I have a 2 year old bengal cat (I’ll refer to her by her name, which is [fluffy] from now onwards), she seems to have some kind of spiritual energy around her and has been a great help in my spiritual journey so far. She has always helped me when I’m scared and funnily enough, she is very good at banishing spirits. I’ll sense an energy at a certain point in the room, I look at it, and it disappears. I used to think it (the entity) just moved, until last night when I noticed my cat staring at the entity, and then the entity just - disappearing. She also, somehow (this might seem farfetched I know ) seems to understand what I’m saying. She meows back at me when I talk, and she even does her little sad meow when I’m crying. I don’t know if she’s actually doing something, or if she knows more than I think she does, but I’d like to hear your thoughts.
And I also know cats are closely linked with spirituality and all that stuff. And I can’t remember where, but somewhere in the world they used to let a cat walk around the entire house before moving people in as the cat would cleanse the house of any evil, or bad spirits. So it’s very possible that my little Miyuki is onto something
All cats do this. You should put protections on her as she will naturally absorb bad energy to protect you and it can and will harm her. Age her faster, give her cancers, nasty shit is still nasty and she’s not supercat.
If you try the search there are posts on here about cats and also kids, and how to protect them from your workings as well as randoms. Having proper wards are a good first step.
I edited out the real name… never put out real names on an internet forum full of black mages. 99% of us are lovely but it only takes one argument with the one wrong person to create unintended consequences. Protect her, don’t expose her.
Basic internet safety precaution: don’t trust anybody. Not just here: this forum is a goldfish bowl open to all internet search engines, you have no idea who is watching.
I don’t know much about wards, but another thing she did was stop and look up at my pendant (it’s black obsidian) and stare at it. She never does that, it was almost like she was frozen in shock for a minute. It’s not like she’s never seen it before because I’ve had it for ages and almost never take it off because it makes me feel safe. Moo (a nickname I gave her for protection reasons) is also pregnant at the moment, so do you have any recommendations on how to protect her and also to ensure she has a safe birth? I don’t want to involve blood though, its a bit of a phobia of mine
So could I use the white sage I have to help build a ward? And I also have frankincense but I don’t know if that could be of use. Anyway, thank you for helping me learn more about wards, I’ll definitely see what I can do with what I already have here as money is a little tight to buy things at the moment. :>
Oh also, can I clean up the ash afterwards or does it have to stay there? My house isn’t mine since I live with someone. This someone also doesn’t support spells and stuff like that so I’d have to find a way to do it discreetly. It’s a bit of a tricky situation.
Yes. You could smudge and build a shield at the same time. Smudging drives off what’s already there and the shield closes the door behind them.
I do this outside in the grass and over the drive and paved areas, not inside. I don’t want these things in the walls. For inside here are other ways, like the iron in the other thread, or salt… read the other thread to get more ideas.
Yet, they support you wearing a black obsidian necklace for protection? Same thing. So they actually do “do stuff like that”.
Ah, I don’t think I could use your method since I physically can’t go around the outside of my entire house. And in terms of the black obsidian matter, this person says it’s not an actual spell, it’s not me outwardly doing “witchy” things so it’s ok. This person isn’t trying to be malicious at all, they just don’t want me to inflict bad karma onto myself.
You can do this without the physical part, all in your intention seeing it happen in your mind.
Look up the “tool free magick” tutorial. We have many people here in countries where magick is banned, but anyone can sit and look like they are only meditating, reading a book or listening to music and perform work that way.