Cannot make myself doing curses and lust spells

This is on you, the block is your fear. Find a way to fix your fear to remove the block.
or like I said do something else that isn’t a “curse” but gets the job done.

Like I said your issues are all your emotions. Control your emotions, know yourself and why you feel what you feel and take charge.

The best way is have courage, which means being afraid and doing it anyway. When you see nothing happens then maybe you’d realise the fear was for nothing. Or maybe something will happen but you find you can fix it without a problem and you don’t need to fear for that reason.

This is all in your mind. You’ve made it all up and you made it into a problem. Get out of your own way.

What @Noctis said makes sense and is similar to the “do something that isn’t a curse then” - think of ways to trick yourself into doing the work without fearing it will backlash.


I use poppets. Those poppets I have now however are to big to be burned in my offer bowl so I have been looking for a bigger offerbowl. I think the poppet must be burned and annihilated after the curse have been casted, so the person are wiped out from the existence in the mind and subconsciousness of the mage.

So if the person have no protection there is no backlash?

I didn’t say that. I said “mainly” due to protections. In English, the word “mainly” is a qualifying word meaning while most reasons are this, not all are. Otherwise I would have left it out or used “only”, which I did not.

You have to study the specific situation and discover what’s going on energetically.

My bad. I overlooked that word.

That’s the part I cannot figure out. If it’s not a binding spell that have been put on me it must be something else. I also was looking into sola plexus chakra that imbalances in that causes the problem. However, I think it’s rooted in fear of dying. I’m not afraid of the backfire curse if it does not kill me as that can be cleaned. I also know that regret or remorse can pull the energy back and harm me. Now I have researched if there are spirits that can teach me or warn me of if my curse will backfire. The problem however is that I can only sense energy, not hearing them.

For instance?