Christianity and life after death

Besides, you also have to consider gods behavior. Do you remember the story of Isaac, when god told him to sacrifice his son, just to see if he’d do it? Imagine that happening to you. Imagine god telling your father to sacrifice you to him. God then provided a lamb instead to be sacrificed, but still. How fucked up is that?

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Nope. The angels are below him.

You do realize that this is an occult forum, right? You’re essentially trolling. At least that’s my opinion.



I might ask stupid questions and stuff but my intentions are never to troll. Just pure curiosity.


Then all I can say is forget about what god says and focus on what he does. It’s only natural we judge a person by their actions.

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“Second death” is more of a if you believe in it you’re at risk of experiencing it. Just like any other aspect of death if you follow a pantheon they are open to judging your place in the afterlife, if you believe in karma you’re subject to it affecting your next life, etc.


From my understanding, that’s not quite how it goes in the bible. El warns Adam that he will surely die if he eats from the tree.
“You will become like us” if I remember correctly the hebrew uses the word Elohim (plural), meaning Gods, instead of “us”. This story goes back to the Canaanite days before they reformed the religion to monotheism.
And the tree does not simply give knowledge, it gives knowledge of good and bad, knowledge of how to sin and weaken the spirit El breathed into them essentially. So the serpent told one truth and a lie, he said they would become like Elohim by gaining that knowledge, but then he said they will surely not die because of it. But then once they ate and learnt how to sin, the spirit in them degenerated as they began to sin and they became prone to aging.


I tend to see good and evil through more of a social contract lens. As in divinity is left out of it. If you look at how the natural world is designed, you couldn’t even think a monotheistic, all powerful, all knowing, all loving god could’ve created it this way.

Frankly, I prefer to think the known universe just popped out of an immense mass of chaos, and was shaped by evolution. Maybe some divine beings helped, but they too are products of evolution.


Seeing as evil doesn’t really exist objectively lol theoretically God would probably just not waste his power on that.


Yes im working on this. My first post on this caught some heavy criticism but the techniques im learning are legit and how I’ve learned essentially everything I know about magick.

In short it teaches you to attain your “death body”, grow it, and cast your consciousness into it. Its very much a work in progress but it shoukd give you what you need. I intend to write a book on the subject.

What is key is to ensure the surival of the human mind and not just survival of the soul which is usually a given. Otherwise while you will continue there will be an abrupt break in consciousness.

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Physical death is not as bad as one might believe. It is the opposite of birth. Birth is traumatic for both baby and mother, and death, depending on circumstances, is a release from the cage of our human body with all its restrictions illnesses and discomforts. It takes approximately 3 days for a person to die completely, while this process is happening the brain and nervous system is still alive, and thoughts and such are taking place in that person’s mind. When there is total brain and nervous system death, what is known as the soul then leaves the body and is free. It returns to the universe where depending on factors such as beliefs and karma, it is prepared for its next reincarnation. What we do not learn in this life, we are bound to be given the same lessons in the next.


That’s if you choose to reincarnate to have a next life

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Yes. Very much so.

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I believe our higher being can have several incarnations at once. We are gods and they are omnipresent right? Sorry if I spelled that wrong.

Gods aren’t omnipresent and we aren’t Gods,(I dont like using we but eh) we are what our own souls are and some people’s souls started out as demons, angels, fae, yokai, human, etc, and many believe people who share a higher self are but small fragments of that being, in which case many of those fragments become their own being severing the connection that being who prior to such is their “source” and become their own individual soul and those who still have such a connection return to the bulk to cease to exist as themselves but as part of the whole of that higher self.

To be in multiple places is a means of fragmenting the soul and in a lot of cases the connection to each other is severed so it ceases to have any form of omnipresence because those connections are gone and they are their own person(s). Of course many beings that are disincarnated can learn to bi-locate just as we can and be in multiple places at once in projection.

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I asked the same question to myself regarding the growing population of humans awhile back. I may be wrong so somebody correct me as this came from my own thoughts.

Perhaps we weren’t always human in each life we lived. I could have been a dolphin, and you a bird. After reincarnating so many times you reach human status. There is a lot of deforestation going on, many animals going extinct, millions upon billions of different creatures exist apart from humans. I think there are thousands of ants per human on earth. As more and more animals die prematurely due to us taking over the planet, those animals are reincarnated into humans… maybe even at an earlier time than they should have. This could be why some people are so primitive and only care for themselves, they are a fresh soul, formerly animal, into their first real human body (or maybe it’s their second or third rodeo) This could also be why the newer generations are so focused on themselves and disrespectful towards elders lol. I hope this makes sense and gives some room for thought.

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This is an interesting topic, and I do agree that there are major problem with religions fighting, and the problem of who is right. I have seen Jesus in June 1985, while in USAF bootcamp. He pulled me out of body for ten seconds, with both of us talking. I blurted out something, then He scolded me, then I said back to Him the right words then I was back in my body in a flash. Jesus so far is the only being beyond the Veil that has contacted me to this date, but I have had many answers to prayer lately. Also I have found a difference between TEMPTATIONS and PROMPTINGS and which ones I pay attention to. I will say that the temptations were the ones that have wrecked me so many times. It is possible to set aside the belief systems, but still talk to God and maybe He will answer you.


I’m a Christian who just followed her natural love of the occult and found herself practicing magick, so I’d like to tackle this discussion and give my thoughts. I grew up in a fundamentalist household and I always found myself wondering if we should be so mad at lucifer/Satan. I always felt like his character was one that needed more understanding. So when I got older and actually began to do some light studying of the roots of Christianity which is Judaism, I found that Lucifer didn’t really exist and that Satan just meant adversary or accuser. And there are more than one. The job of Satan is like that of a prosecutor in court. He’s just doing his job. So I began to do more research on what exactly the Christian God is. And when I looked up more info I found that the God we think of is more or less just an aspect of a singularity in the deeper lessons of Judaism. I also always believed that we were just pieces of this singularity or God. God learns things about the world through us and we gain new knowledge each time we live and die. Why? I don’t know. The father of lies spoken of in the bible is not actually Satan or Lucifer but the spiritual leaders of his day who were twisting the Torah for their own gain.


And when I say Lucifer doesn’t exist, I don’t mean the entity itself, but the name and attributes given to it in Christianity were derived from one passage in the bible where the king of Babylon is described as the morning star, or star of the morning. It’s often taken as a depiction of Satan’s rebellion in heaven and being cast out. But it’s really more about the king.