Christianity and life after death

It’s low key sad I want to see all the people I made friendships with on this realm in th astral but I feel like they’re incarnations and where they end up are gonna be so scattered

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Most likely will, most the people I’ve met I’ve had past life/prior to reincarnation passings with and we all share similar beliefs with some differences, so I am sure I’ll meet some of them again, and my bf is from the same origins as I am so we’ll meet again etherically.


Awesome , I mean that’s relieving , what’s the point of putting so much time into a relationship just to have it only be a part of our short time on earth


To learn something from them while you have the time and experiences lol, but I mean I wouldnt call time on earth short cause oof shit feel slow as heck most the time lol.


Lol yeah but before you know it you’re 80 and saying life is fast and short.


Lol I won’t live that long I’m pretty sure thankfully lmao


70 is enough for me , Wht am I gonna do at 80, watch my grandkids swipe on tinder and on tiktok


We don’t always necessarily reincarnate as humans every time. Some spirits might reincarnate as humans and vice versa.


Yeah. There are aliens,plants, and even objects. I have heard of souls incarnating as etheric fields of objects. You could also incarnate in the spirit world.

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Souls don’t reincarnate into objects, they’re usually forced and bound into them. What you heard was most likely a misunderstanding on their part or your own and shouldn’t be deemed as reincarnation. Since being in an object is akin to being imprisoned, many cases like this have happened looking at why Djinn dislike some humans, why some demons don’t like circles, and so forth because they were forced and bound into objects for certain amount of time.


I know an OBEr who said his friend was once incarnated as a mousetrap. In the etheric field and aura

That is highly improbable, a soul being compatible to a mouse trap sounds like he was off his rocker or just a bad scanner. Energy can attach to things and be bound to things but that’s not reincarnation. That’s literally meaning a new life. Not sitting in someone’s basement waiting to catch a rat.


Okay, that really looks like hell. Even a carnivore plant. At least you have a short life, so your chances of moving to something cooler are better.


If you lived a full life with no regrets who cares when you die :slight_smile:

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If second death is real then people should care

I think you have to believe in death to be scared of it.


But if you go through the second death, your ego and self will be gone forever

There is a passage in genesis 3:23. God admits that, after consuming the apples from the tree of knowledge, that man has become like “Us”. And then demands that man must not eat from the tree of life. Essentially, the serpent, the supposed devil, said that man will be as god if he consumes the forbidden fruit. And this, god has confirmed it. Knowledge makes man god like. However he then banished Adam and Eve from Eden as to prevent them from consuming the apples from the tree of life, and forcing them to toil in the earth forever. What this means is that while man has become smart enough to become like God, God has decided to keep man distracted with hardship as to prevent them from applying that intelligence.

However, he also used the word us. If he is truly highest, that means he would use the word, me. But he said us which states there are other gods.

So no. The devil never lied. God has confirmed it. And he has taken steps to manipulate, guilt trip, and intimidate man back into a servile state.


Could he have meant he and his angels ?