I am familiar with the angel Raziel from the Damon Brand/Gallery of Magick (GoM) books. The rituals there lean more toward White Magick, Right Hand Sephirotic Magick. I have used these rituals with success.
I’m just wondering if Raziel can be called on to assist with the so-called Black Magick.
Yes, I know that angels can be called by Black Magicians too. There is even an incantation to summon legions of angels for black magick:
Eshtu Kala’lifu Gabriel Met Kala Sanfu Ashtu Tempfa Meskatu
Now, the call for Raziel is:
Kosu Harim Silah Va Anafeha Arzale
The full call is found in the 72 Angels of Magick book. Would it be okay to use this before a non-angelic working? Now, I have said in many posts before that there should not be any mixing of paths/paradigms. And, I consider myself a Grey Magickian that uses techniques from Hoodoo, Wiccan, and Chaos magick. I try to maintain a balance between light and dark energies.
Yes, he can. He is the Keeper of God’s Secrets, after all, and possesses a great deal of knowledge on all kinds of magick. He can help empower anything.
If you believe the “soul” is immortal as the christians do, there’s nothing to grant as you already have it (without getting into where that immortality is spent).
If you believe in reincarnation, then it’s a very different sort of thing.
People get hung up on all the various lives, but seem to miss the point of what actually moves between those lives…
In which case the immortality you’d be looking for would either be staying in one form on the astral such as a bhoddisatva or basically creating an empowered egregore of yourself I guess.
At the end of the day though, my opinion is you’re already “immortal” to one extent or another, but probably not in the conventional sense.