Bit of a tongue in cheek topic - Are demons and gods really extraterrestrials? Why or why not?

Thing is due to Stitchin the term Annunaki was heavily misconstrued lol.

Not sure why you deleted your post, but I wanted to respond to this statement:

“People on here seemed offended or at least put off that certain demons might be Annunaki or aliens”

Some people here are also offended or put off if you refer to demons as demons :joy:

Welcome to the LHP lol

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I was heavily in coast to coast at the time I was reading his books so at least in my case one thing lead to another lol.

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I wasn’t sure if I had offended you and did not want to start religious war in the thread that was supposed to be lighthearted. Thanks by the way. Here I will repost it.


Yes I’m aware of those people. Science fiction has made fun of them in return more than once and in more one show or book Anyways regardless as you said it really doesn’t matter one way or another. I was asking the question in terms of the LHP only not from a Judeo-Christian pov and specifically in regards to another thread on here that I was reading. Origin of Demons? - #9 by Arcane People on here seemed offended or at least put off that certain demons might be Annunaki or aliens.

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What have they said exactly if you don’t mind me asking?

What is Farsight and MJ12?

Probably this

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Ahh them. I have heard of them before.

Ooo this topic! I for myself at least in my personal experiences, they are technically are extraterrestrial because they are not human. I also know that they exist on a different plain then we do as other ETs does. There is ETs that are living in other dimensions as they do and travel between plains of existence like basically as if it was nothing but every day traveling.

So how do I know this? Basically personal experience i had a few years back involved a group of ETs and them trying things. Michael showed up and severs this cord that was attached to me with them. It did affect them as well as myself also from other experiences that I had too.

Demons,angels and the like are beings just like other ETs out there that exist on that plain. Gods are no different. The only major difference is that Gods are energy bodies (mostly) and have attained this form from their own will and growth. Much like a soul evolution to us. (I mean we are here to attain the highest form of being right?)

And just like other life that exist here, who is to say that life it self has to have A B C in order to be considered life? There is plenty of ETs that exist on a different plain then us. So when we interact with them they seem more like a spirit then a actual “life form”. But in reality it’s all about the frequency. That’s also how some of their stuff works.

Now am I saying that spirits and us are THE exact same thing? No. But for most part, Gods,Demons,Angels,Arcturan,Sirian ex can in fact exist on the same plain thus to them they are as solid as we are but to us they are spirits. They just exist in a different form then us.


What group were you involved in if you don’t mind me asking?

If we all come from the same Source what’s extra about it (assuming you mean angels when you say gods).

Speaking on the bible, the animal sacrifices represented & pointed to Christ but isn’t done anymore by believers because Christ fulfilled it.

Some humans on Earth today had past incarnations on planets outside of this system, galaxy, cluster, supercluster, and universe. Some also spent time as plants, animals, demons, angels, and anything else you can think of. There’s so much spiritual life out there that it really blurs the lines between what’s alien and what’s not. Spirits are spirits to me. Everything else (job, race, origin, etc.) is a label that gets tacked on. I see people the same way; without labels.

I came across this intriguing post today in an astral projection Facebook group:

True or not, that’s pretty much how I view the whole alien spirit thing. When it all boils down to it, I think what really sets anyone or anything apart (spirit or living being) is stuff like personality, knowledge, wisdom, skills, intellect, and spiritual devolopment.


Thing is you don’t know if we all come from the same source lol. The idea is just being piggybacked just to follow a current.

I agree with a lot of this only difference is to me Gods are a race in their own, born what they are with some exception (like psyche for example) other than that legit 10/10 post :laughing:

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Agree 100% lol Also you would in joy reading about Eradinus then. :3

They were I believe from Orion as well from Sirius and a few other places. The ones from Orion weren’t a race or two but multiple. There was feline like beings, typical grays and tall, insect type, human looking type and reptilian. The leader or captain as I called him was reptilian.

But to make a note on here to pass along some things, reptilian beings are very emotional and they do not take anyone insulting them, their people and especially their woman and children. There is some that have their own different agendas but the one I met and others, are good solid individuals that I honestly respect. The captain for example, was a fair person and ran his ship well. They have warned me about imposters that will try to make you believe they are a part of a group but they are not. Those are the ones I ran into and that Michael came in. Also that’s when I saw first hand that the captain did in fact did not put up with anything such as rape or something that involves disgraceful treatment to anyone on his ship.

So with that said. There is a lot that is not open to the public about how these people actually live. Such as reptiles. For instance they also practice different forms of magic from shamanism all the way to other possibly unknown forms. But in general they love nature and what I understand and feel they respect it. For instance the captain gave me one of his rings. At first I thought it was a flower. It was gold with a red gem in the center of it that was surrounded by ball like ornaments. He told me it was a solar ring. When I put it on I felt this unexplainable warmth from it. Not like light energy but purely solar energy. Very fiery.

Sorry for the rant but I felt like I needed to share.

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Makes me wonder why Micheal came in and pulled you out of a situation like that if they were that nice. I don’t suppose he told you why he was coming in and severing the link?

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I thought this idea was from hermeticism tbh though I could be wrong.

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What makes you so sure of this?