Can someone ask Asmodeus for me?

Eh, I try not to get between business between others and spirits. I find it puts me at a dangerous position, as it can derail people from learning how to communicate with them themselves. But there is another way I can help.

Have you explored any form of divination yet?


You have to be in a relaxed meditative state.

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What does form of divination mean?


Divination is the art of predicting the future, deciphering oneā€™s own mind or communicating with a spirit by the use of an object, such as a deck of cards, a mirror, coins, runes, knives, stones, wildlife, etc. By form, I mean using one of those methods.

For example, you can take three pennies and put them in a cup or your hand. Sit quietly with a sigil of Asmodeus. Take some time to relax your body by taking deep breaths slowly. Once you are relaxed, gaze at the sigil gently. Take your time to really see the image and you can chant his name quietly in your mind. Allow yourself to relax more as you do this. When you are ready, shake the coins gently as you ask your question. Let them fall to the floor. If you get 2-3 coins on heads, it means yes. If you get 2-3 coins on tails, it is no. This is a simple form of divination that you can repeat with each question.

There are many other forms of divination out there so experiment with them as they can become very handy with both magic and spirit work as you progress.


Divination is a way of gaining information. In this case receiving knowledge/communicating with the outside to gain knowledge and understanding of happenings occurances, reasons for things or what to expect from the past in the present or in the Future

This can be done by a number of means from meditation, scrying, tarot, rune stones or pieces, lucid dreams, altered mental states, pendelums, (and it pains me to say ouija but I really donā€™t appreciate this method as I VEIW it as a game, but it can work)


I always seem to forget that one lol


Tiberius did a great example with the coins. Itā€™s important to accept the results at their value even if you donā€™t like the answer. If you ignore your first instinct urge or gut feeling it voids the divination


Itā€™s easiest for me when Iā€™m NOT trying to lucid dream xD
Otherwise Iā€™m out like a log


Any other thing except coins? :smiley:

Asmodeus taught me we are all products of our environment.

Energy is contagious and we adjust to what we surround ourselves by.

The choice comes by what we add, take away or change about our environment. Set your frequency to what you want to achieve and surround yourself by it as well as those on the same mission as you. You will have no choice but to become it.

Itā€™s a little thing called identity. I identified as a smoker forever. It wasnā€™t untill I changed how I perceived myself that I was able to quit smoking. Itā€™s also why doctors in white lab coats have a trend of performing better. It helps them identify with being a doctor and allows confidence to manifest.

As above, so below. As I believe the world to be so it is.
This is the basic principle of all magic. And these words changed my life.


Can you ask Asmodeus about me please? If you canā€¦ :slight_smile:

What are you trying to achieve?

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Iā€™m trying to get one girl, Iā€™ve asked him yesterdayā€¦ Is it possible that you can contact him and ask him about me, did he accept my request? I think I was good enoughā€¦

These gatekeepers really know what theyā€™re doing. However if your trying to influence a single persons mind, remember the law of attraction and setting your vibration. Rest assured your question was received and take comfort knowing youā€™ve given a request. There WILL be a response from him. More things are at work than what the human perception can interpret.
Just be open to receiving any hints or messages from Asmodeus at this point. Keep your eyes open and your Wittā€™s about you. Sometimes he speaks through people and you donā€™t even realize it.


Can you please ask him for me? Iā€™m really like scared what does he thinka about me you knowā€¦ Please :smiley:

As lovely as he is, donā€™t ride his ass because youā€™re insecure. A pact isnā€™t required and would likely be a very poor decision based on your age. Magick requires trust, work with spirits requires trust to some degree. Trust that he heard you and will aid you, then open yourself to his teachings. Asmodeus is extremely kind, helpful, and patient with those who come to him and truly want to learn. Iā€™ve called him ā€œLord of the long gameā€ many a time for damn good reason. Heā€™s quite giving with his energy and enjoys when you use it to help yourself while he works in the background in ways you donā€™t see.

For a confidence boost, visualize his sigil in a bright yellow over your stomach chakra. Pull energy through that and feel him empowering you. You may draw it on the area if you like. His demonalarty sigil is much easier to draw on yourself than his Goetic one.


I tried that some time ago but the answers of the questions I knew the answers to (to check if it worked) were wrong a few times. So I think it didnā€™t workā€¦ or was it a test?


Not every form of divination is going to work for everyone. I have also find that when you are focused too much on the actual tool (such as for testing if it is accurate) you are going to get wrong answers more times than not. The information comes from you and your gut, the tool is meant to just allow you to better connect to it and get you relaxed.

I actually had the same issue when experimenting with a pendulum. I kept asking if I was biologically female (an answer I should really know) and it kept saying yes lol


haha thats good!