Can you make a chaos magick sigil for sex?

I’ve asked this on Reddit and didn’t get answers. So yea, can you make a spare type sigil, with a specific target in mind, for sex?

If anyone has done this, how did it work out?


Of course you can. Sigils can be made for practically any purpose.


You can make a Spare-style sigil as long as you can articulate your desire clearly. There’s no rules for what the words may or may not be.

You make clear statement of your desire, remove duplicate letters and vowels, and rearrange the remaining letters into an abstract symbol, done.

So my only caution is that: Be super clear in your intentions and hold them strongly while you use the sigil. Intention is everything. Wishy-washy intention makes for wishy washy magickal results.


What do you mean exactly? For example the sentence for the sigil would go something along the lines of “(Girl) had rough and passionate sex with me and gave me a blowjob”. Would that good enough in terms of specifics or should I add more.

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Have you had experience with these kinds of sigils

I think that sounds perfectly clear. I might put it in present tense myself, unless you’re intending a one-off.

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Have you had any experiences with this type of sigils? Or any stories you’ve heard. I feel like nobody has talked about this topic

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A sigil is a sigil, one you can use one you can use them all. The only difference with a chaos sigil vs a spirit sigil is that the chaos sigil is one you made that isn’t calling a being, but instead a concept. But if you follow the ideas in animism, concepts are also beings. So there’s no difference.

Did you try the search? This forum has many hundreds of conversations about chaos magick.

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No, with a Spare-style sigil, you don’t want to be too specific. Some specificity is alright, but too much lessens to the probability of it happening. It would be better to phrase it as something like “N. has sex with me,” N being, of course, the name of the person.

Another option that worked for one former member of this forum is to phrase it as a question in the present tense instead of a statement. For example, “How did I have such amazing sex with N.?” Check out the thread below.


This method is interesting and could these sigils be created involving an entity, along with a petition???..i.e." how could Asmodeus bring me that girl so quickly?..

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A similar question is actually answered in the thread where someone asked if they could use a sigil for a relationship with Lilith. you could use that answer for reference in how to phrase it.


How would I go about releasing the sigil if I’m doing Semen Retention? I don’t want to masturbate.

Masturbation isn’t mandatory. You can fire off a Spare-style sigil using any method of getting into an altered state. Some examples are:

Draw the sigil on your skin and then engage in heavy exercise, knowing that as your sweat dissolves the sigil, it will manifest.

Stay awake for three days and then stare at the sigil, visualizing it flying off into the ether to bring your result. Laugh your ass off and then promptly take a nap.

Stare at the sigil and hyperventilate. Once you get lightheaded and dizzy, laugh like a maniac and then have a sandwich.

Draw the sigil on some thin paper and hang it over your computer screen. Look through the paper while you mindlessly scroll the internet. When you get bored, crumple up the sigil and throw it away.

Bury the sigil in the ground. As the paper rots in the dirt, the result will eventually manifest.


Sorry, but I can’t find the thread, can you help me ???

Dude, I linked it. It’s right there in my post.

Found it :sweat_smile: LOL, sorry

There are many ways and darkestknight listed off a lot of good ones. I personally have used spinning/falling. Basically holding a sigil out in front of my face, spinning until I’m dizzy, the falling over onto my bed. Once I made impact with the bed I never look at the sigil again. Works great for me but feels terrible and I usually have to lay there for a minute or two to recover.


And how does the action of spinning activate a sigil?

It puts you into an altered state. It’s simply a method to get into trance.


Sure, you can make a chaos sigil for anything, but they’re much better at changing you than changing your surroundings, creating a magnetism on you. If I were trying for this, I might make a chaos magick sigil for, “I am extremely attractive and have all the great sex I want.” or even simpler, “People want to have sex with me.” just to focus on making me an attractive person who gets laid.

If I wanted to then work in a specific person, I’d make a servitor for that instead, or Law of Attraction style scripting where I write first person journal entries as if it has already happened, or do a sweetening spell.

If I wanted to make a chaos magick sigil for a specific person’s interest in me, I would frame it not as an event but as a magnetism towards myself. “I am incredibly attractive to (name).”

In my experience with sigil crafting, and I’ve done a stupidly large amount of sigil crafting, I found the following:

  1. you need to phrase in first person, present tense, in a way that eliminates a risk of summoning the “want” of a thing into the equation. “I am having sex with (name)” versus “I want to have sex with (name).”

  2. it is much easier to influence and enhance yourself with a sigil than it is to effect a general event. “I am great at picking stocks” versus “the stock market is strong”.

  3. The more specific you get, the more you’re locking yourself into one reality tunnel and fighting against the influence of other people on the reality tunnel. It’s much easier to program, “I am attractive and charismatic” as a general reality shift for yourself than “I have this specific encounter with this specific person” as you are not only trying to shift their reality tunnel but set the stage for a specific event to occur.

  4. The more invested you are in the specifics, the harder it is for the sigil to launch into the unconscious. That’s why, “I attract generous clients” is easier for me than “I get paid $1,000 USD for this particular job with this particular client.”

  5. I cannot understate how vital flow state is to successful sigil manifestation. It’s so easy to trap yourself into manifesting the want of something rather than the having of something if you let yourself think too much about it.

  6. I always program in gratitude as a close. This has had incredible success for me. Particularly, when crafting a complicated LoA script, I add something like, “Wow! Thank you for these blessings, I accept with love, from past me to present me.”

I haven’t worked much with questions as sigils.

Ultimately, yes, you can make a chaos magick sigil for sex, but I think you’re likely too personally invested in the specifics of this encounter for it to work, so a sigil is not what I would use to achieve it.

As for activation, burning is a classic. I like to put my sigils in water until the ink is gone into the water and then pour it out. I also like to draw sigils on my body and then take a shower!

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