(Controversial) What Are Your Thoughts On God

I’m not sure about what I believe presently, but at least I used to think like that certain reasoning “God, being perfect, surely exists”. In fact God may be identified with perfection, since He+She suggests a notion of Supreme, and the perfection wouldn’t be such in case of non existence.
(Better: perfection possibly includes non-existence and existence, is beyond them. And referring to God, the same thing applies to perfection as well as to imperfection.)

I mean creation could be just a big game or a battery of energy :wink: the point of creation is that it doesn’t need a deep spiritual point or a point that makes sense lol as long as it happens. Lol high key I’d create just to watch how it turns out.

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i believe in the source (god) because i have experienced it. my first time was admiring a tree. while admiring the trees beauty , i then thought about how this wasnt only a tree, it was a complete ecosystem. i then thought about the awesome engineering mind it took to create this and all of nature, and felt a profound appreciation … i was then hit on the top of my head by a “love beam”. it was so intense i had to ask it to stop after a few seconds (and it did). i was crying tears of joy. it seems i had gotten used to pain and suffering, i had to somehow get used to this new experience.

before i continue … i have felt the presence of the desert demon … yahweh or whatever. it is vastly different. it fills the room and makes you feel like a roach. i was crying there too the 3 times i experienced it (in a messianic jewish synagogue), but there was no love, just power.

being a programmer / engineer, i had no choice but to investigate this experience further. my previous beliefs were that: in order to experience something like this (nirvana), i would have to move to tibet and stare at a stone wall for many many years, 18 hours a day, meditating and chanting and all that shit. how on earth could that just have happened? could i make it happen again?

the short answer is yes, very easily actually. i have found 4 or 5 methods and they all work for me, every fucking time. the common denominator is “the appreciation of beauty”. i am very into writing and hearing music so i will give you this one example. all i (or anyone) has to do is put on a beautiful song that touches you. then think “wow, whoever the fuck engineered us … that we can create shit like this … is fucking epic” … then BLAM … love beam to your head. im convinced that is the only valid form of prayer.

i have so much more to say about this shit, so many experiences, but i gotta stop somewhere


i somehow know that this was my life mission this time … to drill into my head what to do at my death, so i can finally escape … mission accomplished, waiting to head home

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!!! Lol

Not to derail the thread, but we are best friends now because we believe in the same god. Hail Mike Patton

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What we call God is Brahma and in turn I believe is the universe itself. However, I can’t forget Andy Weir’s short story The Egg which explains how an all mighty creator is just us but as a higher being


For a real response, I can’t recall a time where I was ever concerned with the existence or identity of a singular God, nor have I ever put much thought into it for fun. I’ve always had a “this is bullshit” and “this is not bullshit” approach to everything in life. I was never very introspective. All impulse and no thought. Now I think too much and do not act on as much impulse, but still find myself lacking the care to find out any truths of the universe. Right now I don’t see the truth to hold any relevance to my spiritual growth – maybe I’ve always known this. Why does it matter? I’m not there yet. Knowing who God is will not cause me to be a better person or a better magickian.

Is anything even real? When you look at a ceiling fan and you close your eyes, how do you know it is still moving, or it is still there? Are things around us only made real because we acknowledge it? This must be what the basis of existence is, that we all create our own realities, that we are all one, we are all separate, we are all real, and we also don’t exist. Everything and nothing. We are all God in this way, but that also means God doesn’t exist.


I can detail more about what my thoughts on god are in the morning-gotta sleep now

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nighty night sleep tight

I really liked that video :slight_smile:
I’ll post it if anyone is interested in watching it and it is on topic.




The unique energy known as “God” exists. I’ve felt its anger and hatred, but never its love.

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“GOD” is light, energy, EL-ectricity…

I Have

More on what my beliefs of God the creator is. God is both the universe and an egregore. We as humans create the idea and concept of God and thus, a creator deity we ultimately refer to as God is born. That’s why we have these stark differences when someone says “God said this, god said that” and “I can get away with this because I was given that task from God himself”

Secondly, God refers to the unknowable. If we find something we aren’t capable of comprehending, we say that it is God or God based. Theres a specific symbol for what we refer to as the omnipotence of God. It’s called Gye Nyame

Thirdly, people believe we exist as a part of God. In the Abrahamic faith we’re referred to as God’s children. While in Eastern philosophies and religions, they see us as being part of the universe-not separate and in many English translations of Eastern Scripts such as the Dao-de-jing, the universe is referred to as God.


You are asking who is God, the almighty, the creator? I sha’ll share my beliefs. Yes I do believe in God, simply put I am God. I pushed my will into existence, I created this reality, I chose my parents who we’re my gateway into this earth plane, I chose my lineage. I am responsible for my very existence, I am my own creator. When you put into consideration that there is a God such as Yahweh You give it life, when you don’t consider that there is a God it ceases to exist. Now if you consider yourself to be God, would it not be so?

Godlike power be yours,

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So if I don’t believe in you will you cease to exist too???

Additionally I believe that it’s best to say what is God than to say who is God.

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Yes but you must believe that fully.