Christianity and life after death

I mean, I believe the spiritual plane is the etheric so taking in that idea, you’d pretty much learn how to manipulate energy among other things that included which many tend to learn along the way in their practices if it’s to reach that place.

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Even simpler than I thought. I’m sure there may be some other tricks to pick along the way.

Thanks anyway. You know I do not adhere to the theistic vision of the universe, but still, it is good to know in case I’m wrong (and every day it looks a little more like if I am wrong).

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That’s really possible ? Like a spiritual wakanda or something ?

A pocket realm is a small space in the folds of reality, yes it’s possible, many kitsune yokai practice this, along with some Gods, using it to create their own personal smaller realms however it doesn’t seem small to the inhabitants but not endless either. I’ve created a few along with many others in the energy work community who went down said route of practice.

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So. Whoever creates it, rules it ? And it could look however you want it too ? And you could create beings inside of it ?

Yes, you rule it and can make it look however you like, but no if you don’t have the ability to create beings, a pocket realm won’t change that. However, some Gods are known to invite outsiders to live within theirs. A pocket realm is akin to your own little astral/mental space, so what you create in it only exists within it, not outside of it unless you bring things into it.

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Wow. I would love to create this world.One like this. One with pure evil. And one with pure love.

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Thinking about the afterlife gives me a headache , Steve Jobs said it’s beautiful on the other side tho , maybe he was just being deceived by Yahweh into another reincarnation lol


I mean there’s beauty in a lot of places, not every place in the spiritual will look the same, one place may be beautiful and another may be ugly af xD

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Anything we can do in this plane to ensure afterlife security

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So true.

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This is my personal belief that once a person finds who and what they are in soul they are a bit more secure in their “afterlife” because in my experience learning who/what my soul is and reforming connections in projection has helped me.

There’s also getting help from Demons, Gods, Angels, Yokai, Fae, whatever else you’ve worked with to help in securing you some kind of security/safety.


Dude I couldnt just imagine being reincarnated in 60 years this earth gonna be a fuckn mad house zoo



Yeah man I gotta create a pocket realm exactly like this and run it way better.

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I’m making a pocket realm harem on a yacht


I’m getting dragged back to the infernal nation, kicking and screaming lol, by Lucifer when I die.


why Kicking and screaming tho,

I tried to leave, they wont let me lol. I don’t want to be there, plus me and my demonic parents don’t get along all that good. They’re close friends with Lucifer

Maybe someone should make a balg safe haven realm

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Lol ew, some people prefer to only have to see certain people once xD personally I plan to return to a certain pantheon after this life.

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