Welldone, ascension and mercury poisoning don’t mix well.
Would you use a separate poison jar for each enemy connected to him or bung them all in the same one as they are all doing stuff for him.? thank you
I would use the same jar if you want them to all infect and infest each other and mull together in misery, it weakens the ranks and causes mistrust amongst them.
@Bastet_Apisbull , Yes it can. Jar spells are quite adaptable. What I provided was only the basic framework, hence the apparent simplicity. The method can be enhanced with ritual. C. Kendall posted one such spell here: Break Up Rite
@anon88243269 You could use one jar for multiple people. The only downside is if you decide any of the individuals are worthy to live (despite their questionable choice in friends), it’s a lot more trouble to remove that one person from the group. For example, if you use a group photo, you have to take it out of the jar, wash it off, and then redo the spell with a photo or photos that don’t include him/her.
It’s your choice how you go about it.
Thank you. Poison bought today.
Hey frater! Can i PM you? I wanted to ask about your great advise given here.
Feel free to PM me
Sasha how did it turn out have you seen results?
Hi. Thanks for asking. I worked with Andromalius weekly to get him, it worked! I recommend Andromalius highly.
Maybe he gets his strength from somewhere/someone somehow, even maybe through magic.
When he comes back, is his attitude showing vampiric/draining conductual patterns?
You should find that out, and destroy the source of his strength and motivation.
One quick solution to see how he reacts is fucking up his chakras system, attach to him dark shadows from the Astral plane (i guess you already tried summoning demons) , or even some dead people to hunt him down (beware of this, make sure you know how to use necromancy prior to do this).
Thanks. He’s in jail right now, probably getting his bottom played with so I have no worries good ideas though for future reference and thank you
Cool i will google!!
Oh, do. He is amazing
Houdini May I PM you please?
Thank you. It is never too late to learn something. x
I know I am too late in the thread. If someone wants to get the Mercury from the Thermometer, then one should put everything in the jar ( Make sure it’s unbreakable and airtight) then put some coal in it. You can shake the jar afterwards which can break it the thermometer within the jar. You will get an extra kick with broken glass + Mercury + Black coals or any stone. Make it Triple Threat.
Excellent advice! There’s a spell for exactly that in Angels of Wrath by Gordon Winterfield. It’s called Destroy Defenses, and you can use it to make the target weak and unable to defend against attack. It’s good to use before using other magick to go after them.