Bit of a tongue in cheek topic - Are demons and gods really extraterrestrials? Why or why not?

Interesting, I appreciate the nuance there. What about something like the spirit of a tree? My belief while not the same is similar to yours, so im curious how you feel about that.

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Depends, I view most trees as being aspects of the overall energy of the earth, not its own being persay, but pieces of the same “spirit” but that there are cases where nature spirits possess a tree, which is often seen in various shinto lore of yokai possessing homes, trees, rocks, etc.


My personal belief is that, as all things are infinite, how we perceive and experience them is necessarily limited. I may see a tree rooted in place, but that is only a small fraction of what it is. It could have a very active life on a separate planet or plane that I am (generally) incapable of experiencing.

Although if it is infinite definitely has a complex life somewhere else

My questions is…why should it matter? :man_shrugging:

People are free to believe whatever they want.

It’s when they try to force their own subjective opinions on others where the problems start. Whether demons and angels are extraterrestrials or not is completely immaterial to actually working with them.

I see the branding of spirits as “aliens” as really no different than the religious LHP practice of claiming all demons are really ancient gods. It’s basically an attempt to disassociate them from their established context, and make them more palatable to modern sensibilities. For example, thanks to science fiction novels, television shows, and movies, more people in the modern world believe in the existence of extraterrestrials than they do the idea of actual angels and demons, so it’s a way to rewrite the classic narrative, and introduce quasi-scientific terms like “transdimensionality” to what is otherwise basically a religious story.


They’re not from this plane, so they’re already “alien” imo.


It doesn’t matter and that’s not personally what I believe for the most part. However I do think some of them might be and it doesn’t bother me if that turns out to be the case or not.

I wasn’t trying to suggest that is what they are only that it’s a interesting possibility. I will admit that I left organized religion because once upon a time I believed in the ideas of sitchen. Now that’s not what I believe now but I still think there possibility that it might be the case in some cases. I honestly don’t see the harm in asking the question either directly to them or other people.


Honestly the biggest problem with Sitchin Is that alot of his stuff is based on wild speculation that is itself based on further speculation. The ancient aliens theory is a decent theory on it’s own, but to say sitchins logic is flawed is an understatement. I haven’t even been able to finish one if his books for that reason.

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I came into stitchin from the “stitichiniswrong” or something like that website where he tried to connect the sun symbol to a movie style UFO lol and the depictions of the Gods wearing jewelry to it being “alien technology” which was later revealed to pretty much be the sumerians depicted their Gods like them, who wore lots of jewelry, among a few other flaws he tried to create, the “advanced watch” lol which was a bracelet lol.

also not to get started on “nibiru” which in sumerian text was a canal were two bodies of water notably rivers crossed creating a kind of ferrying port and he turned it into a planet and linked it to planet X.


Well when this happened I was around 14 or 15 at the time lol so I was already a weird kid. I haven’t read the books since then and actually lost them years ago. Your right though from what I remember he didn’t provide alot of concrete proof only alot of hearsay. Maybe I should reread the books and have another look.


Kinda like this (it’s not Sumerian but still). I have no idea what this is but it does make you wonder.

It looks Mezoamerican, but I could be wrong.

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Oh it’s Mayan lol nice

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Oh it is. It’s mayan but what it is I can’t say.

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Meso American rug/tapestry or painting. I’m not well versed in meso American cultures (like Inca, Aztec and Mayan) but it looks like some meso American art I’ve seen in anthropology documentaries.

There’s a theory it’s a spaceship lol but I have my doubts, but it’s really interesting


You asked why people dislike the idea of spirits being extraterrestrials, and I answered you. It’s because it goes against the established narrative, and, as Lady_Eva pointed out, reduces the profundity of communication with the “emissaries of God.”

For example, fans will often argue with the authors of their favourite books about nuances of the characters. They get this idea in their head about how certain things are, and they refuse to accept any other interpretation, even from the one who created the story in the first place.

Sitchin and his ilk are science fiction hacks. He has no scholarly background or actual training in linguistics, so his “interpretation,” of Sumerian cuneiform is just a story he made up to fit his already preconceived ideas.


The Nahuatl were a group of MesoAmericans that we lost 90% of data pertaining to them. Some call them Aztec or Mayan (not the same) . I don’t think conversations about them can ever be “fair”. It’s like if a civilization in the future took our present age, knowledge and condensed it under the idea of “They literally worshipped a Goddess called Lady Liberty.” The Nahua trafficked heavily in what we call the gateway of blood. To comprehend Nahua, mediating on the union of Venus & blood is a great start.

Edit: Stichen (spelling) really did a trash job of translating. Given that the average Joe, or practitioner, doesn’t know the language- let’s him get away with shoddy linguistic work.

Edit 2: For those interested in the Nahua, check out “Popol Vuh, translated by Dennis Tedlock”


It’s a Sarcophagus lid but that’s not what’s interesting about it. It’s what depicted on it that’s interesting. Some people think it looks like a rocket ship but that’s probably not what it is.

After looking closer at the pic I doubt it’s a spaceship but I was reminded of the fact those cultures performed human sacrifices after I had looked at it from multiple angles (from 1 of those angles it looked like a person sitting/laying inside a chalice or wine cup.

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Further looking at it from the angle where it resembled a person in a cup I thought I saw a very tall person in the background behind the person but no matter what it really represents it’s an interesting picture anyway you look at it.