For a long time I wanted to do curses on my enemies and lust spells but cannot make myself do it. I kept doing excuses such as “it’s not worth the time”. This has resulted in me being endless threatened through my life and treated like shit because there never came a consequence to this. As for lust spells, I don’t have any moral issue with it since I’m on the LHP. When it comes to spells backfiring I have a fear of that also but I remember I did a curse many years ago as a psychodrama to liberate myself from rage so it served as a form of enemy sacrifice and when I hear all those mages doing curses where nothing happened to them my logic tells me that my fear of backfiring death spells is irrational fear.
I did some divination to check on if I have a binding spell on me but so far my pendulum swings no direction. However, my pendulum is not 100% accurate. How do I find out if there is a binding spell on me? Or it is something in my subconsciousness.
It’s not irrational because you are also aware, as you’ve talked about it before if I recall, of the concept of “backlash”. You should have noticed that while there are mages who didn’t get backlash, there are even more mages who’s curses did nothing, did very little, or had more or less backlash.
People are hard to curse because they don’t want to be cursed, the people around them generally don’t want them to be cursed, and your will may not be enough to override that.
So if you want to call yourself logical, stop beating yourself up over an obviously false assertion. Backlash exists, its a risk, and the reasons for it are many and understood, mainly to do with protections on the target.
Divination is usually advised to look for protections before randomly flinging a curse for this exact reason.
Nobody’s pendulums are 100%. That’s not how being psychic works especially if the target has an emotional component, which it does here. Use a more intuitive method or take blind reading many times and take an average. I’ve explained how to do that before with envelopes hiding the answer.
Maybe this wasn’t an excuse, but you following your intuition and you were right? You don’t know.
There are other ways to remove yourself from bad situations than cursing. You could bless these people and attempt to heal them so they change, for example. You could use honey jars to make them like you. You could do domination spells to make them careful of you, there’s a lot you can do if you think about it that isn’t a curse and gets results.
My pendulum keep swinging in no direction when I ask if my enemies have protection, so I think it stems from fear of backfiring and it bothers me because it weakens me.
Curses works also as a tool of psychodrama. It’s mentioned both in the satanic bible and S. Conolly’s works. By casting the curse I can purify myself from emotions that will consume me. That’s something Satanists will do.
I pulled you a Queriea Deck cark and got Inner Temple. I then shuffled and pulled again and got it Inner Temple again, so this seems to be what they are insisting is the reading, though I’m not sure I understand it - but maybe you will.
The Inner Temple is It is the “deepest, most balanced expression of Divine mystical magic that bridges between Divinity and Humanity”
This implies there’s another reason to be understood about why these people are your enemies. And yes the dynamic is protected. This may also be what you are sensing as fear that you can’t change it.
In tis case I’d take another route and look at shadow work, talk to your therapist and others to find out more about what’s going on. This may be more of a “change yourself to change your world” (Gurdjieff) situation.
No, curses are the result of using psychodrama as a tool to get your mind and body to change the energy around you. The curse is the flow of energy you set into motion.
The psychodrama of casting the curse can rid you of this energy, temporarily. But without addressing the cause it will return as new angst is generated. You can keep cleaning yourself but it’s better not to keep getting dirty.
I think it all comes down to me fearing being cursed whatever it’s from others or my own who backfires.
Wait, so when I performed a lesser destruction ritual as a psychodrama to rid of a terrible person from my mind 15 years ago it affected him? I overheard earlier coworkers talked about that he went through some sort of car accident where he drove the wrong way and hit an elderly lady.
It could go either way, but if it was me, if I put effort into wanting an outcome and something close enough to it happened I’m totally taking credit
I’ll keep in the back of my mind it could have been a coincidence too, but choosing to view the outcome as positive confirmation of my abilities helps more of my magick get that quality of confidence that helps it along.
Call it part of an ongoing psychodrama if that helps. Anything you can do that helps you get your mind into the right place to move energy is worth doing.
It was pure coincidence that I overheard those coworkers. I assumed it was a coincidence because I did not thought that such as small ritual could release any power of magick.
The ritual clearly purified me, so it was effective and I imagine it would be even more effective with proper ceremony. That’s why it bothers me that I don’t dare to make such a ritual because I’m afraid to get cursed… I tried to get to some entities but it did not helped…
See that ^ ? Your issues are all emotional. Get your mind and eotions into the right space, and your magick will do as you tell it to. If you THINK you are weak then you are. You make it true all by yourself.
I’m a natural skeptic. I cannot just believe which is why I use ritual in order to decompress my intellect to work magick… When it comes to curses I’m just concerned about if they backfires and kill me…
Ok? That’s too bad. Piss or get off the pot. Right now you are doing neither, so you are choosing to keep both, your problem and your fear of fixing it.
Setting conditions perhaps? Personally for me I had a lot of luck when it came to conditions. I’d focus on the curse with conditions via sigil made by intuition, then I’d channel the emotions and image and write the name of the person then I’d call upon my deity, I would chant the name and say, may if they then set the conditions, like a trigger. For instance recently someone stole my offerings of coin to mammon. I did the same curse with sigil, then burnt the sigil with four pins in it for every coin he took. The conditions were if he took those coins may his karma represent those coins and may he lose 4 things of value. The reason I use conditions is because it’s around the karma of a behavior that was stricken. I feel as though if I don’t enact those conditions then it nulls themselves. Almost like a safety trigger.