You mean did it work with Sallos? No it didn’t.
Did it work with any other or at all?
Only two times have I had success bringing an ex back. Once was using the candle method that E.A. has a video on and once using the spirits from NAP that I have posted on this board. I posted the exact method I used.
Where did you post the method if I may ask? Tried to search but couldn’t find.
It’s under love and sex magic but the easiest way to get it is just click on his name and see the posts he’s made. But here’s the link To it
I tried NAP once but I felt it was too overwhelming and doing it for days killed eventually my interest for it. I’m not sure if this one is similar (they are all alike right?). I did mine for success.
I personally feel like the NAP procedures are merely an advertisement for the book. I think in order for you to make a connection with any spirit all you need is focus and dedication. I’ve been pretty consistent with just meditating to SALLOS. I still don’t feel his presence but I still layout my desires to him and leave the rest to him.
the first part of the NAP book just talks about breathing techniques and just how to get your self to that trance State, which is basic meditation. But thats just my opinion.
Makes sense. I tried to work with Lucifer and King Paimon. Always felt their presence strong, but nothing came out of it. So I just felt it wasnt something for me to have in the end.
Yea its best to leave it to them once you feel like you’ve put your 100% into it.
@Romina check your PM
I have worked with Elubatel outside of NAP and he has always been successful. But I first learned to work with him using NAP. I’ve always thought it’s good to work with a spirit using a proven method and getting to know them before working with them outside of a system but that’s just me. Elubatel is originally in the 6th and 7th Book of Moses, and he is listed as one who can bring forth the monsters of hell! That’s pretty powerful and he isn’t one to be taken lightly.
You can get the NAP book online for free so there is no reason for anyone to advertise it. Certain things work for different people.
Hello was wondering if maybe you could tell me a lil more about this spell you speak of …please I’d appreciate the time and gesture thanks
Its actually straight out of the mystic grimoire and I have no evidence that it works as no one has reported such. On these grounds I might suggest you try something more potent.
I rencently started saying the prayer to Pomba Gira,all I know is that I have so much faith in her that no matter how many people say that she helps or doesn’t help in my heart I believe in Pomba Gira Maria Padilha is going to help me.My offerings to her r very humble because I don’t have much money,I also don’t know much about black magic or about any spells,all I know is that she’s been in my mind for awhile & I was kind of scared to the prayer for her,but all of the sudden I started doing research about Pomba Gira Maria Padilha & I started doing her prayer all tho I just started I have an immense certainty that she will help me that I just continue praying & talking to her with a lot of respect & love & humbleness,no matter what.I hope that my faith help others strat the prayer to Pomba Gira Maria Padilha!!!
pls can u send me the directives of this particular method via my email , I lik. it,tanks in advance
Hello can u please help me out my gf dumped me and now I need her back can u help me out well I am new in here so please help me out