~CLOSED~ Breaking In My New Vice Versa Tarot Deck (1 card pulls)


Ace of Pentacles
This Side

The Ace of Pentacles represents the gift of good fortune. It is a cosmic “Yes!” in answer to any question, especially about money, career, material possessions, and other earthly concerns. Whatever you start now will grow rapidly and may prosper beyond your wildest hopes.

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:heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat: thank you. This I clearly understood. :joy:.

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Hi there! A reading about my recent spiritual changes would be so SO appreciated because Right now is a rather pivotal moment in my spiritual journey. Thank you.

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1st Question:

This Side

You may have holding yourself back or subduing your ambition for fear of overstepping or being “too much”. The loving strength of the Empress is a balance to any leonine excess of ego. Don’t be afraid to access your strengths and put them to good use. Lighten up a bit, don’t take yourself quite so seriously. You can be powerful without being overpowering.

2nd Question:

10 of Wands
This Side

This card is a sure sign that you have taken on too much and that it is wearing you down. Like the laborer, you may feel you have no choice in the matter, that you are indispensable and must persevere no matter the personal cost. Serious burnout will take much longer to recover from than just taking a break. Delegate some of your tasks and entrust some of your burden to others, or risk losing it all.

3rd Question:

Knave of Chalices
Outer Self

A young man clad in the court garb of a page stands at the edge of a quiet sea. His tunic bears a pattern of lotuses (enlightenment, beauty, rebirth). Small wavering splash softly against his long cloak, which is the colour of the calm ocean behind him. He holds a silver chalice from which a fish is leaping. His attitude is gentle, passive, perhaps subservient. This is a kind person. His heart is innocent and his intentions are pure. He holds the cup of love, but the fish symbolizes that this is spiritual love, not carnal - at least not yet. This person prefers peace to passion for the time being. He is content to stay in the shallow waters of emotion for now.

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I guess this is a good sign! :sweat_smile:
Thank u!

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A jumper.

Ace of Wands
That Side

Your initial impulses are good, but your run the risk of losing sight of the big picture. Get some distance from your endeavour if you feel confused about or unclear of your purpose. There is no rush, and you won’t lose momentum by stepping back for a brief time to get some needed perspective.

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Would you draw another for me?

A general on my spiritual path would be great, if you are willing.

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Hi, can I have a general reading on my spiritual paths as well? thanks

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Could I get one on my spiritual path too?

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Of course :slight_smile:

2 of Swords
That Side

Tune out damaging distractions, including those you bring upon yourself. The red sword symbolizes self-defence on the material plane, while he blue sword stands for self defence on the mental plane and psychic plane. Both are necessary at this time. This is a good time to enhance your peace of mind through meditation and other contemplative practices. Having such skills will enable you to ride out the storms with serenity until calmer conditions prevail.

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Much appreciated! Thanks!

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6 of Pentacles
That Side

Your higher self is tapped into noble intentions now, and all should flow smoothly. Work with experts or a team to find the best way to use your resources for the greatest good. If you are the one in need of assistance, there are people in power who are ready to pitch in and support your endeavor. All the elements are coming together in their proper order.

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The Emperor
This Side

The Emperor differs from his Empress in the dominion of their realms. She is the nurturer of life ever-renewing in an endless cycle, and thus, for her, the present moment is key. He looks toward the future, both immediate and long term. The Emperor builds things to last beyond his lifetime. When this card comes up, consider your legacy. How would you like to expand your influence? What do you want to leave behind?

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Right on point. Thanks!

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hi,Thanks for that! they’re on point!

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Can I have one please about my marriage reading it will b love or arrange
And 2 question is for my general reading

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If you’re still doing this I’d like one o.o

What do I currently need to achieve in my spiritual path to progress?

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That Side

Face your shadow self, your ideas about power and your reluctance to claim it. Release old chains of bondage to anyone who had power over you in the past. You don’t have to repeat that pattern. Abuse doesn’t always foster more abuse. Confront your demons.

That side

Do not ever think that you can sneak around Justice. You may get away with it for a time, but inevitably the truth will out. It is far better to face it of your own free will than to wait and let Justice choose her time to cast the verdict. The situation is fragile and fraught with danger.


This card seriously wanted to come up. It jumped out the first time but I didn’t took it. It came again after cutting. So here it is, both sides as it wish.

Queen of Swords
Outer Self

Arrayed in silver armor, a queen sits upon a roughly carved granite throne. Its massiveness contradicts the airy surroundings - the power of her intellect can defeat any obstacle, even the laws of gravity. The eagle wings on her breastplate and the pale blue of her mantle proclaim her the mistress of the skies. This is not a woman who suffers fools lightly, and her patience can wear thin quite quickly. But this doesn’t mean she has no heart. She is loyal unto death to those she loves, and once you are admitted to her inner circle, she is a true friend and ally. Unlike the Knight of Swords who hides his emotions under a closed helm, the Queen takes on the world face to face.

Queen of Swords
Inner Self

Behind the throne we see the essence of the Queen’s inner strength. The great crystals clarify, illuminate, and affirm her spiritual connection as well as her intelligence and will. It is not enough for her to conquer - she also wants to understand. The crystals are the symbol of her ethical center. They are also the keepers of her memories. She will hold a grudge until amends are made, but she will remember a favour forever and pay that debt if the time comes.

Looking at the other comments I feel “jealous” :joy: and would like to know your cards opinion about my spiritual path too. You have already done a reading for me if you remember some days ago so I don’t know if this is allowed now.
In any case thank you for what you are doing for us!

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