
If anyone here could please ask Dantalion if he has been listening to me i would truly appreciate it. I am a beginner with meditation and haven’t been able to listen to or truly feel spirits yet and i have been meditating everyday so i can get to that level. The first few times i called on Dantalion I felt very happy in the next few days and i had a feeling that it was his doing.
I’ve only felt his presence three or four times but lately when i try to connect with him i don’t feel him and i don’t know if he’s listening to me. My life is pretty bad right now and im trying my best to cope and i just wanted to know if he’s listening, and if he is, is he willing to help?

Ive been working with him just for about 4 days now. He seems pretty low key with me at first. Like he is watching to see just how much and interested I really am in working with him. I learned before reaching out to him that he is one of my Guardians.

At first he will speak more inside your head at least that is the way it is with me. He prefers to called by his title Duke or Lord. Hates to be referred to as “Sir”. I just take deep breaths and try to in tune myself. I consider these first steps lessons in the matter of trust.

This happened a month or two ago when i could still feel his presence but when i was half-asleep and listening to a video in the background i could swear i heard him speak a sentence to me directly (i don’t remember what exactly he said) but as soon as i heard that i asked “Dantalion?” he said “Yes” and nothing more. But i need to know if he’s still around me or if he’s still willing to help me.

Also, how did you find out who your guardians are?

I wrote down the names of the 72 Goetia. I used my pentagram necklace as a pendulum and above each sheet of paper asked each one if they were my Guardian. I narrowed it down until I was no longer getting any no’s. It turns out I have four of them. I just listen to the thoughts inside my head. Sometimes random ones will just pop up that are totally out of place with whatever im doing.


I randomly had the name Belial pronounced like “Beliy-a-hl” when I was meditating on Dantalion does that mean anything? I’ve never really thought about Belial other than glance at a few posts about him on the forum but he did come in my mind once as a image of just his face with horns curved and pointing backwards and he looked like he was laughing and coming straight at me. i didn’t have any feeling of fear or any feeling to be honest but ive always wondered why he just came up into my mind like that.

I don’t know if it was just my imagination and subconsciousness but i did try and evoke him but my inexperience with evocation and feeling spirits around me i was never really able to fully connect.

Hey! Duke Dantalion came to me in a dream a few nights ago, and since then I have tried communicating with him twice!
I agree, he does seem to play it calm and see how interested you are in the work or knowing him. I made the mistake of asking for help with something arbitrary (like I didn’t want to ask a question or something) and he said not to bother about things like that. (Rather, snarled, “do not summon me for such things girl.”)
I did apologize and reflect and realized that even in that moment He helped me realize that sometimes i ask for help when I needed to just get over myself lol.
That said, I feel him over my shoulder as I type this!

There is a great thread on here where someone shared fantastic Duke Dantalion info. It helped me a lot! I’ll try to find it and post it here.


@Aryaa_57 Dantalion info

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I found an interesting read of duke dantalion on amazon kindle its called "Dantalion of the goetia; legacy its quite interesting I haven’t finished it yet but its good so far


When trying to meditate on Great Duke Dantalion’s enn in the past I got an instant weird burning sensation on my body but that was about it. Now time has passed, I have a problem in my life and while wondering about that problem I randomly got the exact same sensation and realised that my problem fall under his work inclinations.

The thing is that I was never able to hear or truly communicate directly with spirits but I am so desperate that I tried to contact him anyway. Drew his sigil on paper, lighted up a candle and tried to “activate” the sigil, when it started floating and some lines of it disappearing I stated my intentions, I didn’t hear anything, and my feelings about his presence were actually ambiguous.

Next morning things actually started to change on the matter I asked him about! And things were actually evolving quite well, I was just waiting for when it was completely done and I obviously expected the result to be permanent, so I could proceed with my part of the deal that involved public thanking him here and devote myself to get to know him and to honour and cherish his ‘gift’ ( the thing I asked for ). But two days ago things went really wrong about it, so I wonder if he was actually listening or accepted my offering at all?
Any advice on what I’m supposed to do ?

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I was replying to this thread again with the following " I wonder if should I have started fulfilling my part of the agreement as soon as it started getting better ? Have I waited too long? I’m definitely willing to do my part… " and before pressing the reply button I wrote a full page, front with my request, back with my offer as part of the deal, making my intentions very clear and detailed this time.

I used the song of this thread Song Written By King Paimon - #21 by deathreeper while drawing his sigil on paper.

Then I proceeded to light up the candle, and well that was fun the candle fire was pulsating in the rhythm of the “beats” of the meditation song and very bright, way brighter than it was the first time.
Hoping it was not just coincidence ( didn’t feel like it was btw ) I proceeded to chant his enn while having the song playing and when the sigil started " flashing" I read the whole detailed letter I wrote to him, then apologised in case I failed to be doing my part already, then talked and stayed in silence listening to the song, and as the song( was on repeat by now ) was ending one more time I could notice with my eyes closed that the light in the room was becoming dimmer, then I opened my eyes and stared at the candle being very low blue fire now, and as soon as the song ended, the candle put itself off. It felt like he listened…