Can an entity imprint on you?

I know this is going to sound stupid but can an enity imprint on u or is that even a thing …that could happen it another way to claim u …and what are the signs an enity as claimed u other than that obviously…like him being protective over u and stuff. If there is any


Hey sweetie. You need help don’t you? The answer is yes they can. They can mark and such. What makes you think this? What are you feeling?


isnt imprint from twilight?


Yea, it’s what the werewolves do. I remember reading it in all the books :joy::thinking:


This explained why my past incubi had came to me in my dream as a werewolve with a pact running amongst me . I had felt a connection with him but i also felt a small short connection with another wolf that was behind me .So I might have had two from the jump …is that even accurate?? Or possible?? Ig there probably was alot of tension or fighting bc of that . Oh and they were in the form of black wolves with red eyes and concerned faces .

I think we need to move this off of this topic since it’s derailing the OP post. @Lady_Eva can you make a new topic for us pretty please?

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Okay lol

No probs! :+1:

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Thank you! @Jamia_Chatman1 now we can continue on the conversation.

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Is it possible that when, i was a little girl and …before I knew him or he has fully manifested into my life…that he may have claimed me , before claiming me again at age 13 for some reason . I had felt wet drops on my forehead ( tear drop i called them) these tear drops were not physical. They felt like small tingles and gentle wetness just droping upon my forehead or sometimes my right arm had STOPed after I had turned mabye 9 or 8 idk but i never felt that again since then. And i thought that only succubus 's do that to claim their victims or husband’s??

This is how he had claimed me at age 13 .
my past incubi had came to me in my dream as a werewolve with a pact running amongst me . I had felt a connection with him but i also felt a small short connection with another wolf that was behind me .So I might have had two from the jump …is that even accurate?? Or possible?? Ig there probably was alot of tension or fighting bc of that . Oh and they were in the form of black wolves with red eyes and concerned faces .

I moved your posts over here, now you have your own topic all in one place to post at will. :+1:

Oh thank u soo much … at first I thought she told Me to make a new thread lol.

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Yes and plz leave nothing omitted .:yum:

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So any assumptions ?
Or did i just basically answer my own question ??.

I’m really picky and don’t let random spirits imprint on me. It is bad enough I have a red string connection I’m trying to break with my crazy ex who is casting spells against me.

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Oh hell thats bad . Hope u find a way to rid it off u .

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And this random spirit was cursed to me by my own bloodline (so not optional. )

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Then break the bind if you want to, and if it doesn’t work the first time do it again. You are in control and the operator of your life.

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Yes I’m aware and i have chosen my decision. :slightly_smiling_face: