Here are some examples of how to use the Miracle of New Avatar Power with Liber 777:
In chapter 2, Geoff gave an Incantation for Winning Contests on page 50 in the old book. He set this incantation to call the genius Labezerin, from the Nuctameron, by Apollonius of Tyana, which is reprinted in an appendix in Eliphas Levi’s book Transcendental Magick.
The conjuration Geoff gave is as follows: ‘I call thee, powerful Labezerin who has the power to bring good fortune to those who demand. I require thee to be my mentor and to be by my side and guide me to success as i select the chances in the contest i shall enter. Know thou genius that this is my stated desire. I command thee to fulfill my will and i seal this command by saying SCHEMA AMATHIA, which Joshua called and the sun stayed its course. So mote it be.’
When working through Liber 777, i keymapped Labezerin as key scale 16 in column CLXXIII, which is in Table V. Key scale 16 is the constellation Taurus. As i wrote in my old NAP thread,
- key scale 2 connects to key scale 16 (for astrological magick),
- key scale 7 connects to key scale 14 (for planetary magick), and
- key scale 10 connects to key scale 32bis (for elemental magick).
That sounds like gibberish, but it gives me 3 ways to rock the NAP ritual, using different spirits than Geoff used. When i explain below, you’ll understand better what i meant all those years ago.
To do astrological magick, i’d go about doing this:
Ideally, i’d want to use Musk incense to fumigate my magick chamber.
My magickal weapon for this would be my penis. I’d want to put my hand on my penis and vibrate the magickal formula VIAOV (column XLI and CLXXXVII in Table I).
That sets up the chamber, but isn’t necessary.
Anyway, after doing the NAP induction and other preparations, any of the following conjurations would fit into the system. They’re all alternates to the NAP conjurations already in the book, and i took them all straight out of Liber 777.
Astrological magick: I wrote this conjuration, based on the angels in columns CXLII and CXLIII in Table V, and columns VI and VII in Table I:
'Angel Toel in Shar, hear and obey my command. Angel Araziel in Taurus, hear and obey my command
I command you Toel and Araziel to organize the seven genii Sisera, Torvatus, Nitibus, Hizarbin, Sachluph, Baglis, and Laberzerin. Sisera, Torvatus, Nitibus, Hizarbin, Sachluph, Baglis, and Laberzerin, you seven genii will (command). Do this by the power of IHHV, that revolution of the Divine Name IHVH. I command you to manifest my desires through the Triumph of deep Indigo. Let it be, now and forevermore.’
Astrological magick with Geomancy: i wrote this using column XLIX in Table I, and column CLXXVII in Table VI:
Draw the geomantic sigil for Amissio (Loss) on a piece of paper. Skry the geomantic sigil until you get the Theta-Gamma sync.
Then say: ‘I call you spirits Asmodel and Anael in Taurus and Venus. Hear me and obey my command. I want (want). In the power of IHVH TZEBAOTH AHA Daleth, I command you to open thou the Door to Victory* and make my wish come true.’
Now, flip Amissio upside-down. It is now the geomancy figure Acquisitio (Gain). Skry the geomantic sigil until you get the Theta-Gamma sync.
Then say, ‘I call you spirits Advachiel and Sachiel in Sagittarius and Jupiter. Hear me and obey my command. I want (want). In the power of EL ABA EL AB Samekh, I command you to prop up the palm of Mercy* to me and make my wish come true.’
(In both cases, i got these words from column III in Table I).
Greek god conjuration: using column XXXIV, LIII, and CLXXXV from Table I, i get the following: ‘I call you Athena and Uranus, by the letter Sigma and the number 200. Athena and Uranus, guide my commands and make my wish come true. I call you Aphrodite, by the letter Digramma and the number 6. Again i call you Aphrodite, by the letter Epsilon and the number 5. A third time i call you Aphrodite, by the letter Delta and the number 4. Aphrodite, i want (want) . Make my wish come true. I call you Ceres, by the letter Sampi and the number 900. Again i call you Ceres, by the letter Upsilon and the number 400. Ceres, i want (want). Make my wish come true.’