CHALLENGE! The Destruction of your soul! Full demonization!

Also feel free to upload every now and then pictures with the bibles you use like i did, and the sigils you used. So that i may use those sigils.

We may share sigils of other dark demons here as well.


Funny, I was thinking about this very topic the other day. The thing is I have been cursing christ for many years without even thinking about it, which is weird considering I wasn’t raised in a christian household.


You’re more than welcome to join us :metal::fist::smiling_imp:

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Hey @anon72351403, sorry for getting to personal this morning. You may disagree on something but try to respect each other is my lesson. Take care and good luck with your ascend.


So you are basing your own power, soul and divinity on some random ass troll god? :thinking:

Just cut that shit out of your life, banish it, and be done with it.

Why limit yourself like this?


The part that you quoted was as dictated by Belial… No one bases himself on this troll god. This troll god is a force that is threatening the freedom of many realities. This blasphemy working is to weaken his grip on the world not only on oneself.

What was written here is a ritual for completely forbidding the parasite god access to your eternal darkness and also a form of attack to this entity’s guts.

This is aggressive descent into darkness as this curse latches on to the mass consciousness of the fellow god fearing citizens and haunts their lives making them to choose freedom or a personal meeting with a demon overlord in hell.

It is a massive spell that is meant to alter the mass consciousness of humanity at large.

And also you are never fully free of this entity even if you banish it.

Can you instantly materialize anything you want with your mind?
Can you fly, Teleport or create other dimensions without material restrictions?
Are you able to defy gravity without hindering your human body?
The questions can go on but i think you get my point here…


Hey man it’s funny I came across this thread as I just completed merging with the primordial darkness, through C.kendall’s Darkness challenge, the alchemical transformation of invoking darkness and condensing it to critical mass and then merging with it …this is a 7 step working that I pulled an all nighter , to complete it too just over 9 hours and the sensation of my newly darkened chakras was an experience I will never forget , and look forward to understanding and applying this new limitless poetential to grasp new heights towards my accession ( rather demonization :smiling_imp:). I could feel the darkness purring and caressing me from within the more I read of your blasphemy rite , especially about opening gates within the church , i just coo’d while invisioning my newly set goal you provided for me today. THANK YOU! BLESS. rel rep LHP!


@Rory_Mclellan Blessings from the void and Nadharkis brother!
May we fuck the veil and eat god like ultimate nightmares and claim our supreme freedom!


So here’s my second page of the bible i own!

The reason its white it is because i’m still before the preface…

Also i encourage you all to upload frequent pictures of your bibles as you curse them so that we may connect to each other’s work and create a synergy that helps empower each others works.

Upload them like i’m doing.

Also the new demons i’m using here are these:

This one is the demon Vernerrha Noxxrathor from Nadharkis which you can find out more about her here: The Demon of Nadharkis - Axa Oddra / Ax Tenebrae Ornagga - #418 by anon72351403

And this one is Grand Master Aposton also from Nadharkis. He is the ruler of Nadharkis.
Also Aposton is another face of Belial. An older and more ruthless face than the one we know and this is His sigil.


Also Here:
Have a taste of pure darkness as we fall deeper and deeper into it. :metal::smiling_imp:



May my Father Belial and the others help you,

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Here’s My third page of my working.

So i’ve been assimilating the gifts that this working has been giving me. In the last couple of days i have been experiencing intense emotions that ended up in making me realize how to banish the paranoid side of me. I’m now really at peace as darkness started to fill my every cell and my core is completely darkened.

What i did on this third page i used the name of Belial twice. I think He must have requested it. Then i used Vermamir’s Sigil in the center and 4 sigils of Mama Lilith in each corner. As i was gazing at this newly cursed page of my bible i was feeling the perfect synergy going between the sigil of Vermamir and Mama Lilith. And a though wen’t through my head from them.

"Instead of focusing on cursing just the bible and the parasite god, try focusing on cursing the laws of physics and their tyranical nature on your body. Curse god and religion but also the fact that you cannot, YET, travel to any world you want with your physical body, materialize objects with your mind, fly, etc… Be ENRAGED at the fact that this FUCKING UNIVERSE is holding your true godhood in chains. Curse mortality and the fact that you have to be born and die of old age.
Curse it all Old Master! You have to do this because the bible and any holy book IS the root of this matrix, this system that limits you all from doing whatever you like!"

Vermamir’s sigil and enn.


Say, have you tried torturing jesus through visualization? I got quite a kick out of drawing sigils on his body with his own blood.

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Good idea but this is not on the topic at hand… Torturing Jesus is something i have not thought of but thanks!

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@HellChild Allthough come to think about it this could be integrated in the ritual. If you want to picture cursing all reality’s tyranny on your being, the fact that you have to obey the laws of physics to survive and the parasite god but then as you complete the cursing of your page in the bible you start torturing jesus in visualization as you fill that page with even more darkness.:smiling_imp::hugs:


Actually, I don’t have a physical copy of the bible. Getting my hands on one…is kinda difficult in my situation. It’s not something I want to talk about in public. So I just have a pdf of the king james version. which I read backwards. I just added the torturing to compensate for not being much else. But I suggest you try it out at least once. It’s quite…arousing.

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@HellChild You could print that PDF out. Or try purchasing one from an online store. Or go in a visit in another town and go to a Jehova’s Witness Kingdom hall and get a bible from them, they give it for free… By going to a town/City where you are not known. Just some friendly suggestions. :wink:

Or you could go to a free Jesus worshiping church from another town and get it from there as well. I got mine for free from the local jesus worshipers where i live…


Or just rent a room in a hotel somewhere. They always have a bible somewhere in the room. Some of those religious groups would be more than happy to give you one. Or just take one from a church


Yup I’m Gunna get one from the local watchtower loons.I think it adds to the irony of attaining it from that source to be cursed with.


@Rory_Mclellan Just go in there and tell them: "I have been seeking for Jehova for a long time… I really wanna start knowing god better… ":smiling_imp: :face_vomiting:

And take a picture of the local kingdom hall. I’ll take a picture of the jesus church where i’m gonna start summoning up demons in!