Billie Eilish - who suspects she's into the LHP?

That sounds more like some edgy teens who are just trying to be special snowflakes and live out their life in escapism, this forum is far from the darkest or badass “dark forum” lol.


I’m just going with the vibe E.A. as said and trying to put out into the world. I’m just going with it.

I understand, I’m not aiming it at you, more from a general say.

She’s a young and highly successful popular artist in an incredibly competitive industry, and she actually does (or did, at least) her own artwork (in collaboration, but that absolutely still counts) and who rose to fame in a relatively short period of time.

So yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if she worked with magick. I don’t know that for a fact, and I am even somewhat reluctant to make this post as I don’t want to potentially harm the reputation of a fellow dark magician, but it seems like things are going pretty well for her.

I agree that it’s good not to dive off into crazy conspiracies, but magick works, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise when people become highly successful with the help of magick.


Perhaps she dabbles, but I have no reason to suspect that it’s a big part of her life or got her to where she is now. I love Billie, but honestly she’s just being an edgy teen more than anything. I don’t believe if she were really wrapped up in all this, she’d make such a fictional, hollywood display of it. The goal here is make money, and a great way to do that is by stirring up controvery.


She has had a dark mind but has been doing music forever. I like her no autotune but still her songs are creative and different then any other pop stars. Pop is the most popular genre of music.

Occult and LHP undertones are all throughout Hollywood.
Everything Occult is basically marketable now. So edge lords and spiritual gods will be rampant.


People with high emotional intelligence and a high drive for attention are usually artists.
They express their beliefs openly.

Billie Ellish is cool.
But so is Joji.

I love how the meme of the internet then turned around and became a popstar icon for Sadboys. Interesting :stuck_out_tongue:


LHP is like diet liberation at this point with all the demon worship and what not xD

but Bille Ellish I’m a fan of tbh.

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Yeah I think she is definitively into the occult. I have been suspecting from months lol.

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A lot of singers/rappers appear in music videos displaying riches of one kind or another to reach out, more often than not, to a younger audience. Some display dark, lonely places which can resemble certain mind-sets, some baby-like products, some Luciferian etc. It’s to capture the majority of people’s interest for the company’s label. More interest = more money. They will sing or rap about issues of interest to create fans – Fans that are lured in until they want to be like their newly found icons, or should I say, eye cons, created by the media. This allows the industry to pick and choose another generation of potential eye cons who are willing to join their cesspit of deceit thus giving them an aim to kneel and suc ceed. Once those con tracts are signed, they’re are owned by the company. (a tract is a story told between 2 or more people, so what do you think a CONtract is?)

Fame comes at a price in that industry as their CONtracts run deep into ownership relating to both the music and themselves. What follows is usually connected to sexual rituals or sacrificial rituals that are linked to Saturn. All singers are as big as the media allows them to be, and let’s not forget who owns the major outlets of the media on a global scale. It’s easy to spot those in the know as they usually cover up one eye in their photos. This represents oculism by piracy. They don’t like conspiracy theories because conspiracy CONS-piracy. Just look for symbolism, it’s currently ruling thge World.

If you’re not aware of this, just do some research otherwise you might get comfortable in Plato’s cave.

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Her musics trash who cares

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I smell a unsuccessful hater, must be a dark magician :joy:


You got me man ,

I have to admit, I didn’t know Heathens was one of hers until this thread and I kind of like that one. :man_shrugging:t2:

Just because someone is a musical corporate commodity doesn’t mean one can’t like the product lol


It’s okay, I’ll purify that edge from you with the power of unruly fae magick

Try me I have 3 Stephen hawking servitor defenders deadly as frick


I accept, me and the unseelie :imp:

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Yes and way back in history like, less than two months ago, many of us (or just me?) might have been quietly, secretely, even mockingly singing along to Bing Crosby’s White Christmas… which I think still happens to be one of the biggest selling songs of all time.

If a song has a melody, a rhythm and the dynamics to hold with the beat, it creates the hook in a pop song. With the performers style added in and if their face fits in the maketeers shop window then they get sales.

But here’s something, have a look in our local friendly Cool Music Thread at all the occult related artists. How many of them practice black magick and how many of them get to play at the Grammy’s or Oscars or the Superbowl?

Ouch but…lmao, just the same. Personally, I think that she is a pretty and talented young woman. As for the other, we will see, won’t we?


I always thought the idea was to use magick to help increase your chances of getting famous. Not neccesarily magick making you famous