thank you for the quick and detailed reply! you’ve helped me a lot, and i appreciate it!
You’re very welcome!
I’m assuming this is to keep energy from getting in or getting out. Are there any other fabrics or materials that can be used to house consecrated objects and prevent energy leaks?
@C.Kendall oh my gosh this is amazing thank you!!!
Man, this is an invaluable resource for us newbies! Thank you for putting this together. I’m reading Works of Darkness now and this goes with it really well. I especially like the meditations you’ve provided and I’m going to work through them one by one. Thanks again.
@C.Kendall: What is a basic spell that would manifest immediately. Because everyone says that you should not worry about the result for the spell to work, and tbh, patience isn’t my best quality, so I am trying to learn and see which spells I could try that are relatively safe and would work immediately. Any tips in that area? Thank you in advance.
Thank you! This is really important info for a newbie like me. Really finding this whole forum is like finding a gold mine .
Yep, so glad a random redditor told me about this place! Learned so much in my short time being here.
Lesson 7’s link is a repeat of the Soul Travel link. Could you link to the ritual?
wind bringme here…
bigger thanks bro
Nice work! Way to go.
This is so amazing THANK YOU! The very act of taking the time to share this with beginners and put this out there when one ya new and it’s exciting but there’s so many options it can be challenging to know where to start and we all know that STARTING and consistently practicing is so essential! So thank you thank you for sharing this it’s WONDERFUL and it’s helped simplify the daunting task of knowing what you truly
need to start a practice!!!
Your welcome just trying to help out all my brother’s and sisters
I see that and feel that and that’s what also is so moving to me about this community that members WANT to guide and share and help others on this journey. It’s just so frankly refreshing! And I love being on this path and then to see the energy of so so many members of this community—I’m so glad to be here and feel welcomed. I was seeking for a long long time — didn’t know what for — until I found it. And then to see a community such as this as a part of it?..words sincerely can’t describe. Feels like coming home.
Hail Satan.
Welcome @Luna666. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.
Will do! Thank you! I read the rules right away but was having trouble navigating the site (it’s ridiculous how long it took me just to know how to comment I’m challenged when it comes to this stuff!) But yes I will do an intro! Thank you for the tip!
This ruffles my Discordian feathers. IO Chaos.
Hi sorry hope this is ok you have soul travel linked so I found your Absorbent Water and linked it below.
Great post for beginners on where to get started, this is worth booking.