Caught a Body. First Try

Well, that took a turn. First time casting a curse. Less than a week later, target moves out his apartment, signs over the lease to my friend, and commits suicide. That was effective.

I feel like a normal person should have remorse or something. I just went about my day like nothing happened. Is this feeling normal?


No it’s not normal but think of it this way…non of us are normal we do magic n speak to demons I check over my shoulder on who is watching me every now and again normal is for boring ppl if u don’t feel anything well it means u have no regets


Yes i would say it is very normal, Magickions tend to put our-selves apart from other people, we are usually in our own world to be with our own. When a death of somebody who is not like us is known we tend not to care, tend to not beat an eye, although this is not law it is something that happens often. Dont be afraid or worried, again this is normal.


EA has stated that this is your key to success…not feeling remorse after a curse. so yeah id say its normal


And that what make their life suck! Remorse and guilt = karma


Oh! The energy of you feeling that you deserve repercussions will attract repercussions. I get it now.


Nice going.

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May I ask which curse you used? I find myself in need of one.


I’ve caught four. The first time rush I got was awesome. Not a single shred of remorse.


Well, let’s not go around bragging about all the people we’ve magically killed.

They were all inconsequential when we killed them, so we shouldn’t care much about them now.


It was basically just a witch’s jar

Open Baal’s sigl. and cast a circle

Open jar and add:
Black pepper, chilli power
Graveyard dirt (Grave of someone who died in a shootout with police. I didn’t need that exact grave but I figured a violent death makes it more powerful.)
Lamb teeth. (Lamb was sacrificed to the Morrigan on Halloween. Substitute with chicken bones)
6 nails
3 9mm bullets
Pieces of cane from subject’s dead relative(subsituted for DNA)
Psalm 109 written on a piece of paper

Target’s name written on a piece of paper. Stab the paper with your ritual knife and add it to the jar.

Form a ball of sickly looking grey/brown energy with your rage added, zap it to the jar, and seal it.

Then spoke the Chant I consecrated a day or 2 earlier.

Then buried the Jar.

I also did it on a Saturday, which they say is good for banishing or destructive spells.


interesting. Thanks. I appreciate it.

i don’t have access to any of those sorts of items so I will have to try something a bit simpler, but will keep this in my back pocket for possible adaptation later.

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Have you tried the figurine + killing with Baneful spirits method found in Works of Darkness? Or are an innitiate into the O.A.A because once you become a sworn knight you can use the seven sons of the phoneix.


Hmm. No, I haven’t. I don’t remember that one. I’ll have reread to refresh my memory. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I think you’ll find it to your liking, if not found in there you’ll likely find it in Baneful Magick, in the third section of the book.

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i have one that is simple yet gets it done

That would do it. And nice going with your gut on the graveyard dirt, also being practical with the lamb teeth.

If you have no DNA or objects from the person would a picture/name/date of birth work as substitute?
could i concentrate my rage and ill wishes into a letter into the jar as well as the energy ball?
Do we need to bury the jar near by or far from us?