Complete new avatar power rituals

Ok so I took a look at the Invocation for Money from NAP. The Magickal Cashbook basically uses a modified version of it in conjunction with the sigils for Nitika and the moon intelligence in a physical book that you empower and use daily until you get the results that you want.

So NAP has a short invocation calling on Nitika to deliver wealth. All verbal.

With the Magickal Cashbook you take a blank book and paint the front cover gray and the back cover orange. Then you draw the sigil for Nitika on the front and the sigil for the moon intelligence on the back. After that you go through a short empowerment ritual before using it. Then you can use it daily by using a modified version of the NAP Invocation For Money and write out the amount you want daily until it appears. So that’s a summary of it. It’s only $2.99 for the ebook and free for viewing under the Kindle Unlimited subscription.

I have read through the Magickal Seduction book as well but haven’t put it to use. It gives 3 different rituals that you can use for igniting passion, creating love, or generating an aura of attraction. The first two are targeted to a specific individual while the last one is for general attraction. I googled the names of the spirits called in the rituals and found that they have been used in other rituals in some older books but he has modified and added physical components to them instead of just chanting a verbal invocation. The second ritual actually has a component borrowed from NAP while I didn’t recognize the spirits in the other two but found references to them in google.

after reading an inbox, the idea crossed my mind that nap titanic rite can also be used to conjure the spirits of goetia and the qlippoth using the key scales in liber 777. i will say caveat emptor for obvious reasons but if you want to give darkside nap a try, there’s that.

i’m not sure about this nitika sigil.i opened it many times and i didn’t felt anything.usualy everytime i gaze on an entity’s sigil for the first time,i can feel his presence big time.also i found somewhere that nitika rules the 6th hour of the day…there are some software free programs for planetary hours.
i have this one.


also the titanic ritual worked well for me.i did that on the go while i was walking and i asked for cigaretes.i know this is stupid but i wanted to smoke and i was broke.after 1 hour i found in the street 1 pack of marlboros.LOL
silly result but silly desire also…


yeah. you can find nitika on page 391 of eliphas levi’s book transcendental magic. the rest of the spirits are there as well and that is part of a grimoire called the nuctameron of apollonius of tyana.

from what i see in levi’s book, you don’t call nitika by itself. nitika is one of the the spirits of the six hours of the day, and they all seem to work together for wealth creation by overseeing different parts of building a business corporation. it seems to me like you conjure tabris and susabo for freedom from local class structures and obligations to pursue business opportunities overseas, eirnilus or nitika to guide you in agriculture or mining (and maybe also for real estate/land and manufacturing), hatiphas for trade, and zaren to protect your business and keep you safe on your travels. i see a convocation rather than an evocation of only one spirit. business is not a one-shot deal with a killing, it’s a long-term commitment and it grows slowly and surely. it requires a lot of resources and teamwork to bring profit and much be honest, i see eirnilus as being even more important to growing a business than nitika. fertility is the cornerstone of wealth. it might be that geoff gray-cobb picked the wrong spirit for the book, but ymmv so yeah.

[quote=“dron, post:23, topic:3718”]also the titanic ritual worked well for me.i did that on the go while i was walking and i asked for cigaretes.i know this is stupid but i wanted to smoke and i was broke.after 1 hour i found in the street 1 pack of marlboros.LOL

silly result but silly desire also…[/quote]

good job! not silly to me. if it works use it.


i found a book called ‘’ Power Of The Ancient Deities’’ aka P.A.D
It’s almost the same with NAP with different style.The spirits are the same but the incantations are different.Interesting.

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pretty much all the finnbarr books are written in the same tone as the new avatar power and new ishtar power. ditto for parker publishing. they went for the hypey, back-of-the-comic-book-ad type copy which i guess was popular in the 70s with juvenile sorceror wannabes. the point to take away from these books is that once you get into an altered state of consciousness (deep or hyper trance), you can request whatever you want in any way you want and the kabbalist spirits generally begin to move on your behalf. the trick is to be in the right state. once you get the state part right the rest isn’t that hard.


well, after havign read this thread, i decided to get out of the procrasturbating habit and get on with the magick. so i bought damon brand’s magickal cashbook and joined his facebook page.

after having read through his book i saw quite plainly how he combined the grimoires and liber 777. in his frontpiece sigil i read the hebrew and saw plainly the name ‘el ab’ which is also written on the fifth seal of mercury in the greater key of solomon. i also noticed that he conjures both tiriel and nitika for his cashbook, which led me to search in liber 777.

sure enough, all of those correspondences come together in multiple linked keyscales.

key scale 0 (ain, ain soph, and ain soph aur) connect to key scale 1 (kether) which connects to key scale 31bis (shin/lower spirit).

then key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (betulah/virgo) and key scale 8 (sephira of hod/qelipah of samael) connects to key scale 12 (kokab/mercury)

finally, key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 32bis (aretz/earth element)

when you connect the keyscales together through the geocentric model (higher and lower spirits > prime mover > zodiac > sphere and planet > earth and element), you draw energy from the creative sphere of adam kadmon through the four worlds of abya (atziluth, beriah, yetzirah, and assiah), thereby manifesting ideas into reality. therefore to me it seems that the act of creation using this method is a multiple convocation act, meaning you do more than one evocation on different levels to draw the energies down.

keyscale 0 has no information in 777 but from deduction i have figured out that keyscale 0 may either be related to the first 7 enochian aethyrs (lil to deo), or the 31 planes of existence in buddhism; or it may also refer to the seven polestars: alpha lyrae, the first dark age when there is no pole star, alpha draconis, alpha ursae minoris, gamma cephei (alrai), alpha tauri, and the second dark age when there is no pole star. this higher portal links to keyscale 32bis (spirit). somehow i feel that this is the key to real power, which of course would be why the information is NOT given. we’re not supposed to want power, right? we’re not supposed to be able to handle it. but i digress.

when you draw information out of all of these keyscales and write them out, you collect a huge amount of symbolism to empower your goal. reorganize the symbols into clusters that form a bunch of connected memes or some sort of spiritual neural network. finally, when you go through and google these names to find out what they mean, you see that they begin to interconnect on deep symbolic levels with incredible amounts of detail even with general statements. all of this information works in the same direction. the new avatar power book is a lot deeper than it seems, and combining it with 777 gives many more levels of detail than you’d think.

this information can be used to retrofit your new avatar power conjurations and give you completely different spirit forces to work work with. it pays to do a little bit study instead of taking facts for granted at surface level.


That’s some FINE information - thank you!! I skim-read the book (MC) and haven’t had time to get into action on it yet, I want a notebook from a particular store that’s the right size to file with my others and will probably get that next week, so thank you very much for digging a little deeper there, that is truly valuable. :slight_smile:

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you find a lot of useful information in 777 to beef up what is already there. knowing that there is so much firepower waiting to be used as backup is a good feeling. and as the mages over at evocationmagick have proven, hotrodded rituals kick a lil harder than stock ones do, so why not?

i. there is no information for conjuring at the highest level - crowley never defined it properly. the little bit that i can figure out is that you conjure ain, ain soph, and ain soph aur energies through the sigil of shin, which stands for shaddai.

the strangest thing happened when i was typing out ain this morning. i mistyped aub instead. then i looked up the pole stars and saw thuban, the pole star in draco. aub is the serpent of dragon magick, and thuban was the pole star in the days of egypt/kemet and sumer/babylon. furthermore, one thing in ancient astronomy never changes, and that is the location of the north elliptic pole, which points to deep space where there are NO objects to be found beyond dark energy and dark matter. this i believe is the true location of ain. i am still trying to figure out what ain soph and ain soph aur are as far as physical objects.

ii. on the zodiac level you conjure laslara (in the day) or sasia (in the night) as the lord of the earth signs, then shelathiel by hahavi to channel the energy of the constellation into the work. the stars zavijava, zaniah, porrima, auva, vindemiatrix, and spica give important information for the wealth ritual. google these stars to find out their properties. you may want to conjure veyel to channel the celestial energies into your wealth rituals.

at this level you conjure ananaurah (angel of the first decan of virgo) to organize your wealth ritual. under ananaurah you conjure goetic demons zepar and alloces. get them to send familiars tabris, susabo, eirnilus, nitika, haatan, hatiphas, and zaren to transform you into a jetsetting entrepreneur/digeratus. so this is light and dark magick together.

iii. on the sphere/shell and planet level (hod/samael and mercury), you command hisniel (from the beni elohim) in the godname hayah. you invoke hvhi and iegalpazaq and command michael (from the beni elohim) in the godnames dina, yashua, and eheieh agla. | for infernal qelipah wealth magick you conjure adramelek (from the tzaphiriron) and amaimon.

iv. on the planetary level, you conjure tiriel (which is what damon does in the book), and/or ophiel. | for infernal planetary level wealth magick, you conjure ariel from the black raven or the spirit commando section of the 6th and 7th books of moses.

v. on the earth element level, you conjure uriel and phorlakh in the name of ihvh, and/or conjure emperor thahaaothahe, king ghob and queen gaia, and ruler kerub. | for infernal element work, you’d conjure the nephilim in order to make you a person of reknown in the world, with superior knowledge and ability. the book of enoch has more information about the nephilim but admittedly beyond that book there’s not much.

so as you see, you can go at this issue from multiple levels, and do convocations of multiple spirits to work together as teams to get the job done.

all of this can be done with the titanic rite above. and you’ll notice i included both goetic and qlipotic spirits into the new avatar power, so they DO work as part of the system and you CAN conjure ars goetia with nap if you want to.


fool…you have become my “go-to” magickal resource/compendium…gracias

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I think my brain exploded right there. Thanks for the ooodles of fun new research directions.

side note: damon has recently finished writing his newest book wealth magick and it will be out shortly. i’m interested in seeing what he has in there as well

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btw, if you want to know what all of the connections for all of the zodiac signs, planets, and elements are in 777, they are below.

i did things the hard way. i went through 777 and pulled down the names of the spirits from the charts. it’s a fucking headache to do so. the links on thelemapedia make finding the spirit names a LOT easier so i hyperlinked to that site for easier correspondence collection.

each of these connected keys can make a different spirit convocation for different purposes under the astrological signs. this is more astrological magick than planetary, but it works with planetary and elemental magick as well, all of that is aligned from top down.

the 13 categories and the interconnected keys for them all:

key scale 0 (ain, ain soph, and ain soph aur) and key scale 1 (kether) which connects to key scale 31bis (shin/lower spirit) are your two different highest energies. key scale 0 is the pure zero point energy, or the vast face. key scale 1 and key scale 31bis are the energies of the divine masculine god and the divine feminine shekinah; these two are the small face. working towards the vast face is merging directly with the god with no name, while working towards the small face is to devote to a conception of the created beings in masculine and feminine polarities. the vast face is the pure essence of god beyond creation; the small face is a mirror or mask of the elohim as created beings.

in the sefer yetzirah and 6th and 7th books of moses, the connection of key scale 1 to your perfected self (key scale 10) is the invocation of what is known as tali (teleh, the dragon power, which is represented by the constellation draco). connecting key scale 31bis to oneself may or may not be similar to the baptism of the holy spirit in pentecostalism. in wicca these invocations may or may not be similar to drawing down the sun and drawing down the moon, i don’t know, i’d have to do more studying to find out one way or the other.

continuing on, key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to your zodiac sign, which interconnects to its relevant connections to form a universe of associations along similar energies. i have interconnected each of the zodiac keyscales for you to see how they work together. doing so makes tables of liber 777 a lot less random and more meaningful - 777 really is a powerful book when you understand its meanings.

finally, key scale 32bis (aretz/earth) combines (air, earth, fire, and water) and connects them all to key scale 10 (malkuth/the elements). in the 6th and 7th books of moses, the combination of connecting spirit, your signs, and earth elements is known as ‘man’ and is one of the three elements of kabbalist magick: man, timing the solar and lunar cycles (which i will explain later), and earth (which is ritual magick through the zodiac, planets and spheres/shells, and elements).

the other 12 categories are for manifestation, which is more of a middle path than the rhp of ascension. i don’t get the feeling these are the types of rites you do on a saturday afternoon when you’re bored. they feel like the type of things you do to set the direction for long periods of time, if not for life:

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to key scale 15 (teleh/aries)
key scale 5 (sephira of geburah/qelipah of golachab) connects to key scale 27 (madim/mars)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 31 (shin/ash, or fire element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to key scale 16 (shar/taurus)
key scale 7 (sephira of netzach/qelipah of a’arab zaraq) connects to key scale 14 (nogah/venus)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 32bis (aretz/earth element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to key scale 17 (teonim/gemini)
key scale 8 (sephira of hod/qelipah of samael) connects to key scale 12 (kokab/mercury)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 11 (ruach/air element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (sarton/cancer)
key scale 9 (sephira of yesod/qelipah of gamaliel) connects to key scale 13 (levanah/luna)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 23 (mem/water element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (ari/leo)
key scale 6 (sephira of tiphareth/qelipah of thagiriron) connects to key scale 30 (shemesh/sol)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 31 (shin/ash, or fire element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (betulah/virgo)
key scale 8 (sephira of hod/qelipah of samael) connects to key scale 12 (kokab/mercury)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 32bis (aretz/earth element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (moznaim/libra)
key scale 7 (sephira of netzach/qelipah of a’arab zaraq) connects to key scale 14 (nogah/venus)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 11 (ruach/air element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (akrab/scorpio)
key scale 5 (sephira of geburah/qelipah of golachab) connects to key scale 27 (madim/mars)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 23 (mem/water element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (qesheth/sagittarius)
key scale 4 (sephira of chesed/qelipah of gha’agsheklah) connects to key scale 21 (tzedeq/jupiter)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 31 (shin/ash, or fire element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (gedi/capricorn)
key scale 3 (sephira of binah/qelipah of satariel) connects to key scale 32 (shabbathai/saturn)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 32bis (aretz/earth element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (deli/aquarius)
key scale 3 (sephira of binah/qelipah of satariel) connects to key scale 32 (shabbathai/saturn)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 11 (ruach/air element)

key scale 2 (chokmah/sphere of the zodiac) connects to (dagim/pisces)
key scale 4 (sephira of chesed/qelipah of gha’agsheklah) connects to key scale 21 (tzedeq/jupiter)
key scale 10 (cholem yesodoth/kingdom of the elements) connects to key scale 23 (mem/water element)

i have the idea that you can conjure the spirits either one after the other, or all together in order to accomplish your goals. mastering evocation section 12 has advice on evoking spirits consecutively, or simultaneously. i have a feeling that you can do either one with all of the above information for some blockbuster results but until i try it myself i can’t say for sure. however, if you are interested, gather the info from the above links and give it a shot.

if this type of spirit convocation works out for you or you gain any insight doing this level of work, post up and let everyone know how it worked for you and what happened.

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‘‘The Fool is cool’’

i read at evocation magic that having the paper copy of the book will produce much better results than the digital one.What do you think of that?I’m asking because i’m sure many of us are using the pdf version and after i saw Lady eva’s post about evoking the spirit of the book,it made me think about books vs pdf…

pdf’s work fine but print is better, even if all you do is print the pdf out at a print shop for a hard copy, which is what i have done in the past

there is something about writing that is more active than typing, and there is something about holding a book in your hands that is better than reading off of a plastic screen. it feels more real. and of course, geoff gray-cobb consecrated his books, but then again if you are a magician you can probably print off and then consecrate a book yourself.

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this weekend i found a small and unexplained but important bit of information in jerry peterson’s online edition of the sixth and seventh books of moses. upon carefully examining it in light of what has been written on these pages, that information explains the 3rd element of foundational mosaic magick, the element known as timing.

according to the appendix i found in the peterson online edition of the books of moses, the rituals of
: ‘man,’ or drawing the energies of draco, the serpent of the garden of eden (and especially eltanin, the head of the serpent, and rastaban, the bright eye of the serpent) down through the elemental body
: time (timing the sun and moon to gain a feel for their energies), and
: earth (ritual magick)
are the three keys to doing the grimoire’s work.

in the beginning of the greater key of solomon book i ch.i and ii as well as the sacred magick of abramelin the mage book ii - x, you find that western magick is done according to natural cycles of the sun and moon. however, in the grimoires, these cycles are combined and not explained to the non-astronomer. i believe the solar and lunar cycles need to be separated and observed separately in order to be understood, and i also believe that observing these separate cycles over the course of one full year is an important part of the abramelin operation of attaining knowledge and conversation of the holy guardian angel.

the separation of solar and lunar cycles is done to make it easier to solar phases of the day, sun against the ecliptic zodiac constellations, and sun as it waxes and wanes through the solstices and equinoxes, forming a solar year. it also allows the observation of the lunar phases of the month culminating in the full moon sabbats, moon against the ecliptic lunar mansions, and the full moons of the esbats on the wheel of the year.

the moon waxes and wanes over the course of a month whereas the sun waxes and wanes over the course of a year, and the moon moves through a mansion at the rate of one a night whereas the sun moves through its constellations roughly one a month. separating these two and observing them individually makes it easier to observe their separate effects. they will also combine at different times, namely during the sabbats and also in eclipses.

the sun’s times are
i. time of the day (leading to the midnight witching hour)
ii. the movement of the black sun against the zodiac, and
iii. the lunisolar wheel (through quarters/equinoxes and solstices).

i. because the sun blocks out the other stars, you use the black sun to observe the occult properties of the nighttime sky rather than the actual sun itself. this in itself is a very powerful occult act that erik has mentioned as an exercise in mastering evocation. the phases of the black sun are noon (the black sun’s midnight), sunset (the black sunrise), midnight (the midnight witching hour or the black sun’s noon), sunrise (the black sunset).
ii. you watch the black sun move through the night sky against the backdrop of the twelve signs of the zodiac, reading the information on the sun as it moves through the signs to understand. you may also do solar rituals such as aleister crowley’s liber resh vel helios during this time.
iii. you observe the yearly change of seasons using the eightfold wheel of the year. the sun waxes as it moves from thew inter solstice to summer, and wanes as it moves from summer solstice to winter. the vernal and autumnal equinoxes are times of great power in waxing and waning solar magick. all four periods align with a full moon giving these times extra magickal power.

the moon’s times are
i. the lunar phases (leading to the five esbats)
ii. the moon in the lunar mansions, and
iii. the lunisolar year (through cross-quarter sabbats).

i. the moon has eight phases which can be observed in real time using a lunar phase calculator. full moons and new moons are the times of power, and these have variations:
: a dark moon is a new moon where the moon seemingly disappears for 3.5 days;
: a black moon is the second of two new moons in a one-month period, or the absence of either a full or new moon in any month;
: a blue moon is the second of two full moons in a one-month period.
ii. in the occult when you follow the movement of the moon in the sky you use the lunar mansions. you then find the meanings of the energies the moon will draw or repel at those times.
iii. you observe the change of seasons over the course of a lunar year using the sabbats from the eightfold wheel of the year, especially the crossquarter sabbats.

in the books of moses, the different rites to be done on eclipses are shown but not explained. eclipses are times of great magickal power. there are two types of eclipse, the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse, and they both have different energies and uses.
i. solar eclipses occur when the moon moves between the sun and earth. they can only happen on the day of a new moon. these eclipses add power to new moon type rituals. to do rituals in a solar eclipse, you find the waxing/waning phase of the sun. the moon will be new. that will give you a certain type of energy to work with. from there you write your ritual.
ii. lunar eclipses occur when the earth is between the sun and moon, making it disappear in our shadow. they can only happen on the night of a full moon. lunar eclipses add power to full moon type rituals. to do rituals during a lunar eclipse, you find the waxing/waning phase of the sun. the moon will be full. that will give you a certain type of energy to work with. from there you write your ritual.
a list of upcoming solar and lunar eclipses, as well as their geographical areas and how they will look from earth, can be found here.

this is important information to know in order to make sense out of the complication of the grimoire, but it takes time to observe and learn these things and we are all impatient, so we skip the main parts of the work to do the fancy shit that impresses us, thereby missing the whole point of it all.


The fool is digging deeper and deeper.I noticed greater results with NAP when the moon is waxing and also that it’s better to do the chants in a clear and concecrated space.I prefer LBRP for this,and i think it’s compatible with NAP.Also for the Nitika chant,you command him with the names of the MIddle Pillar,so doing the middle pillar before the invocation, it woulld be a nice boost.

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I wasn’t sure abouth the Dee Hay Tooth gesture,so i took a quick look around the net to find something.This is the right way to do this air tracing sigil gesture.
[url=]DEE HAY TOOTH gesture... - Studio Arcanis

I’m not fan of '‘repeat the same ritual several times untli you get the result’'but this time i did it and it worked.I asked from nitika a specific sum and i was repeating the chant everyday for almost 6-7 days.Then i had exactly what i asked for.I found the sum in the ground.

Maybe it’s boring to do the same thing everyday but it gave my MP a nice boost and i can hypnotize my self more easily and deeper.It wasn’t a waste of time.Not at all.

i had results from one shot invocations but they weren’t exactly what i was asking for.I’m not sure what happened this time but it definitely has something to do with the bornless invocation and the repetitive thought of the same goal for one week (the sum of money).

Are you free to share your experiences with me?