Chi Kung Master burns paper with his hand (video)

This video might be interesting to those who wonder if magic like that seen in movies is possible. A chi master was able to spontaneously set a paper on fire. Do you know a way to learn these abilities too? Other than books/courses that teach qi kung basics I don’t think they are enough to get you to this level. I think for westerners Franz Bardon’s book is the best way to learn abilities like that one. What do you think?


what is the title of Franz Bardon’s book?
I know there is a book about that guy (John Chang), it’s called “The Magus from Java”. But it’s hard to get and I really don’t know if it’s a tutorial or just his story.
I know such power is possible. Everyone of us sometimes release electricity from our body. Yesterday I was shaking a hand with a friend and I electrocuted him :rofl:
There are people with such strong energy that you cannot even touch them, because it could kill you!

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This has been posted here before, under discussions about the Magus of Java (the book) and the work of um, crap whatsisname the American Ninja.

It’s real but the ascendeds mentoring the guy got upset and he had to stop “showing off” or they would block his qi so he wouldn’t be able to heal any more.


It’s called Initiation into The Hermetics. It teaches similar skills like element manipulation, levitation, mind control etc.

Sorry, I searched if it was posted here before but couldn’t find anything. But why would showing his powers to other people block his qi?

It doesn’t, as I said, his mentors would stop him because they don’t want him showing off.

This is normal in qigong, I have a mentor that was the Master who founded the school I studied at and taught my teachers. He died a few years ago and I’ve interacted with him several times since. He only died the first death and was strong enough to choose not to die the second death, so he is basically an Ascended which is similar to a ghost only with control and self awareness. He is there to help teach you more and help you, but it’s extremely frowned upon to misuse the skills, and exhibitionist display like this are misusing them, according to them. He doesn’t mean to disrespect them, the tradition or “show off” but they get the final say. That’s why there aren’t a lot of these demonstrations, they get suppressed from the other side.

For those reading, this is not magick, and not UPG and people’s interpretation of subjective dreams, this is qigong: it’s more like physics and more reliable as a skill, more than an art such as magick that relies much more on symbolism and subconscious communication.

Imagine if it was known that all you had to do was practice for a few years to do this, and were not in a tradition where you’d use it responsibly, imagine the dumb pranks on tiktok and chaos when dipshits like that get hold of such things (and yes I just judged the entirety of the tiktok population, who all joined knowing what it is). Better to keep it quiet and for the serious student for everybody involved. This is exactly why we can’t have nice things.


Exactly, @Mulberry. Everybody can’t have access to superpowers, dude. No way. And those who do should keep it “on the down low”.

People turn on people with special abilities. Witch hunt, anyone?

The Biblical story about this dude named Jesus is a good illustration of this.

Yep. Some sick lady reached out and touched him. She was healed instantly. You know the rest of the story. Later, the people turned on him and had the Roman police kill him.


Ok so this argument is often brought up and you are in the unfortunate position that I can interact with you directly :stuck_out_tongue:
What exactly is the reasoning for keeping it secret? Because tiktokers will burn themselves? They are already eating washing agents. I highly doubt that being able to make fire with your hands gives them worse ideas than they already come up with themselves.
Why not show these skills? I find it easy to imagine that it would draw people in if it was real. Why the negative view on humanity that it would be used for stupid shit?
Maybe the narrative you presented here is the truth, I wouldnt know. But one really has to avoid using occams razor if one wants to believe it.

Also sorry if I sound sour but this narrative has been presented so much too me and as I said I finally have the chance to raise some counter points to someone who I think is a sensible person and doesnt just believe this stuff because they want to.

On another note, here is one video I do put a bit more trust into:

Tiktokers is my half-joking example, I didn’t say it was truth but it’s why I personally absolutely an unequivocally agree with the decision. This is a tradition many tens of thousands of years old and they don’t want it being used for ill, and neither do I.

Sorry but that’s just too bad, so you can carry on being as sour as you like, that’s up to you and nobody will tell you how to feel. You can complain and raise counter points but it is what it is and you and I aren’t in the drivers seat here.

You can probably try to contact qigong Masters and ask them yourselves if you like. It’s thier practice and if they don’t want it demonstrated to just any old person they don’t have to. :woman_shrugging:

You could go become a qigong ascended Master and then you can do what you like with it and see how you do getting the other ascendeds not to stop incarnate humans from breaking their rules. My feeling is, based on Robert Bruce’s experience with a few of them, they’re not the easiest to deal with, having very strong personalities and opinions, but maybe you can reason with them.


I may not be too dissimilar to them afterall :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess we have to stick with differing opinions then.

The Magus of Java is available at the Internet Archive. You have to get yourself. I will not place a link to it here. I’ve gotten into enough trouble with the mods about placing links to stuff on here.

It’s not hard to get. It’s easily found on Amazon. However, the book is written by a student, Kosta Danaos, and simply tells the story of how he met the man he calls John Chang (not his actual name) and was accepted into the Mo Pai tradition. It is not, in any way, a tutorial on techniques.

The Mo Pai tradition has certain rules that all students are bound to. One of those rules is you cannot tell someone not initiated about what you are taught. The writer, Kostas, made the mistake of telling a friend some information, for example, and his car was suddenly caught in a downpour that followed them around (only they got rained on) until his friend agreed to be initiated. Once he did, the downpour immediately stopped. Kostas was actually given permission to write about the Mo Pai and his second book, Nei Kung, has a basic meditation technique in it that John Chang wanted him to release but there is nothing beyond that.

Since The Magus of Java came out, however, there have been many other books on the Mo Pai published, but whether they are legitimate and not just some fantasy mishmash of anime techniques to capitalize on the secrecy surrounding the tradition (much like the glut of books on ninjas written by people who knew nothing about actual ninjutsu did back in the 80’s), you would have to judge for yourself.

I should also add that Mo Pai is a nei gong practice, not qi gong. Qi gong is only surface level compared to nei gong.


I thought so. That’s why I wasn’t sure about this book.

I should also add that Mo Pai is a nei gong practice, not qi gong. Qi gong is only surface level compared to nei gong.

It’s really interesting! Do you practise Mo Pai Nei Gong? Have interesting effects? Can you share any trustful materials how to develop this art?

No, I am not an initiate of Mo Pai.

Hey there, I would like to give you a warning if you’re interested in Mo Pai. It’s very difficult to find legitimate Mo Pai these days (especially in the west) due to it’s strict secrecy tradition. There are quite a lot of incorrect and dangerous methods online that could lead to serious health issues and even death. I wouldn’t be surprised either if there are a bunch of self-proclaimed masters out there teaching those false techniques. So be cautious.

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Wasn’t this guy a confirmed hoax? I could have sworn I saw someone debunk this, like it’s possible I guess but I don’t understand why these people who have these abilities wouldn’t claim that million-dollar prize for superpowers or something.
Better yet, why would the government not be utilizing these people? It’s not like you could keep something this big suppressed for that long y’know?

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They do. Well, after they first try to kill them lol

The Chinese government has labs that are studying individuals with special abilities. There was one man who could teleport pills out of a sealed bottle, for example.

Because they’re not allowed to. John Chang, the man mentioned in the video, is specifically prohibited by the ascended gatekeepers of his tradition from displaying his abilities to outsiders. He received special permission to do the demonstration captured on video. In fact, Kostas Danaos, the man who eventually became a student and wrote The Magus of Java about his experiences, was only allowed to begin training with him because John Chang had a prophetic dream about him and allowed Kostas to find him. Many other people saw the same video and also sought him out but couldn’t find him. He’s shielded and can only be found if he wants to be (the people in the community that come to him for help are often led to him in inexplicable ways).


Can you show me a video or source? Ngl that is a really funny power to have if you have that power, imagine being born with super powers and all you can do is teleport pills out of a bottle.

Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I read the story but I do remember that there were a few others with powers described in the article as well but all of the powers, while sounding kind of neat, seemed pretty useless in any practical way.


Took some time, but I finally found this:

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