~CLOSED~ Breaking In My New Vice Versa Tarot Deck (1 card pulls)


Of course it is allowed, I never said you can’t ask more than once :smiley:

A jumper.

8 of Pentacles
That Side

The man is seated in front of an open doorway, symbolizing his connection to the countryside that surrounds him. He’s not hidden away in a solitary studio, his personal life is integrated with his work. The only tangible pentacle in the room is the one the man is creating in this moment.
The father and son are part of a continuum of craftsmen, the boy being the most recent addition to the family tree of excellence. Consider your own heritage and your own legacy. What gifts have you inherited from your ancestors? What can you teach the next generations? What skills do you posses that should be preserved for the future?

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if youre still doing this Id like another

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Sure thing. Same question or different one?

I dont remember my original question so ill ask another question:

Is Lucifer watching over me?

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The Empress
This Side

The Empress appear young but she is older than Earth itself. She wears the copper symbol of Venus between her breasts, she’s crowned with a delicate wreath of myrtle leave and further crowned by twelve dancing stars and the planet Venus, which is the morning star and the evening star.
The Empress brings abundance in every aspect of life, so her coming is a sign of good fortune. The context depends on you, for she is generous and desires only to give you what you truly desire and need. If it’s money, your wealth will increase. If it is healing, you can expect improvement and increased well-being. And if its love you desire, the Empress brings that in abundance too. She is particularly associated with marriage and with children, but all fertility springs from her, in every realm.

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thats interesting! so the empress could be Lucifer!

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Great reading and the questions into the point! This would mean that my gifts-skills that were given to me could be improved with spiritual help? And afterwards i would share them and benefit the people with them…
sounds like a description of my life potential :blush:

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Whats your potential may I ask? What the cards are saying for you Anassa?

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About my spiritual path? It’s funny you ask, because last night I was prompted to pull a card about myself and spirituality. :grin:

My card was:

Wheel of Fortune
That Side

The Magician (Major Arcana 1) stands with the Wheel. In his right hand, where in his own card he holds a candle, he now holds the ankh, symbol of life. His left hand points to the earth as before. With this gesture, he calls upon the life force to manifest on earth, and so it has: greenery springs up from the barren desert floor.
The Wheel is the same, with its symbols of esoteric wisdom and secrets. The Magician is a master of these Mysteries, but he does not master the Wheel itself. Destiny is destiny. His message here is to remember that you are a soul on an earthly journey. You have chosen to ride the Wheel. Use your will in a positive way to influence events and circumstances to make the most of that ride. Study the Mysteries, which sparkle as points of light in the dark of night.


Hi! Can I have a general reading please^^

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4 of Pentacles
This Side

The moon and stars on the man’s cloak proclaim him as a wizard, the green and gold motifs speak of earth-based skills. It seems that his power to manifest riches may have gone to his head - literally - for he wears a king’s crown rather than a wizard’s hat.
Money is important, to be sure, but it doesn’t make the world go around. There is a hollowness that results from a fixation on material goods, a hunger that will never be satiated. This wizard knew that once. He knew that the journey is more important than the destination, and that knowledge is its own reward. If you have dropped the torch of inner guidance somewhere along the way, go back and pick it up.

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Hi, can I please have one general reading?

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So wise words :pray::star2::dizzy:

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Sure thing, but it will have to wait as I’m at work atm

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Whenever you have time. Thank you.

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May I have another reading please and thank you?
What does my soulmate see me as?

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Can I ask what you interpret this as?

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If you’re still doing them, I would like a reading.

Question: will I be approved for a home loan and get my house with no issues?



This Side

This card is fearsome sight indeed, but do not fear, for it rarely signifies an impending death. It is a reminder - a memento mori - that Death comes to everyone and everything. In fables, those who try to evade Death always fail. Something has ended or is about to end, and there is no escaping that. Release what no longer serves you and make way for the new.

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Queen of Wands
Inner Self

The back of the throne emphasizes its organic quality - it was not built, it grew. Looking outward with the Queen, we see that while the forest is at her back, the vista before her is open. A magnificent sphinx dominates the scene. The throne seems to have been placed to overlook this statue. The Queen is pulled towards the unknown and (perhaps) unknowable. Her outer life casts out energetic strands that connect her to many people and things, but at her core she needs silence. Her inner life is as twining and complex as the vines on her throne, and she requires deepening time to think it all through.

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