Chaos magick

With chaos magick, it seems that things get worse at first… why is this? Do they actually improve later on?

Can you be more specific?

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How exactly? Chaos magick is an approach to magickal operation.


Hard to say without more information, because this doesn’t always happen, but can be an effect of the working clearing out old energy to let in the new.

E.g., you ask for a promotion and get fired, but later find a better job that pays more instead.

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Thread moved to the appropriate category.

Chaos Magick is basically using the core fundamentals of a magick system without necessarily believing in the foundations it was built upon it can be Solomonic type demon evocation without any belief in Solomon lore or simply sigil magick.

So no one can really give a clear answer without you being specific to the spells you worked.


I mean it really depends. There are some paradigms that are specific to CM that this is common with.


I did an attraction spell on someone specific. I created a sigil using their name, charged it and burned it, but it seems to have pushed them away…

It could be that they’re fighting the work…they may be feeling the affects of the spell, but fighting the attraction. Just a thought.

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How you word your sigil is very important. Sigils can be particular in my experience. Wording it the wrong way can bring about unintended results. Also important is your mindset. Did you know your sigil would work? Or were you doubtful still? Doubt can poison your magick and turn it against you.

all magick is the same . they are all magick. chaos magick is just using a particular process.

how things are tough before it gets better can be seen in any type of magick. its not set to one magick system.


I had zero doubts, but I do have an attachment to the results, so I guess it could be that?

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Attachment could be it… maybe just let it go and see if he comes back? It could still be in the process of manifesting, how long ago did you cast it?

Three to four weeks ago…

Did you work on healing the relationship first? Did you work on all the issues that caused the breakup?

People need to realize that regardless if someone practices magick the brain is the most powerful magician tool. If they resent you, they’ve effectively put up a wall to repel your energy.

It’s why I consistently tell people to layer their magick yet no one wants to listen because they see getting their ex back as a crisis that needed to happen yesterday.


We were never in a relationship to begin with.

You bring up a good point. I have better success with sigils targeting everything BUT the exact issue I want. Break your goal up into smaller more easily manipulated events.

Classic situation. It’s not necessarily because of Chaos Magick, it’s just because people are complicated. Sometimes you cast a spell to weaken an enemy, and then they fight with more force and intensity. Sometimes you cast a love spell, and the person becomes distant. This is not because the magick is not working, but rather because it is working. This person seems to feel that for one reason or another that being in a relationship with you right now is not the best idea, or they do not feel ready for a relationship, so to resist their new found feelings they try to fight it.

So the key here would be to now do magick to make them reveal why they are resisting, what is holding them back, and then doing magick to ease those problems from them.


Thank you. What entities do you think can help with this…

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Hmm sadly I can’t think of a spirit that can compel them to reveal the truth here. Maybe someone else here can help with that.