Blood and energy

I just had a really interesting thought that I need to share with you all.

Okay so as we know, everything is energy.
What if an alternate way of manipulating and directing energy is to do the same with your physical blood?

Like using special exercises that causes blood to flow into specific parts of the body.

So you can super charge your hands with spirit energy by directing your blood to flow more into your hands.

What do you think of this?


You can do the same just putting your attention on your hands, qi follows mind. I guess you could windmill to get more circulation in your hands and see what the difference is. :thinking:


This is already an innate part of what you are. Blood is the life force and wherever blood is flowing is inevitably where energy on some level or another will be. There are also hundreds of energy points AKA “chakras” within the body. There are the 7 main energy centers that you may be familiar with, but also many others of which there are too many to mention here.

The energetic structure of both physical and spiritual body is an energetic system that functions in perfect symbiosis with itself.
You cannot seperate yourself from yourself if you understand my meaning. You have this energy you speak of within you already. If you maintain a healthy diet aided with supplements, exercise and meditation you will find the energy within your hands increases exponentially.

Strong, healthy blood flow is based not only on spiritual practices but healthy physical practices such as eating well and really making an effort to take care of yourself. Do not underestimate the power of exercise. Humans were not meant to sit on their asses and watch Netflix all day. This is the most abnormal generation in known human history. If you aren’t already doing it, get some exercise and you’ll see a difference in your energetic output/flow.


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@Mulberry True but strangely it seems hard for me to focus my attention on my hands like that.

I am however at least barely able to focus on my breath and sometimes heart beat like that.

@BlissfulFusion Thanks.
Yes I kinda know about chakras but not any of the details like their exact locations, visual appearances, names, or even what their functions are.

Well other than the third eye.

I also know there is a root chakra but I don’t really know anything about that one.

So I mostly just pretend chakras don’t exist.

What you said about exercise is definitely something for me to consider though.

Try focusing on just the center of each palm. There is a major acupuncture point there called Lao Gung, that will tingle or you can otherwise feel the energy that helps focus. Qi therapists open these points and use them to transmit energy during qi healings.

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Thanks @Mulberry I will try that today.

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I tried it with my right hand for like a minute or two so here are the results so far.

It had a slow and kinda difficult start but then I was able to feel a heart beat kind of sensation in the palm of my hand and that was cool.

Probably going to keep trying to do this hoping the results become stronger and more noticeable over time.

Can you recommend any more energy manipulation exercises?

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Since qi follows mind, I wonder if focused breathing exercises actually fuse extra qi into the breath, causing qi energy to follow the breath along with your attention.

And then maybe that would eventually build up the ability to sense that energy.

Practice placing our mind on both palms at once. To start put mind in right Lao Gung, get that clear, then change to the left, get that clear, than start switching faster and faster until you say “mind in both Lao Gung”.

With that, you can quickly and easily cleanse and enchant objects, e.g., an athame.
Place the object in your non dominant hand if it’s small and the dominant hand above, or both hands either side if it’s larger, breathe in, set your intention, and as you breath out allow the energy to flow from dominant to nondominant Lao Gung through the object, infusing it with your energy charged with intention. If that intention is to clear it of unwanted energy, that’s what happens, if you’re charging it with something that’s also what happens. I usually do both in succession.

Yes, you use the breath to help direct it. So if you are cultivating the qi of the sun, moon, cosmos, that waterfall over there, breathe it in, and on the out breath, you want to keep it so direct it to your lower dan tian.

Yes if you keep filling your lower dan tian you will start to feel a pressure there, and you might get spontaneous visuals like seeing it shining or golden. At that point intend to compress that qi into a smaller concentrated ball and keep going. This is one of the most fundamental exercises in qigong for building your lightbody and also your body know show to use it for health and longevity.

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@Mulberry That is awesome.
What does cultivate qi mean?

Where is the dan tian?
All I could find on Google is it seems to have a definition similar to chakra.

Also might try imagining myself in first person view holding a small sun between my hands then having the fire of that sun flow into my arms through my body.

To cultivate qi means to gather more of it.

I actually posted this info with a picture here:

It’s two fingers width down from your navel and two finger widths in.

That works, you can also place that ball directly into your lower dan tian with your hands. Be careful not to make yourself unbalanced with too much yang energy. If you get too hot you can pull energy from the artic to col off. You can use these on cold and hot days to hep regulate your comfort with the temperature.

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@Mulberry Thanks again.
Seems like recently everything I find related to qi and the like puts a big focus on balance but I dunno why.

Like why would too much of one specific energy without balance be a problem?

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Being unbalance is you you get sick, that’s all. Too much of anything makes you sick. Or to put it the other way, in qigong, all sickness is treated as an imbalance of some kind.

Too much yang in various places and you have fevers, headaches, stressed organs etc etc. We’re not built to just be one thing.


what you are talking about fits under the topic of blood magic🤓. Sorceress Cagliastro has two books on the subject. She says to think of the iron in your blood as tiny magnets. Once you learn to manipulate your own, you can manipulate others as well. Her focus is necromancy…

Probably others that have written on the subject. I haven’t looked (blood magic requires you to be willing to use your own blood) since I read it :disguised_face: around the time you made this topic