Can you use mind control to curse an enemy?

What about mind control

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I move your post into it’s own topic so as not to derail the request thread: please be mindful that this is a discussion forum and we like to keep things organized if at all possible.

You can use mind control to mess with an enemies mental health. The best entity for this is Dra’talon from the Book of Azazel, who sends his targets slowly insane over years until they unalive themselves. He is not ideal for beginners as many people cannot visualise what insanity really looks like to fully manifest this, and for many there’s an urgency so he takes too long. He plays the long game.

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Is there any quicker one that can make them do whatever I want

It seeds a level of skill with visualising that usually takes some practice. Your intro says you have been practicing for about a year, but mostly researching? So you probably know what the Ars Goetia is? You can try Paimon or Dantalion from the Ars Goetia, who have persuasion in their offices.

Caution: performing baneful work attracts baneful entities like parasites: like attracts like. So make sure your protections are good before you start flinging psychic poo around, you don’t want that getting flung back in your face.

You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the first contact guides we have on here.


Is there anyone I can talk to who can help me cast something like this or teach me?

This forum has a bunch of tutorials you can self-serve. We’re all students here. I recommend picking up a beginner-friendly book such as Goetia pathworking by Corwin Hargrove, and reading through the material we have here to start getting oriented into what’s achievable.

I linked you the best place to start already - spend some time thinking about the contents of those threads and get your spiritual hygiene on point. You don’t cook in the kitchen without knowing how to wash your hands so you don’t get sick from contaminated food - it’s a lot like that.

if you scroll down in this post to the Getting Started Guide and tutorial lists, browse through what attracts you the most first. You’ll also see in there book recommendations and free newsletters.

There’s a lot, take your time, this is the beginning of a multi-year journey of self development, there’s no rush. It’ll take a while but it’s worth doing so grab a coffee, kick back and enjoy. :slight_smile:

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This is the most powerful grimoire in existence according to my research and some of these capabilities are insane.

[link to vodoun book on scribd redacted]

Please do not put links to pirated copies of books on this forum, it’s against the rules.

Vodoun is pretty intense. It’s recommended you reach out to Papa Legba of you want to work with the Lwa, he can make introductions for you.

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