My question is exactly what the title says Feel free to say multiple books, also any experiences you’ve had with them or unique aspect of the book.
I’ll go first:
- Daoist internal mastery by wang liping
The was a sleep meditation on the big dipper in there that was super effective. One time I had a sexual big draw, one time I felt as If I had tasted a real candy apple in a dream. Sometimes I have nightmares but there a little recurring sentient shadow teddy bear that dances to cheer me on.
lately I dont dream as much but back then, this meditation made believe there was more truth to the occult .
2)Mystical Words of power by damon brand. This was the first book I purchased from the gallery of magick, instead of using piracy. Super Effective. It halted an addiction for 7 days. That was the longest break I have had from this years old addiction. Pray for me to escape it.
Geotia Pathworking - Corwin Hargrove
Magickal Servitors - Damon Brand
I use these all the time! Brand’s method is what I like to use to make servitors and Hargrove offers a great method of contacting demons to make requests. I also use his pathworking method if I want to introduce myself to a demon and get to know their energy before doing other ritual work with them.
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Which ritual in MWOP do you use to cure your addiction? I’m curious.
Demons of Magick - Gordon Winterfield
72 Archangels of Magick - Damon Brand
Grimorium Verum
I change my mind all the time, and it depends what I’m up to, but most of my favorites are listed here:
The book of Azazel
The grimoire of Abaddon
The grimoire of amaymon
Coffins texts
Pyramid texts
These come to my mind at the moment.
LHD, AOO, DOM, Magickal Attack and Magickal Servitors.
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Fun question and fun to see the answers ^^
My preference also changes all the time.
Currently it is:
Queen Of Hell by Mark Alan Smith
Corpus Hermeticum by R. van den Broek & G. Quispel
Veneficum by Daniel Schulke
And from time to time I revisit and always seem to find new insights in the Tao Te Ching
I also forgot to add: Tree of Qliphoth by the Temple of Ascending Flame. This has helped me a lot as I’m initiating through the Qliphoth. It gives a good introduction to the different spheres along with rituals you can do to initiate into them.
ritual of the empowered mind
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“Liber Lilith” - Donald Tyson
The Collected Works of EA Koetting.
Ars nobilis by brother cernunnos a complete masterpiece
Milo rigaud veve diagrame rituels de voudou (the title is written in France, and I know nothing about that language). With the secrecy surrounding voodoo but this book give veves even of baron cimitierre, the hottest of bawons man … Aaahh!!
Evoking eternity by ea I love it because it’s a book that gave me a complete inspiration to dedicate myself to magick.
Demons of magick and it’s simple that book works, all the time. Plus it was given to me as a birthday gift so
Joy of Satan handbook pdf, i knew this as I was starting my path into magic, back in 2013, introduced by a classmate at that time I guess it’s not a complete book just notes from their site, but their meditations are remarkable.
I guess any beginner Will find those meditation useful just like I did at my time.
I guess those were worthy to mention…!!!