Best demons to help disabled people?

thank you very much! People here at this forum are more empathic than those bastards at my university and my friends . I have posted about my situation at social media and only a few friends offered to help to me. Even the public attorneys are refusing to help me.
I would like to do a group ritual to curse my university and get my scholarship back. If anyone is interested please tell me. I would appreciate very much and learn about group magick in the process.


I’m interested in helping out.


There was a meeting today between the university and me through microsoft teams. I didn’t know what they wanted but I think they were trying to make a video to incriminate me. I tried to call a friend to accompany at this meeting but no one was available.
I was scared to go by myself so before the meeting I summoned King Belial and asked him to be my side.
When the meeting started they lost their connection to the internet and the person who was supposed to talk to me was not available. The only guy that appeared talked three minutes with me and then disconnected.


That’s a good sign.

Do you know anything about the recording laws in your country (i.e. single-party consent, two-party consent)? In some places it is legal for people to record conversations without informing you that they are recording. Although the Teams app will tell you if a meeting is being recorded, they could be using other means.

Honestly though – you might be better off refusing any kind of voice or face-to-face communication, and keep it all to written communication. Research and see if you can find out whether this kind of discrimination is illegal in your country (or state/province). Failing that, is there some kind of ombudsman you can contact for help, or to mediate between yourself and the university?


I had a chat with King Labal and King Abalim (two kings who appear with King Paimon) about this. I’ll post my notes later today. They both mentioned something about “bring the walls down” concerning the university. Basically, tearing down the defenses of the university and then exposing their secrets ect.

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This kind of discrimination is illegal here in Brazil. I researched about it. The ombudsman I contacted didn’t answer.
When i tried to record them in 2019 the woman shouted at me and didn’t let me take my cell phone out of my bag.
They are even forging my academic records saying I left university at 2018. I was studying there this whole semester and my classes ended in June.

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Here are my notes from my conversation with the Kings Labal and Abalim. [OP, if this feels like hijacking your thread I can delete it and PM you.]

I took out the two sigils and placed them to my left and right. I light a candle, and gifted some incense smoke.
I placed my hands on the sigils. Intuition told me which candles are ideal for this: red for rage, black for destruction.

I ask them if their fire can be used to expose the secrets of corrupt institutions, such as the university. I mention a gift that I can give them both. Seems a respectful thing to do.
That would be most cordial.
We are as you say excited to receive that. Manifold returns.

I then received instructions:
Tear down the walls
I ask them if this should take 3 days.
Not if you work with others
Step 2: inside-out
Step 3: the razing
That is all we have to say on the matter.

This my take on this: the first step is to destroy the defenses of the university. The second step is about exposing their secrets, I’m thinking Lucifer is ideal. And the Lucifer and the Hidden Demons book (the screenshots I shared). The third step is to fuck them up - take your pick.

As this seems time-sensitive, I will begin to tear down the walls within 1-2 days. I haven’t done a group working - so I’m unsure how to coordinate it. Maybe somebody else can aid with that.

Edit: if anybody is confident with divination, I feel there are some piercing questions worth using divination on.


I’m going to use the book Lucifer and the Hidden demons too. I’m reading again the instructions because I’m not used to pathworking magick. But I feel the magick within this book is very strong.


Re exposing their secrets - what if someone leaked to the press that this university discriminates against kids with disabilities - do you think that could expose them ?

@BlancheNeige - have they ever done this to any other students that would be willing to to speak out about it and Do you think a leak to the biggest news publisher in your area/ country ( or even a threat to expose them in that way) might back them into a corner ??

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It seems like a good idea to do that (the presa) coupled with a ritual to expose secrets. That way, you have done the work - both magical and practical.

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I posted about the things they did to me all these years at my social media. I’m feeling very angry with them right now and I have endured years of violence from this university so I could not sit still and do nothing. I’m tired because I even sacrificed my health to get good grades and this made me very ill last year to the point that I had to do two surgeries.
There is other autistic girl at my university that asked for help but the staff just laughed at her face and didn’t offer any support.
I almost killed myself the first time they tried to expel me. I do therapy and take meds to sleep because of everything they have done to me.
I think the other autistic student might be too scared to speak anything against them.
They even threatened the other students that are trying to help me this week.

Im completely stunned by what you’re describing tbh , please excuse my ignorance here but am I right in guessing that this university is a place that people typically around the age of 18 attend so start their degree course / higher education ? Is that around the usual age young adults would commence a degree in Brazil ?
I don’t understand how they can get away with such behaviour especially when providing a learning environment for such young people.
They MUST have to answer to some sort of governing body.
The more I hear the more I am drawn to @anon41658706 stage 2 - EXPOSE!

Young adults are still vulnerable even if they are legally adults in some countries .
To discriminate / threaten / ostracise people in the ways you describe is an egregious misuse of power - especially in a place that is supposed to foster a positive working environment for its students!

I feel like you can tear it’s walls down by exposing the behaviour .

Please don’t feel you have answer this here but - they must have given you a reason ( or poor excuse) when they told you they’ve pulled your scholarship funding.
For example say you weren’t turning in multiple assignment papers - or did something really dramatic like physically attacked a teacher , they would have to tell you why you’ve caused a problem?

What was the reason they gave ( again plz don’t answer if you dont feel comfortable )
Did they give you a letter stating something along this lines of ‘ we are terminating your student funding and you can no longer study here because of (x,y,x)’ ?

If you were In the U.K. I guarantee you the local news outlets would have a field day printing your story and splashing ‘university discriminates against disabled students ‘
The board that govern the university would also have something to say about it too especially if the reason boils down to ‘we don’t want students with autism at our school’

If you don’t feel comfortable with approaching a news outlet, finding out who governs and inspects the school ( but only an external body it an internal one ) may help by exposing them to the people they want to look good to .

Hey , as well as the ritual to expose secrets could adding something that ensures that she will be believed by others when she speak out help ?
Something that would remove all doubt from the minds of others that what she saying is nothing but -100% truth ( cos I think the Uni might try to come up with some bullshit excuse for their actions once they are exposed )
I dunno who best to call on for that , Belial or maybe lucifer for shedding light onto the issue so they are seen for who they really are ?

They said that they are ending my funding because the validity of my scholarship is over. But this is not the case because the contract of my scholarship goes till 2025.
They are threatening me since I revealed my diagnosis to them in 2019.
I remember a student who was in a wheelchair. They let her study there for one, two years and expelled her with a lame excuse too.
This university is one of the most powerful institutions here in my country. They even invited the president to visit the campus once. They have connections everywhere and the judges and justice are very corrupt here in Brazil.


The best way maybe would be to expose my medical reports on the internet but I’m afraid of not being able to get a job in the future if I do this.
I posted about the university crimes on the facebook already.

I just suggested to @anon41658706 about coming up with a ritual that will make you believed 100% so they can’t just dismiss your case , do you think that might help ?

Yes, I’d appreciate that. I have high functioning autism and everywhere I go need to show my medical reports to have my rights respected.
People here have a tendency to disrespect disabled people.
I don’t go out much of my house and I never use public transportation because I can’t stand the noises and crowded places. People there at my university always ignore these facts…


I’m disgusted @BlancheNeige ,
I don’t know what to say other than please leave Brazil ASAP!! and move to USA or the U.K. because we can’t get away with treating ppl like that over here -it saddens me because if you lived in the U.K. you would be given extra support with your studies ( with proof of having a disability you can even apply for special funding to study for free with no fees to ever pay back ) you would get extra time with your assignments if needed, mentor support and alternative ways to learn as needed too . It’s so unfair how other countries lack the same privileges that other countries possess.
You should not have to be scared of not being considered for a job because of your disability .
@anon41658706 and anyone else that’s interested can we co-ordinate a mutually convenient time time zone wise and come up with a group ritual to help @BlancheNeige if that is what she would like to happen?
I am new to the spirit aspect of magick so I am not the best person when it comes to summoning demonic entities - however I have had some success with suhn’tal’ock (performing JS Garretts DIY ritual for wealth and prestige ) that is only demonic spirit I have worked with so far . @BlancheNeige i highly recommend this ritual as I was blessed with speedy results .
Prior to starting to work with entities , I liked to make diy sigils and use tarot cards that represent the things I wish to manifest in my own rituals , I enjoy including candle magick and creating sigils to be really specific and tailor the intent behind the ritual and influence the best possible outcome . But that was just my hodge - podge way of doing things :laughing:

@BlancheNeige can you look into who inspects school and universities in Brazil ( or your area of Brazil ) and try to find out who they are accountable to please ?
For example who inspects and decides if a university is considered to be good or if it needs improvement- in the U.K. OFSTED inspect our school colleges and more recently uni’s ,a serious complaint can be raised to them regarding the practices within school and they have to investigate.
It would be a great help to find out the authority that needs to be informed now your location .
I appreciate you might wish to keep your identity private on here so not mention the name of the Uni / area you live in but It will be helpful for you to have this information .
I will do some research on Brazil disability education laws and see what I can find .
I’m inclined to see if we can get a large group here to expose this university online and hopefully disabled students will feel empowered to also speak out if they read that others are doing so ?
It will add weight to your complaint .

Magick wise - how would you like to proceed do you
Want to perform a ritual for yourself, do you want other to join you ?
What sort of magick would you want to be performed ?

I will get back to you after I have done some research , I have a few days off work so I can respond quite promptly if needed :smiley:
Stay strong girl :muscle:

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@Lunaa @BlancheNeige This is what I’m thinking.
We should take “exposing the secrets of the university” and break it into 3 parts. They are:

  1. Small secrets
  2. Medium Secrets
  3. Large secrets

In a group working, one person would focus on one of the three parts- so 3 people are needed.

I know Lucifer is ideal for this work. Shining the light can expose secrets. Belial could use his power to expose the deep rooted corruption. Paimon can influence people. (Maybe a spirit that influences emotions could help).

[As a side note: I will be unable to reply for 24-36 hours. I have a minor medical procedure]

We should start a group chat and get this figured out - if that is something each person is comfortable with.

Edit: the hidden or forgotten secrets of the university may be a good 4th part.


I’m down with that :+1:

Feel free to add me to a group chat :raised_hands:

Good luck with your procedure , I hope it all goes well for you x :blue_heart: