Best demons to help disabled people?

Good luck with the working :slight_smile:

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If you are interested in the group working let us know or leave a comment

@anon41658706 Please be aware of the 90 rule. @Lunaa has only been a member here for just over two weeks and is prohibited from offering to do magick for others.

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I would like to try performing a group ritual if possible. I have been practicing magick for two years and I feel that there is still many things to learn so if anyone is interested in helping with this I would be very happy.
The situation here in Brazil is complicated because we have many perfect laws that remain only at the paper and are never applied.
The department that investigates universities here is the ministry of education. However the minister is an ex professor of the same university.
It’s a very complicated situation. There are many human rights violations occurring at my country this very moment. The cities are delaying covid vaccines to the people and thousands are dying.
The only chance I have is making my case known to the media. I tried to contact some journalists but nobody answered.


@AdamThoth @Veil @anon55088170 @sanaRo I think you all meet the requirements to lend a hand. If you can help out for a group ritual, I’m sure @BlancheNeige would appreciate it.
If not, that’s totally fine too.
Thanks for considering it.


@DarkestKnight Good catch. Thanks for the clarification friend. :+1:t3:

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I feel you I really do.
I’m sorry about not being able to help ,’it was an oversight on my part as I didn’t realise it would be classed as ‘offering a service ‘ because we would have all been participating together .
Not to worry though, @anon41658706 is still in (
And Way more experienced with this type of work than I am ) if you , S-S (and anyone else 3 months + old) put your heads together you can come up with something powerful and bring about change - I believe in you all :muscle: you can do this :smiley:

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@anon41658706 I asked for clarification from the mighty Lady Eva, and she said newcomers like @Lunaa can participate in this endeavour as long as there is at least one Regular coordinating the group. It would then be similar to the Friends With Benefits operations we do, so if you’re organizing Lunaa is fine to be part of it :+1:

Hm, I wonder if you treat the university itself as an individual if a ritual to destroy a person’s reputation would cause enough distraction to get them off your heels. One thing universities hate the most is a scandal that discredits them, especially in terms of the international community. Raum could be helpful there, Abbadon to destroy their means, and Malphas can attack their desire to go after you.

After that, Belial and a good lawyer to give them a taste of their own medicine if you want to go that route. Bune can be helpful for help acquiring funds for said lawyer, especially if there are Autisim Activism groups in your area.


I think this is a very good magickal strategy! Thanks for giving me the idea!

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No problem at all, I hope it goes well. Sometimes a little layering can go a very long way.

I can’t commit to a group ritual (i.e. multiple workings daily like the MFWB groups), I have too much going on irl.

That said, I do have an experimental ritual that I’ve wanted to try for a while, and funnily enough it fits in with @Dralukmun’s idea about destroying reputation, or more specifically, causing the downfall of a person or institution which thinks itself infallible.

But @BlancheNeige, first, can you clarify what your aim is?
I think you mentioned that since you’re in your final year(?) you can’t transfer to another university to complete your degree, you would have to start over.

I am guessing the outcome you’re looking for is to intimidate the university into reversing their decision, treating you fairly, and allowing you to complete your degree (or somehow making an exception for you to transfer elsewhere to complete your degree). Is that correct?

Or are you just looking to make the university and its shitty, discriminatory staff suffer repercussions?

This will change the approach that I would take.

The outcome I’m looking for now is to make my university revert their decision.
I’m putting aside now my desire for revenge and focusing only in my studies.

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I have seen the news here and saw that a bunch of people invaded the university and breaked a lot of things. I saw that on a news site.
You guys threw a powerful blow to them! I’m happy laughing now because things started to go wrong for them.
I feel this is just the beginning of a series of unfortunate events for them…


Can you link the site?

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I am going to level with you autist to autist @BlancheNeige, Why are you trying to hold position there when they giving you a hard time staying there financially? I would strongly recommend getting out of there from a magical perspective because having an important document with their name and your name on it, is a curse. Also, you didn’t name names, so it seems like you are protecting the institution.

Yes, but we can’t be sure if it will get them off heels or make them stomp on toes because we don’t have enough information. It is allegedly Yahweh controlled, so I suspect the latter because that is their style.

What use is a degree from a school with a destroyed reputation? Is it for to get the student loan forgiven like with ITT Tech in the United States?

OP mentioned that they’re staying there because it’s their final year. You can’t just let go of so many years of hardwork. My sister was in the same situation in a University here, and it’s not easy.

The name of the institute has not been mentioned for OP’s own safety, and not the University’s. Those working on it do know the name because they were pm-ed.


Yes you can. I done it a few times already. The last time was a change of career where I had to start from the bottom. My social networks outside of work reset 3-5 years because false accusations or harassment. Whenever I went to psychotherapists about, they told me to change the way I feel about being ostracized. I am sorry I wasted my money and time asking for advice from them, but you can let go of the hard work and move on.

You could, and I’m glad that you could, but it’s different for everybody. If I was in OP’s place, I would fight too. I couldn’t just give up on my hardwork. It’s a difficult place to be in, and I won’t be speaking on Blanche’s behalf.

It’s different and difficult for everyone. Where are you from btw?

Edit: A therapist will not give you advice on what to do, a therapist will enable you to make the decisions yourself.


I am from the United States. In addition to being an autist, I am also black.

A therapist will not give you advice on what to do, a therapist will enable you to make the decisions yourself.

A psychotherapist will use you for narcissistic supply via your attention and financial resources.