Dantalion tips (and everything that you need to know about him)

Okay. It didn’t really change what time I went to bed and I woke up as normal I’m still very tired tho, even after coffee and actually have an appetite. I guess this may be good news then.
Even tho I only felt something there, maybe this exhaustion is a good sign still that it worked.

Congratulation on success!

Is it normal to be unusually tired/out of energy the next day

Yes, I experienced this once after the ritual of Dantalion, when I was a bit tired already before the ritual. Then I was able to recover myself in 1-3 days. But usually I am feeling even a better energy state after the ritual.

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Thank you. Yea, I was a little tired before but once I started I was fairly awake. The next morning and all of today I’ve been terribly exhausted.

The energy is soooo strong in took my about 2-3 days get back no normal, i even didnt work these days its like … hard to explain but what I felt was very strong and weird


just by reading about him i feel like i know him its kinda weird i have never felt that way with any spirit before


That’s generally a very good sign that he may be interested in you. Check it out and ask him.


Hi leftisbest,

did he bring bck your husband?

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How interesting Lucifuge and i were discussing him last night.



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I experienced this too . Real tired at work for almost half a day . Then gradually i started getting my energy back …

Some one said offer dantalion fish with lemon , any comment on that? Dont want to piss him off. Seems out of the ordinary to offer him fish

He’s generally related to fish and sea, so it wouldn’t look too much ordinary I think, no worries. Intuitively I feel you can, also it seems to me, that fish could be an offering given for him in ancient times - really cannot say why, personally I haven’t never offered him a thing like this, but a fish feels kinda okay, I think.


When I was practicing writing the name of Sallos in code, I felt an overwhelming heat in the room, kind of a sensation of burning iron in a way, for a second the energy seemed to lift and become completely changed. Less activity like that after the ritual, but an incredible clearness set in, probably after my adrenaline calmed down lol. But yes, today I feel incredibly exhausted, but a sense of low key power. I’m trying to let my mind rest regarding the petition, but am thinking of Sallos quite a bit. I also have a bit of a headache, too.

I am thinking on trying to invoke Dantelion this evening. I use a lot of crystals, incense in my usual works, but I haven’t summoned a demon before.
Any tips? Any type of crystals that are particular good for dantelion? I have rose quartz, smokey quartz, clear quartz Amethyst,Aventurine,Bloodstone, Carnelian,Citrine, blue goldstone, red goldstone, Labradorite, Mookaite, moonstone, Black Obsidian, snowflake Obsidian,Rhodochrosite/Rhodonite (I can’t remember which) Selenite, Tiger Eye, Blue Tiger Eye, Black Tourmaline, Unakite, Rainbow Hematite, blue Hematite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Red Jasper.

Best incense to use? I have demons lust, witches curse, sandlewood, frankincense and myrrh, rose and patulioa, might also have a stick of lavender hiding somewhere.
Oils I have: come to me, wealth, rose, cinnamon, rosemary, jasmine, orange and various fragance oils,

Herbs: sea salt, cinnamon, cloves, rosemary.

Ribbons: Dark blue, red, gold, silver, light blue, green, pink.

Candles (tea lights) : red, pink, yellow, white

Candles (spell) every colour except grey.

Fresh flowers I have are red, white and pink roses
Dried/ semi dead flowers I have red and white roses.

Wine: I have some white old wine in, some chocolate.
Not honey but maple syrup. Sugar
Cotton balls, jars etc

Voodoo doll made by self with corresponding picture.

Anybody who can help?

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Can i make sigil magick for a good domination in sync thetagammática?

I have a question, since Im pretty new, can anyone guide me on how to invoke /evoke him? Theres a enn, or a mantra? Or I have to follow a ritual? Or just sit and meditate with his sigil and call him by name?

Whatever you like, either sigil or enn chanting.


I just read this part literally just right now and last Friday night before going to sleep I was thinking to myself that he should appear to me in my dreams. There I had sex with a shape shifter, first her face appeared to be a retired model here in my country who I’ve not seen anymore, then after she got close to me her face changed to my former lover’s face.

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