D.U.M.E. Candle Spell


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I’m only kidding honest lol


Tis cool.

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I am so with you. One time I made a black poppet with cotten in its head, stuffed with rue and all other kinds of nasties. I was like, I am going to END you!!!

But I changed my mind before I concecrated and activated it. I was thinking, “You know what? There’re not even worth my time and effort”.

I have the potential to be curse happy but I’m too lazy to to be. Unless the person is a constant ongoing nuisance, I concentrate my spellworks on myself. No need to give any more energy to the the asshat target. Lol.


Hahaha. What! Party poopers! Nah son. I have a reputation to keep. :joy::joy::joy: PM me and we can talk. If you like :wink:

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Message sent!!

Thanks getting my “joke” Sometimes my sense of humor gets missed lol


Just saw the post above! Thanks!!!

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The spell has been posted, if you need to use it. :slight_smile:

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I just saw that, my bad. Thank you so much :heartbeat:

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Well, I dont know, are you? Lol, jk

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Man id love to use this against my ex. Was a narc. Sexually abusive and molested me for the majority of our relationship. I was young and naive and didnt know any better. I just knew it felt wrong and made me feel so dirty. I married him because at the time i was so Catholic and still technically a virgin. I figured after the crap he did and that I allowed I was essentially an untouchable sullied.

To top it off The chicken shit also ended up with sole custody of our son and spent the last 9 years alienating him from me and my family. I ended all contact right before i had my youngest as my ex had started pulling new legal bs, knowing I was pregnant, and I was worried I’d miscarry again. I had pretty decent set up tonstat with for visitation. My hubs spent 7 grand to get it there. Then my ex acted like a spoiled brat and pulled that shit. He also still lives in his parents basement and spent quite a few years trying to get a CNA. And im pretty sure he and his mommy tried putting a little curse on me. As i had a hell of a time for 7 years straight getting any positive momentum in my life. Figured it was her after I did some shadow work and found her in my spiritual basement eating my divine masculine. 🤷

So I’m always telling girls to go with their gut instincts now regardless.

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Oh, that’s a big one with me. I trust my gut more than anything.

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Narcissists suck balls

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I’m stubborn and prone to toxic guilt and have always had a difficult time listening to my intuition and gut. My logical brain kicks in and I second guess. Ive been doing better but it’s been a hill for sure lol

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Major donkey balls for sure

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I’ll be quick, just wanted to tell you that my Aquarius friend learned how to trust her gut instinct through meditation. She takes 15 minutes meditating in the morning, and does the same at night. She says it helps her stay grounded, and once the logical brain learns how to stay out of the way, you can hear that still, small voice that warns.

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:joy: Quit. I’m getting a visual over here lolz

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Bahahaha I so want to keep elaborating now :joy:

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My husband has been on my case to meditate daily for the last 8 years…mostly to help my autism and ADHD…needless to say when I finally get to it he gets all huffy because it took me so long 🤷 I should have told him to tell me not to meditate and then i would have done it sooner just out of spite. cause I’m one of those nincompoops 🤦

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You don’t have to, I used to go to Arkansas to visit my grandparents every summer. My grandfather kept three donkeys, I’ve seen em.

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