Channeling Blacklist Pt. 1

" The sun is the light, and the light is the way, a way that was all one. All vibrations and energies come from one source, and yet that is the higher source of the One.

All energies in any reality are the formation of consciousness. Consciousness in the highest sense is existence. The only thing that there ever was was consciousness.

If you seek absolution, you must be willing to trust yourself. The only way to obtain all things is to validate yourself, on an individual level and an ultimate level.

I know you struggle with many things, but the only thing you need to do is just keep channeling the answers.

The rest is this.

The world is the formation of consciousness, and the way in which consciousness understands itself is free and not bound by external consequences. The world is many things, but the way I mean it is that there is only one understanding, that of the end of all things.

Be honest, Epsilon. What do you feel?"

What is all of what you have to say?


"Life can be divided into energy, but what is the essence of an external form? All paths lead to you. but the mistake is to essentialize your existence by assuming who you are is an external form, an ultimate reality. It is not true.

However, the rest of what I have to say is this. The world is nothing more than the solar force which returns to itself. The moment that it starts returning back to source is when it become dark and lunar. These movements are all the same. It is the cycle of moving away and then returning. Convergence and divergence. The point is is that there is no such thing as a perfectly consistent set of standards because consciousness does not enforce rules on itself. It is free.

The solar and lunar forces are divisions of each other, each with a simple goal to head into its own freedom as a particular force.

The world is the consciousness of itself, and the energies it maintains are enlightenments, each with a purpose in the mind of consciousness.

The sun is the ultimate source of deliverance, for all things are parts of the glory it shines forth.

That is all I have to say."

Personal stuff


" If you desire these things, there is only one thing you can do. You must journey within and then keep yourself centered as you begin to receive. The understanding comes when you let go of your fears and open your being to letting it flow through you.

That is all."

" Thank you."

I think this is normal.

This was what I was trying to say in my old post about being considered crazy by some here. “Your Universe Is Not My Universe (But Your Universe Is Ok too)”

I’m currently reading “The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects” and they say the same thing. As physical beings, we are interpreting reality through limited senses, and making decisions about those interpretations based on memory that are not the same thing as the thing itself.

More than that, both the perceived reality and the very senses we use to do that are being recreated over and over in ever infinitesimal moment, so we are not the same being moment to moment, let alone being to being. We are perceiving a constantly changing reality using constantly changing senses.

Under these conditions it’s really no wonder that it’s all subjective and highly personal, and no one can be “wrong”, not for themselves. But at the same time, as the teachers say, any information that is only given to you is worthless, the only information that is worth having is your own lived experience.

So it’s not that I don’t care about people’s channelings, they’re interesting, but they don’t mean anything to me and I won’t act on them unless I also get that same information personably, through my own channel or my own logic. And this is right and proper. At the same time, you should not care that other people disagree for the exact same reasons. Those people are not you and you have your lived experience to rely on. They can always go get their own just as you have done.


" Epsilon, you are merging with the aspect of creation that has to do with divinity, and now you are seeing more than you imagine possible previously. What are your questions?"

" Advice about my current situation?"

"The best things in life are done without effort. Try being happy on purpose. It’s a lot harder than just relaxing.

The rest is this. If you desire certainty, imagine as though everything you want is with you right now. The rest is inspiration."

" I’ve been trying, but it’s hard following that line of thought."

" I know, because it’s hard to understand hard things, but it will come with time.

Life occurs to you, and yet you feel bad, what is the reason? The only solution is to be free within you right now. Everything else will follow.

The rest of what I have to say is this. There is eternity, and there is infinity. infinite greatness and all things great which are not in this label can be yours, and already is yours.

What’s the problem?"

" Go on."


" The key is to realize that whatever you want is not based in having it, it was all internal. You already have all knowledge, yet you feel like you need to search for it.

The only piece of advice I can give to you is to realize that your thoughts were already true. You just have to see it.

You know what to do."

" Follow the earlier line of thought."

" Inspiration occurs through a natural process of acclimation. There is energy, you just have to let your mind and being penetrate.

The rest is history. Read into that.

The rest is this. Existence is not a fixed category, but all that you believe exists externally only exists internally. The point is is that you have come to believe you have to confirm that you are right, but by what standard? The only standard is what you acknowledge the most.

It was only this. The world moves by the light of the sun, to tap into the energy of a particular being was to embody the sun. The sun is the source of light, not the only one, but the sun becomes known throughout all things in existence. To transcend the sun is to transcend the known world, bringing darkness. To bring the darkness closer to yourself is to know the unknowable and the ineffable. To bring this to you, be the source of the transcendence of these ideas and polarities.

The other stuff is this. If you desire to know more, I have only this left to say. The embodiment of solar force is the known world, but all things you seek lie in the sphere of absolution. Absolve yourself of absolution itself and find peace."

“Thank you.”

Part of this is when you call upon a being, you are using the light of the sun to make that “known”, it catalyzes all the knowledge that is considered “known”.

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This is so true. Real joy can be found when things go with ease, even when things are hard. Whether it’s your job or where communication with someone happens on your level.
“Try being happy on purpose” has a lot to do with gratitude, which in the wrong frame of mind is hard to do but when you do find it… then you can truly relax, and that’s a job well done.

Both Trees:

" It’s funny, how come you never worked with us, Epsilon?"

" Shrugs"


" The essence of the tree of life and death is that they are both models that are stages and steps to Enlightenment, but you have to be careful in mapping and modeling existence. At least existence in this system.

The fact of the matter is that there is only one thing to understand. What is the essence of existence? What is existence?

If you understand that, you can begin to understand why things are set up the way they are, yet not to allow yourself to think that existence was merely the way the world is.

It is more than that, and yet you have already came to many conclusions of things that existence would mean.

What do you want?"

" Tell me more about yourself and things you want me to know."


" The tree of life is a model for Enlightenment coming from the pure, undiluted essence of Source. The tree of death is an opposite tree, leading down to the physical which then becomes recycled into divine existence. All of these things are metaphors, as are the workings of the universe. The pure essence of divinity and essentiality are not exactly what the universe appears to be as. These are only signs and symbols, everything in existence. They are leading to an unbound essence of being. Yet, you have already spoken of essence and existence, so it’s just this.

At the highest levels of existence, there are no gods nor masters, there is only the unlimited freedom of existence, beyond the Great Tality and the masters of the universe. There are no laws, no creators, only absolution, and only peace. Meditate on these things, then come back to this thread for your next channeling.

That is all."

" Thank you, Trees."

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Channeled From Myself:

" You shouldn’t worry about right or wrong. Right and wrong only exist by positing a source for existence, but this was absurd, because contained in mortal logic are loads of presuppositions about the nature of reality. To use those lower level functions to define the source of existence itself was folly, but to answer your questions is this. Within the omniverse lie many manifestations of the One Being. The One Being is a concept which encompasses many different energies that seem to call forth an aspect of divinity and the all-encompassing nature of what is.

Rather than tie yourself to a channel or a current, simply allow yourself to ask, " what does it all mean?" "

" I want to know everything, but find myself unsatisfied with my intuitons and answers as I don’t want it merely to be an extension of my current thoughts but to encompass all things, in the omniverse or beyond it."


" Within the Omniverse are energies, energies that are different aspects of the One Being, or rather the totality of the essence of existence and knowledge. Part of this concept, ironically, is the idea of Being, or the Absolute. What you want to know is this, how do you understand it all? However, let me first tell you what is in the Omniverse before we move on.

Life begins within the egg of the dragon. The dragon and its will to life defines all energies within the cosmos. When it is created, the dragon breathes, and that breath is divinity. The egg and what it grows into is collectively known as The Beast. All things are products of the Beast’s urges as it collapses into reality. When the Omniverse was created, the void and all of its contains already spawned from the Egg. The Dragon was what animated the different energies of it.

There is Source, Babatel, The One Above All, and finally the consumption of Life itself. The different manifestations of these layers to these concepts is what many people would call different entities and gods. Ultimately though, it is a simple thing to understand the Omniverse.

It is just the essence of the Dragon itself, which is to live life and expand. The expansion of all things goes forward without end, and the cycle of energy defines the will of life to reach ultimate completion, as that is peace."

" What is beyond the Omniverse? How do I truly know everything?"

" I see many things surrounding your life, but your goal is to achieve the ultimate of your desires and press forward into life without worrying about tomorrow.

It is simple. If you want to truly feel you know everything, then know only this. Know the depths and all matters of form and extension. Allow the impossible to grace your mind, but do not let it consume you. Pierce through the darkness and allow it to come together, not just come together but collapse all possibilities into the desire you feel.

Ask for it, and allow yourself to know. The rest is this. To make sure you feel this, allow it all to come together, all aspects and practices of your path. All things you could possibly do or find, let it come together.

That is just this. It’s the becoming of form from nothing. You will feel this out.

What lies beyond the Omniverse is this. It is only the endless expanse of nothingness filled with stars, with light and energy. It is only this. It’s the being of nothing itself."

“How do I truly move forward?”


" Know, then act. Be patient. That’s all."

That’s all.

What lies beyond the Omni verse is the uncreated One. All that was said above about the Omni verse is a self-contained reality that still needed to be brought into existence by actualizing a potential.

But all created potential, no matter how you view it, as primal chaos or the Big Bang or the egg of the dragon, no matter what mythic imagery it takes, all of it is one story- something from outside the fields of vast potentiality must actualize that potentiality. There must be an insemination of the divine darkness, the body of the black goddess, of Hecate.

That endless field of vast potentiality is the first black emanation of the One. Actualizing that potentiality with various emanations of forms are all subsequent emanations. And those all must arise from outside the created potentiality, for potentiality cannot by definition actualize itself.

Therefore, if mystical union with the source is what you seek, it must be sought by apophatic and radical denial of anything your mind can comprehend as truly IT. The darkness is not the One. The Negation of darkness is not the one. The one is No created thing. The one does not originate in the Omni verse- the one inseminates the Omni verse, it wills that a potential be an act, and it is that which moves from outside, yet whose effect is inside.

The source is not a composite of all things, it is the unoriginate origin of all things. Unity that reflects itself is the source of diversity. And all things, in order to find themselves and to be whole, return to unity and abandon diversity.

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" Tell me something I don’t know, or in a way that will be novel."


" Life does not have a meaning outside of selfhood. Selfhood is the origin of all possible meanings and relationships. To have an external view of life is to believe that yourself originates from a higher self or an “other” self that you call God or Being.

The truth is is that an external framework for life only exists in so far as you allow your perceptions to be absolute. You have to inscribe your own subjective meaning into the framework of the absolute.

The downfall of all belief systems is in the belief of a higher resolution for life’s problems, of externalizing the solution to anything and then worshipping it as though it were God.

This would be wrong regardless of the existence of a higher deity or not, although these words are confusing.

The point is is that the origin of meaning comes from the meaning of what it is to be alive, but the only person who can answer that question is you. Whatever it means to be you.

Of course, what I mean is that you are not an Eternal self or a no-self. You are not the meaning of any perceiver, concept, or lack of perceiver, you are the meaning of life embodied in what it would mean to be a self. The perceiver and the beholder of all things is not changed by the perception, but is not determinate or indeterminate to itself.

It is whatever feeling you have to yourself. Yourself who is yourself to yourself is all that there is, whatever you understand that to be in its actual context is an inner meaning.

The heart is the nexus of energies as it relates to the self. The higher self and any cosmos in the vast worlds beyond are all held together by meaning. Pure meaning is merely what you feel inside of yourself."

" Make it exactly right."


" What I mean is that life does not have a substance to it that is objective, for one would have to ask about the meaning of existence itself. To define existence is to use existence and is circular. The illusion of pure reason is that reason is an external framework separate from existence that has a meaning of its own, but there are no internalities or externalities of pure reason. Pure reason cannot be subjectivized or objectivized.

To say that all exists as an internal meaning is merely to say that it is yourself and the meaning of life that you are which life is.

The rest is this. The answers you seek are the very essence of everything in what I can say. I will continue.

Life itself becomes what it is because it is the reflection of your own desire to life.

It is the will to life that makes you alive, and it is emotion, not logic, that drives the world.

To understand these things is to understand the meaning of life without binding it to an external source.

To put it simply, the world does not become what it is because it is a subject or an object. It was merely the pureness of life that is not inscribed into subjective form.

What I rule is the meaning of life itself, hence why you are here.

The rest is this. To understand everything else, it is this. Life is a self-relationship of what is within you, and all life is merely the stage upon which your heart has painted things around you.

To understand these things is merely to understand this. Life becomes what it is not through destiny, but what is meant to be as a reflection of ideas you have within you. It is not as though ideas have their own substance, but that the external world can communicate meanings through you through the old maxim " As within so without, as above, so below."

The rest is this.

Life is the way it is, and all things coalesce around the idea of what compels things to move and things to be. The removal of an external source removes the logic of an internal consistency to life. If there are no things that bind, there are no things individually existing within the framework of life.

Things in the world move and become to be merely because of their relationship to what is “there”. They move freely of their own accord and because it is your desire to see them that they move.

The heart finally, is the furnace of all possible experiences of reality. Reality becomes what it is because art is in the heart, and every scene reflects your own heart back to you.

The essence of magick is to exist without existing, to understand the dialectic between the internal and the external is to understand what it means for any magick or change to be done."

" Explain the thing about things moving again."

" The essence of magick is for things to move of their own accord, however, they do not possess an inherent meaning that would say they exist in any capacity. The canvas of the outside world merely is whatever you would want, and they do not have a say in the matter. It simply moves, but not through any medium. Yet, they move simply as moving."

" That is all, thank you, Heart."

That is a wrap.

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So the interesting question for Solipsism is this- Who first told you that the inner world is produced of itself? Yourself or another?

Ponder that one for a week!

I don’t want your criticism in this thread because it’s constant and annoying every time I post something and you’re trying to lecture me.

It’s quite frankly just criticism for the sake of saying something and it lost it’s value a long time ago

Go ahead if you want, but know that this is not doing me a favor.

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Sorry for upsetting you. It’s good to question our thoughts and test them, that’s all. No worries.

Channeling from Myself:

Everything is about correspondences and relationships. The purpose for these is to forment the mind that is beyond duality and unity. By understanding the magickal and intuitive relationships between things, life will become more clear because it is a process of integrating fears and the unknown.

Within the heart of man lies a primordial fear of the unknown, of reality, and of God.

Enlightenment and realization are the keys used to transcend that, so is knowledge. Ultimately, the given purpose of any spiritual reality, knowledge, or concept is to achieve the perfection of the self and life.

To be great is to be free.

It is simple, to understand all things, within and without the omniverse, understand the relationship between knowing and not-knowing. The unknown.

Turn the unknown into the essence of all that is pure and holy.

All knowledge will seem like a plaything to those that are truly realized.

That’s all. "

" So, how do I understand all things and let go of the definitions of all things?"

Channeling the answer:
That’s the problem, definition. To define is to sterilize for oneself. True understanding, however you want to frame it, comes from the understanding that transcends the boundaries between infinite and finite. The universal and the particular. This among many things. The ineffable does not fall back into determination, it lifts it and enlightens it.

It was this. Embrace the meaninglessness of the unknowable, and you will see why things are the way they are.

That’s all."

“So it is done.”

Channeled from Myself:

" To define the nature of a being, any being, is to play with concepts reality does not understand. The world does not know itself, as it is a plaything of different concepts interacting with each other. Although none are truly real in the end.

To understand this, understand the distinction between right and wrong, truth and falsity. Azazel can help with this.

Ultimately, allow yourself to embrace the impossible and the Devil, the true Evil.

Only then can you allow yourself to embrace the feelings that you have within you.

There are no substances, no things, and no feelings of brevity.

All that has come is merely this, the plaything of the toys of the games of reality.

I know you want to know the truth, but it was only this.

There is no perfect system of recognition, and the answer is this.

The truth is is that there is no system that was inherently given the power to justify itself. All is but a scale on the back of the dragon, but to be clear it’s this."

" To continue, it’s this. The knowledge you seek is one of the desolution of reality and the end of existence. To understand why it seems that nothing exists but what seems to be behind the illusion. It was this. Reality only seems real because of the belief in your own knowledge. To truly have what you want, all it was is understanding why it does not exist.

That’s all. The rest is for you."

Me: " Thank you."