Cursing own parents

The overall impression I am getting is that he needs to look deeper at the underlying causes. There has to be something that sets them off.

It amazes me that people look to killing or cursing rather than taking control of a situation and healing.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? A curse is a curse dude, you most certainly could help, the closeness of the situation has nothing to do with it when it comes to real cursing. All that goes out the window.

Something does not add up, if michael is on the defense, seems like he would be the one I would contact to find out whatā€™s really going on.

Iā€™m also curious of your friends age?

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He is 25

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I mean, If i would curse someone like my father, son or mother my spell would not be so strong because i would be weak to curse someone that i lived for years , my Will would be weak

Why does he stay with his parents then? Is it a cultural thing?

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When i Said tĆ³xic family, i really meant toxic, they treat him as shit, he is on crĆ“nic depression, he lived as a dog inside his house on his childhood and teenage years

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Is he able to get a job, or do they not let him?

Thatā€™s debatable with so many facets though. I can see if your underage, you may not have a choice, this is just a rumour but I hear CPS take beating and burning your kids with cigarettes quite seriously. Thereā€™s one choice.

If over 18, just leave, thereā€™s another choice. Whatā€™s the point in staying. Anything would be better if this is happening to you constantly.

There are shelters that he can go to, halfway houses he could volunteer at for board. Options, options options.

I know, the best thing to do: Letā€™s summon a demon and do some cursing. I have no knowledge, no experience and no skills, so letā€™s do this.

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I donā€™t think so. He already had Jobs, but because of several depression he did not last in these Jobs. Itā€™s a delicate problem, when i was at his house, the energy is chaotic, i felt dizzy Just by staying 10 min there


I thought he was in Brazil

Not if you really wanted it, it wouldnā€™t. That darkness would find a way to rise if you were brought to the edge.

Yes, indeed, iā€™m brazilian


Itā€™s very easy for me to just throw things at you, and my apologies If I come across harsh sometimes, but the whole point of my posts is that there are choices. He just needs to pick one and go for it.

Thereā€™s just too many unspoken variable for me to comment further so Iā€™m going to watch this topic a bit. Maybe your friend should join here.


Angels donā€™t care about things like that. In the bible they tell people not to worship them. Seems like these parents are praying to saint Michael and not archangel Michael. Big difference in my opinion. Youā€™re not supposed to pray to or worship Angels; Iā€™m assuming the parents might be Catholic which would explain some things.


Normally, I would not recommend cursing someone you live with, not for morality reasons but practical ones. Even when there is not a spirit involved, when you seriously curse someone, you are essentially marking them for a whole number of misfortunes. By remaining near them, you are opening yourself up to sharing the experience if you are not careful. Considering your friendā€™s age, I would follow @Aprentiz advice. He needs to get out and on some stable ground for himself, then give his enemy hell afterwards if he so desires.

And I do agree with the comments that going to Michael might be what is needed as far as curse work goes.


This is sound advice and I have experienced this first hand.

Sounds like thatā€™s the sticking point.
If so, that is in agreement with the info EA gives in Baneful Magik about death cursing, that he witnessed peopleā€™s death curses fail when they just donā€™t have enough understanding of their own desires. If what they really want is for the situation to change, or a block to be removed, the curse can get mitigated to that. If thereā€™s reasons itā€™s good for them to be alive, even itā€™s only out of fear of change, that can be enough to mess up the curse.

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First he needs to get out of that situation, he needs to find somewhere else to live. 2nd he needs to get a stable income and gain independence from his parents and begin healing. 3rd I recommend invisibility spell or more like a dont notice me or think about me spell or binding. He should also speak to Michael about why heā€™s protecting his parents.
Belial can also help in that situation.

If you want I can send you a sigil of a demon thatā€™s great at healing, and defensive magicks. They can also give his parents problems to focus on, or to kill them if need be.
But first your friend has to get himself out of that shit hole, demons can do alot, but he needs to put in effort as well to bettering himself and improving his life, only then will he get the results he seeks.


That could go wrong. imagine the parents are stressed and take it out on him

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That would happen only if he left his parents house and found a new place to live Lop_Pollo.

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And what about if Michael turns even more against him if he call him?
Not saying that this will happen, but itā€™s probable.

Why Michael is atacking the victim if he ā€œplay the rollā€ of defending the victim, maybe there are a bunch of reasons why,
but maybe he will needs asistance with another entity.

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