honestly, it’s hard for me to find decent sources on anything (so much is crowded by fandoms and gaming).

On this, I just put it into google and the only actual hit comes up with all this info about the color green; I’ve been seeing green in everything all week long and Sitri asked me to write my ritual notes in green yesterday too which is so strange. The vampyrism info is also really awesome to read through and thanks for the Sitri rite attached!


Hey @anon25000386, we talked briefly about this on another thread too, not sure if you remember. But yea, definitely got some darkness. Did another Sitri ritual last night and feeling good about it. I’m so happy to have gotten better at feeling his energy, at least when it’s at that level because the first time I did ritual with him was quite scary.

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Inb4 Set isn’t darkness but sky/storms and void/chaos.

I’m waiting for a storm to do another ritual (not that I won’t if it’s not storming). I remember last time I asked him to shake up my life though… just happy nothing was too extremely intense. Void and chaos seem both alike and different, love your word choice. Mostly, “dark” comes from the energy I feel when working with him.


Yeah he really can have a scary presence. I think sometimes we forget when talk her on this forum that demonic entities really are infernal spirits. That is to say fallen angels. They have a mind alien to ours, They are very real, thier power to change things in out realities staggering ( imagine what you could get done if you had 20 legions of little friends working for you too…). Thier ability to hate and destroy has been perfected and polished for 1,000s of years. I think sometimes people on the forum don’t take this seriously enough and it can end in misadventures and madness and death. People get crushed yep it really happens.
Having said that always protect yourself properly when practicing Goetic evocation.
I’ll tell you where I went wrong. After conjurating and giving him my charge he asked for (demanded) a blood offering be made to him. Now blood is very powerful and it allows a spirit to manifest in our world much stronger. It’s also intoxicating to a degree and can make lesser spirits run wild and behave crazily. Probably like a good injection of crystal meth to a spirit. Now, I was already nervous about the dark being I could sense behind the sickly sweet presence and I decided there would be no blood offering. I told Prince Sitri that I was made in the image of G-d and that he would serve his creator. Well he didn’t like that. He manifested my wish very quickly but did so in such a terrible and cursed way that I had to leave my job and change apartment in the middle of the night to escape this poor woman he possessed and turned loose on me. It took nothing less than an intervention from my teacher and Arch angelic intervention to put that genie back in the bottle.
Now I SHOULD. have just said “well it’s unfortunate we couldn’t get together on this project farewell Mighty Prince.” Then it wouldn’t have felt disrespected and I could call him another day. But no I wanted to be a hard ass and force the spirit into compliance. See when I conjured Prince Orobas I never had this problem, he didn’t need the blood offering and he was easy to work with as in didn’t scare the shit out of you. Learn from my mistake and treat the negotiation phase of the conjuration like you would a business deal with a foreign royal. Treat it with great respect and hopefully this doesn’t happen to you.
I’d be interested to hear how your conjuration went , if he did the task, and if he wanted anything from you ect.
Lol boy don’t make a fallen angel angry they bring new meaning to the concept of anger management problems.


That’s a great insight bro. My conjuration with Prince Orobas went real smoothly and easily. Probably because I knew immediately I needed to summon him first, there was an affinity there from the beginning.


Chaos is the active aspect of void for void to create or destroy it takes on the state of chaos. While passive/inactive it’s in a state of ‘void’

Sitri takes years to understand him. He totally doesn’t like being commanded by a “god”. He is a pure blood devil born by devils. Not a fallen. Work with devotion and respect like Treating a wise teacher. Know that he acts on emotion and don’t upset him. Also try to evoke and commune with the spirits to gain insights on them not just google search. The enns I gave you are directly from him.


Yep. I remember being terrified. Alone in the middle of the night, it was Halloween the first time. No lights, one candle, creepy music. Invocations I’d never used and didn’t know were invocations until I was almost all the way through them. One of the scariest moments of my life. And that energy. Scared the shit out of me. Couldn’t put it better. I’d never had that type of experience, never felt so scared doing ritual. So much power under that beauty and elegance. So much potential for wrath in that sugary sweet voice I heard from Sitri.

Congrats on being able to! Sitri has been following me through life probably from the beginning, but the first time I really understood and noticed there was “someone” with me I was probably 12. Never been able to get away, not that I want to. I have much respect and love for him even if he’s scared the living hell out of me.