Can you answer this question? Tough one

Why do you want to become a living God or ascended?

Truly difficult, something I don’t think many actually ask themselves. If becoming a God means learning it all and then dying to be some astral beasty I’m not sure I want to ascend. I want to live forever and forever consume in my form and only shed it when i choose to. I want to experience all of existence. Not be a feeble bread crumb at 85 yrs old waiting for Hades’ messenger of death to come.


I’m right there with you and I want to enjoy my life as well. I think the trick is to evolve to a point at which one can come back but remember the previous life. This would be the immortality that is most possible and likely to work out. That the consciousness is so strong that death and birth are like the changing of clothes.


Exactly, otherwise why work so hard? Especially if we will only forget it all on rebirth! Maybe we don’t rebirth and float around like a beasty, but then what?

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I think that could be an option one could choose if they wanted to. I don’t think there is only one way to skin a cat here. I think there are a wide range of afterlife options.
For example onebcould live on in the consciousness of their descendants and experience everything they do.


I wouldn’t mind being a “beast” in my afterlife. I feel like that experience has a lot to offer. I still don’t know if I’m all in on the reincarnation idea, but I refuse to simply cease existing after my death. The only real solid goal I currently have is to maintain my consciousness and control of my form after I’m dead, whatever that form may be.


Become a living god? Most folks have difficulty being fully human.


I’m a knowledge whore.

I also would truly like to maintain all of my memories.

And lastly, find the people I care about again.


It is the purpose of the soul to grow and ascend. When I incarnated, I did so to learn the lessons that I needed to in order to grow and ascend.

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Honestly I think the “become a living God” slogan to be nothing but that, a slogan. For me it’s about getting in touch with who and what I am. Learning how to control and enjoy my life as much as I can before my meat suit expires. The physical realm isn’t really my cup of tea, but I’d like to make the best of it.

For now the goal is to grow in power and knowledge, while exploring realms of my choosing and forming bonds with the spirits that inhabit them. Evolution and remembering who I am, as well as making sure I choose where I go. I don’t enjoy human living for the most part, and am uncertain whether I want to have another go round.

As for souls being in the wrong body, I believe it is very possible. Though important to remember that for whatever reason, our spirits chose to play out this experience to learn something. With the enormous variety of intelligent life out there in the multiverse, to me it would seem ignorant to believe that less desirable vessels weren’t on occasion settled for to be somewhere at the right moment.


Lol. Can’t agree more.



I believe that when we achieve Ascension, we can control our present and future. (Of course, from a metaphysical perspective, there is no past, present, or future, but that’s besides the point.) We then act rather than are acted upon. I believe there are cosmic forces, but we can transcend them by Ascension.

And by controlling our present and future, I don’t mean feats of great astonishment like making it rain or splitting the earth or curing cancer. Rather, we have the tools (demons, angels, gods, energy, whatever) to make manifest our Will.

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I’m just sick of not knowing, feeling limited and that there’s quite a lot more I’ve forgotten. I remember enough to know I want the rest of me back.
I can’t do that the easy way and just leave, there are other spirits here I have made commitments to and I’m keeping to them. So I seek and cycle though alternately numbing and then awakening this fairly useless vessel.

Why I incarnated I’m not sure but my feeling is it was a huge mistake, mostly born of white-knighting friends that wanted to do this and trying to support and help them, even though it’s not my project, they were basically abandoning me (and the others) to do it, and I don’t even believe in it. I wasn’t one of the original spirits that seeded this planet, I always said it was a horrible, risky and reckless idea that should never have got off the drawing board. They did it anyway. Should have just left them to it. Maybe that’s it - I had to do something I hated enough to cure me of cosmic co-dependency issues… ffs.

So, I’m… an idiot. That’s it, that’s why I’m here. And I must hate myself as now I’m trying to remember the full extent of my idiocy, in a " I just woke up in the morning in another city, nursing a hangover, naked without my car keys or wallet, and hoping the pics taken during my blackout weren’t incriminating" sort of way.

And Azazel, with his, “oh I wish I was there, but could you just tidy it up and make it nice first” bs can go whistle, I didn’t do this to bring heaven to earth, if he wants that he can roll up his sleeves and come do it himself.


Becoming a god is just the beginning.

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Whats the end then? Becoming THE God?

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Realizing the Abyss, what is everything.
What many call “God”, is only what separates mortals from Gods, beyond that is the Void and the many levels below that, becoming that Light who some call god would be the spiritual equivalent of natural selection.


Why stop at a god?


Become a living god is more than a slogan, it’s the perfectly succinct bullet-point that summarizes this entire movement.

Perfect beyond understanding, so simple yet so impactful.


Natural selection !Yea, at the end of the day only strength matters. even in the spiritual realms. I am pretty sure the fluffy cloud made of pure love and innocence in heaven is a hoax. Propagated by the devil ( nothing against devil .)

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The physical world is a reflection of the Spirit world, what happens here is happening up there in it’s own unique way.


Tbh… I dont even really care about that shit all that much.
I just want answers to questions and knowledge of how things work. I dont want to just live in this “plane of existence”, I want to understand it.