Bit of a tongue in cheek topic - Are demons and gods really extraterrestrials? Why or why not?

Possibly, I meant more that with just a vast nigh-infinite possibilities of creation not everyone could be from the same source, the idea is often piggybacked by modern occultist without most of them actually looking into who/what their source may be, when I use to get into various occult groups some of us touched on it in a way where we all tried to find where our being originated, likely to say some of us didn’t come from the same source.

I remember a handful of my past lives as various ETs, humans, and nonhumans, human lives is the ones I’ve lived less from what I have found.

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Like where or who? I am just curious sorry.

I’ve had lives as an Arcturian, Pleiadian, Lyran, as for human lives one in Egypt where I worshiped Amun as a priest, An american indigenous woman, another in Egypt where I died young, and another in particular which I believe was somewhere in Europe where I was put to death by guillotine for murder and another where I was my mother’s great uncle who died in a retirement home. All my other lives were lives as “spiritual” beings.

Also no problem, curiosity is normal and maybe it’ll be what sparks you to explore your own possible past lives.

Oh no. The ones that he severed was the imposters and not the other ones. The reason for the cutting of the cord per say was because the imposters basically was those that want nothing but to get what they want no matter the cost. Aka rape.

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My opinion on the matter (just throwing this out there because I haven’t seen anyone say this yet) is that the ETs are egragores, fueled by the popular beliefs of a large chunk of the world since the 1950s. Also if there are extra dimensions of space that operate on similar physical principles to our universe, that is problematic. It may come as a surprise to people here, but there are peer reviewed publications in cosmology analyzing the number of dimensions that must exist. The conclusion I’ve seen is that for a universe following physical laws similar to our own, the number of dimensions of space must be 3 and the number of dimensions of time must be 1 based on an analysis of the mathematics and applying the anthropic principle.

There was a very relevant paper published here. If you don’t understand the math, that’s okay, the picture showing the dimensionality restrictions should be understandable to most:

If there are extra dimensions of space they must function based on drastically different physical laws. Take the Astral for example. In my opinion it functions more like an abstract computer program, with possible laws that enforce free will to some degree as well as some sort of energy exchange. The laws there are very different from the mostly mechanical workings of our physical universe.

As for the physical ships that the military has admitted to detecting recently: my belief is that these are spirits manifesting on the physical plane. Whichever group is scaring the US military seems to have an interest in ensuring that we do not nuke ourselves to death. If you deal with magick long enough you will inevitably run into situations where electronics will go on the fritz, and fail in unexpected ways. So I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say that a spirit could manifest as a glowing orb of light.

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This is an interesting idea, but I’d like to ask, why can’t life outside of humanity exist? why must it be a product of humanity? in this idea are you saying life on other planets are simply the imagination of humans and not something that may or may not of existed prior us? on other planets.

And how would we know difference if what Anthropic is saying was true?

That’s true, because egregores aren’t physical beings, they are astral thoughtforms brought on by the imagination and require focus to stay fed, while tulpas by definition anyway are the imagination given physical form and a life of its own.

I think that life must definitely exist elsewhere on other worlds. However I don’t believe that Earth has been visited in physical space, primarily because normal space seems to have annoying limitations on how easy it is to make interstellar voyages. Although we do not have a complete understanding of physics, our scientists have yet to devise a way to make an interstellar voyage. There’s annoying problems with the speed of light, as well as the amount of fuel you would need to make an interstellar trip.

Maybe we can find a loophole that will allow for easy interstellar travel, maybe not.

Physical space seems very restrictive in this way.

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Yeah I don’t believe we’ve had physical alien contact yet atleast in my current belief that’s subject to change but yes I do see your point :smiley:

Any entities that claim to be from the Pleiades or Sirius are delusional or liars.

The Pleiades are only around 100 million years old which is nowhere near enough time for planetary formation, let alone intelligent life to evolve, develop to a super advanced technological civilization and master interstellar travel. For comparison, our own sun is around 4.6 billion years old. The formation of Earth took around 500 million years alone. On Earth it took a further 3.42 billion years to go from the first sign of life to the present day. Furthermore our telescopes have detected protoplanetary disks around the Pleiades, which makes sense because it’s a very young system.

Sirius is another system unlikely to host life. Like the Pleiades this is a young system, approximately 230 million years old. Sirius is a binary system, with one of the stars already passing through the red giant phase. I think that the age of the stars, the fact that there are two of them and that one has already evolved off the main sequence makes Sirius unlikely to host any life.

Out of all the supposed ET systems, Arcturus is perhaps the best bet. It’s a star around 7.1 billion years old and was once around the same size as our sun. Its metallicity is much lower, but this might not necessarily be a deal breaker. However the star is now a red giant, which means that any habitable planets were swallowed up by the star and are now fried. Still, it may be possible that life once existed in the Arcturus system.

While you make valid points you also miss the idea that half those people are also speaking on the spiritual side of those places, so to outright call someone delusional or a liar without actually understanding what they mean reflects poorly on you also because your post also has a few assumptions.

However, whether they are advanced or not most discussions on them don’t touch down on that simply that they were tall beings with the ability of telepathy, in a mythological sense the Pleiadeans could very well be the Greek Nymphs that Zeus turned them into stars of course again it’s a myth and I know for sure I’ve lived a life as a Pleiadian.

I also want to add that many of species you mentioned are transdimesional (yes I’m gonna use that pseudo scientific word) and not carbon based if they ever were. The Arcturians are supposed to be living inside there star for instance which could mean that maybe they are in fact plasma based lifeforms or something else. Some planets that are not habitable in our dimension, if you go up one or two, are very habitable supposedly. This information I admit though does come from questionable sources but the ideas they present are interesting. Other worlds that you mentioned and species were not originally from there but were colonist s from other star clusters. Again I cannot verify the authenticity of this but it’s what I have heard and read.

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@Lady_Eva is hot cick lol. :grin: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :roll_eyes: :grimacing: :grin: :wink: :see_no_evil:


Keep that open mind & question things.

We shall see :v:t5:

Given you’re the one that said we’re all from one source, you probably should follow your own advice on that lmao

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Not saying I agree with the person you’re replying to, but have you ever read The Kybalion? According to The Kybalion (and Hermetic philosophy in general) everything originates from “The All” and the bulk of the magickal systems that we use today have their roots in Hermetica. Whether we’re in a simulation, or something more akin to a dream, there’s most likely some sort of machine or mind that holds all of the information and executes these processes. Your characters in your computer games all originate from your computer, and in a sense, they are your computer.

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Yes I know about the concept of the all, but it’s one thing to follow a system’s version of our origins and another to find your own truth of origin, while I do believe in source I don’t believe there’s just one.

About ten years ago there was a page I came across on alien races, draconian and elohim among them and countless others.

Probably a new age because the Elohim weren’t aliens in the ET sense until Stitchin

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