So as a child I was very poor with people and was abused a lot. Currently as a magician a thought came to me that I want to work on. Can we create an entity that protects children from abuse of any kind and return it to the bullies? Anyone willing to work with me on this project?
You mean like a servitor?
Yeah, you can create a servitor construct or a servitor thoughtform, albeit the former is more useful for this. You could look into people like damon brands magikal servitors, or you can make your own method.
Yep exactly. But it should be self dependent. I have a current formula but I don’t know much about feeding and giving it sentience.
As for self dependent , I don’t know… I don’t think servitors can act on their own, they work towards a specific goal that you set for them. So I don’t really know if they can “act on their own accord”, but of course I could as well be wrong about that…
I’d really like to hear @DarkestKnight 's opinion on that…
What I want is to create a god. This creature will answer to prayers and will gain power from prayers and energies.
That’s more of a thoughtform, over time it’ll become an egregore the more energy it’s fed, then it’ll become a godform, not the godform in terms of someone’s “inner god” idea but a godform is a form of thoughtform that doesn’t have to listen to it’s creator, it basically finds its own way to feed on energy to sustain its existence, in this case, given you’re trying to make it a godform, it’ll be sustained by prayer.
Yeah actually Rungr is right about that! Thanks pal
@MorpheusDarkson I think your idea is amazing, I forgot to say that…
I have the name and sigil. I believe with 50 people praying it should be stable. In order to bring it into existence I will attempt to create it from the abyss by giving it a form and then feed it energy from prayers? I am new to servitors. I have one but it was more accidental tbh.
Thanks. I think as magicians and as living gods we have duty to make this hellhole a bit better. As a victim of bullying I would have loved to have a spirit like this. I guess I wanted to help people.
I am in. I want to join the praying team Lets give life to our children protecting god!
I know what you mean… One of the many reasons I came to this path is because I feel I can help people better and make a better life for those who need it.
I think I will give birth to it on next newmoon which is a day associated with Kali. She would help me I believe with it. She is too maternal sometimes.
That’s good idea. You said one that would also avenge the kids right? How about we ask for the help of Asmodeus also?
Yes that’s also a great idea. Currently Beelzebub is jumping with excitement. We all want to help people. If you are good with Asmodeus then please do the work with him as I don’t have experience with him.
Well, I don’t either, but I’m willing to try for the cause (I wanted to work with him anyway so it’s a win-win really
How does the name Rozakiel sound to everyone?
It resonates with me, I like it! Does it stand for something? Derives from somewhere?
No it’s something Beelzebub and I came up with. It sounds like many other russian words and his idea is that mistaken pronouncing of those words can power the spirit up.
That’s really smart tho…
Do you have a sigil for them?