D.U.M.E. Candle Spell

Ok. So I haven’t heard much about this type of ritual here on this forum. Recently “opportunity” arose, where I felt I had no choice but to employ the use of this type of spell, with a twist. I got a tip from someone to add two black cross candles as well, in a triangle shape with 7 day d.u.m.e. in the back, cross candles in the front. If anyone has a true need for the ritual I will give it. I have already gotten my results and 7 day is still burning. This is a serious type of spell, and should never be taken lightly. Dume literally means death unto my enemy, and yes it can cause death, but I did not use it in this way, and I don’t recommend it for that. Anyway, moving along, the ritual I have strips your target of any and all protection, guardians, shields, magical defense, you name it, then it will cause serious harm or consequences to your target for wronging you, so please think about it first before asking for it. Dark blessings, Divina


Might come in useful some day!

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I’m interested pls

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Oh you darkly wonderful witchy woman :heartbeat: my heart beats for you and these posts just fyi. I get a little witchy wood on when I see you work your mojo :hugs:


I will pm you in the morning with it, it is long, and I don’t have the time to type it all out, you only will need dume candle, dume oil, black arts incense, and two black cross candles, I will pm you with ritual.


What exactly is witchy wood haha

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Right back at ya miss Lucy

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Well you make my magick lady wand all wonky when you talk your dark magick mojo LMAO…


If you’re interested in it, I’ll pm you with it, it’s long and don’t have time to type it all out. U just need a dume candle, dume oil, 2 black cross candles, black arts incense. I will get back to ya

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In the morning that is.

I didn’t know I was having that affect on you…:hugs:

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I keep my girl crushes private mostly lol

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Ok, me too, very private haha

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Hahaha right gotta keep it on the DL. Dont want any one thinking I’m not a prudish 1950s house wife :joy:

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I am so NOT a prudish 50s housewife, maybe a 60s Woodstock housewife.

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:hugs: thats the best kind!!!


Sure, I would appreciate it if you have time, always good to have a full arsenal. Thank you

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Could I have it please

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Ok, here goes. You need a dume candle, two black cross candles, dume oil, black arts incense.
During waning moon, after thoroughly cleansing candles with salt water, write target’s name on dume with black marker.
You may call on deity of your choice, use caution when choosing which one.
Set dume in back of altar after putting 9 drops of black arts oil onto it, the black cross candles, you can dress with dragons blood oil if desired. Place black cross candles left then right, in triangle formation.
Light incense, and light candles with the incense. The 7 day jar dume will have to continue burning, so be fire safe!!!
Spell: My enemy is: name
I now seize, take, destroy, and crush my enemy’s evil power, and all his evil works, including any witchcraft, all spells, hexes, voodoo, hoodoo, root work, foot tracking, potions, and black magick off of me, it can no longer affect my life, any members of my family, my home, anything I own, and off all future generations.
I now bind all his protection, defenses, spirit guardians, spirit guides, all helpers, and any shields he has from all of his evil workers.
I leave ( name) defenseless, weak, without any strength, completely stripped of his evil power against me, and my family. I bind and terminate the influences of and powers of all spirits of the netherworlds, any evil spirits between over those praying and those prayed for, any and all familiar spirits, may they all be completely bound, and incapable of causing us harm forevermore. ( Name) I bind you! I bind all your schemings, and evil plans against me and my family.
These evil plans against us, are brought to nothing! Your evil works of any shape form or type, are completely bound and forbidden to manifest! ( Name) You are my enemy! You shall not rise up nor will you prevail against me or my family!
This binding shall forever stand. Your malicious tongue, and slanderous works against us, and hostile actions towards me or any member of my family are bound and shall never prosper! You ( name) may not carry out your petty, spiteful, bitter, judgemental and vengeful desires to injure me or mine, or inflict any type of punishment upon us. Your wrongful evil words and actions will be met and answered swiftly with well deserved vengeance against you ( name)! This will negatively affect every area of your worthless existence.
For death type ritual, and be sure you really want and should do this
May death, and every kind of misfortune imaginable, Seek, Find and Visit you! So mote it be!