Beserker abilities awakening

Today I managed to enter this state just a little and there wasn’t much anger but like an animal instinct. My senses sharpened and the world slowed down around me. I could see, smell, taste and hear better and could sense vibrations around me and in the earth. I was more agile and didn’t test my strength. I shadowboxed with my guides and though my form was sloppy with errors, this energy did channel. Now it reached a point where it scared me a bit like the feeling of loosing control so I almost cried and begged Thor to make it stop he told me to hold on for a few more minutes then removed some of the energy. I also sent some residue into the. Sun (a waste I know) and grounded. After this I still felt the heightened senses and it felt like my blood sugar dropped. I shook and felt a bit nauseous but also not too bad.

Also my fylgia separated from me and advised I take a break. Reading up on it, these skills seem fucking awesome but theres responsibility and discipline needed.


I love that suggestion! You’re right it’s important to channel energy mentally too through art

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Awesome man, good job!

I guess I can relate my little experiences aswell. Sometimes Im able to let it come over me, often its triggered by something I think about. I then also reach an animal like state where I often begin to drool. Normally Id feel embarressed, even if I were alone, but in this state I can still see that I WOULD be embarressed and at the same time not care about it at all. Really interesting.

Also I can relate to the fear suddenly coming up. Not quite sure whether its related to berserking or not but sometimes when Im really invested into singing (well, growling) death metal I seem to reach deep layers of mind and emotion that I normally dont reach. Whenever I reach such a new layer its incredibly energizing, but to a point that it becomes incredibly scary aswell. “Wow, did I really just think that? Holy shit, Im an animal.” Stuff like that.
So yea, seems we are on target here I would say :grin:


Ahh does your Fylgia have this trait too? Like does the animal drool when it senses danger or prey?

That’s so damn cool so you channel the energy into singing??

Tbh I dont know what my Fylgia is yet, but seems like it does that as it has happened multiple times.

I channel it into singing but also singing triggers it, so it kinda works both ways.
Singing is pretty good because its obviously harmless (excluding the ears of my parents). But also if I have to cope with really strong emotions this way I need to really go to the outer fringes of my singing capabilities. And that is where I sometimes learn something new about me / scare myself.
And the other way round also sometimes happens where Im in a normal state, want to sing and suddenly get overwhelmed by emotions while doing so.


It could be the animal you shift into when going beserk


New things can be scary sometimes hey?

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Today I didn’t invoke this energy. I was gonna but Thor reminded it was time for a break. I did notice that when I step outside its like my senses enhance and I can feel things vibrationally. I also can’t really crack my joints any more because it hurts like hell on the neck. I’m also adapting the personality of my Fylgia naturally


Ohh and my body feels heavier and it’s like my joints and muscles need time to adapt to this shift in my normal state

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What I experienced thus far have only been glimpses. No complete shifts or anything like that. So I dont know which animal I shift into, although Im curious of course which one it is.
May I ask how you found out?

Word. Especially if you experience them so vividly. Like its something that is really within you!

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I did a runic guided meditation on Algiz and it appeared


Yesterday I went out to a local game reserve. I went with other people so I couldn’t go fully beserk. I however coukd not Tap into my strength. I could use my speed and agility though and walked on all fours in some places like my Fylgia would. My senses were enhanced but no extra strength. After lunch I hiked into the more remote parts I managed to get quite far across the water and got to see some game up close here I couldn’t walk on all fours due to the sharp stones and feces. I ran outta water and then had to head back, keep in mind this is around 3 PM in the African sun, no trees. Around the way I began to feel heavy and even almost started begging Thor or Cernunnos to guide me and even regretted my decision but was proud of myself. Then my senses grew stronger and I think I entered a trance of some kind because my intuition found a shortcut I didn’t know existed. I also didn’t run as it would have been smarter to reserve my energy. I made it back and forgot what I’m burnt out probably enough energy for a light workout only. It’s like the after effect of entering the state. I also forgot I can feed on solar energy lol but yeah today I feel drained af and this is extremely rare.


I hope you get some proper rest :purple_heart:


I took some today :black_heart: for 4 hours I’ve been falling asleep :sleeping:


Today my muscles are almost :100: again. I did have a bit of a cold due to sticking my feet in river water but it’s fine now. Tapped into the state a very little today and attempted shifting back which worked. Was play fighting a bit and saw more opportunities to strike this wasn’t even in beserk mode.

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Over the last few days I have felt the animal self take more and more control. I also noticed an increase in athleticism. It gets more intense so I might take a break as I don’t wanna jump into full possession yet. I also noticed switching between extremes such as extreme strength and extreme weakness.

Today it felt like I was done been oppressed by someone. I had it up to my head with their bs and felt my teeth shake and the rage build up so I locked myself in my room. I remember growling and snapping but not breaking anything. Freya and Nyx helped me calm down. If I’m stuck with people who trigger this I needa learn to control it does anyone have advice especially for times I can’t use workouts (night time)? I looked in the mirror after calming down and my nose was pink and my skin looked ghostly. I’m fine now just still very angry

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You can protect yourself from the triggers imo


Sorry if I derail the thread a bit, and if you have already found out about all I’m about to say feel free to ignore this message. However, here’s some interesting info you might like to know regarding the place. To begin with the word Uppsala is a place here in Sweden. In the modern day its famous for its University and its medicine study program(s). In the days of yore this place was a sacred place as far as I know there were wooden idols of Thorr, Odhinn and Freyja and Freyr in there. A lot of parties were held for several days in honour of the gods. And there were supposedly renactments of some people re-enacting the hanging of the god of the hanged. By inducing near death experiences by hanging in the noose to the point were they could stand with the toes on the ground and did so until they “passed over to the other side” and they were cut down, they never died by they got close, and experienced powerful visions and such as a result according to legend that is. The temple part is true and it being a sacred place for the Vikings. However, as for the rest likely not but we don’t know yet for certain.

Regarding the word Uppsala, it has two parts, the first part: Upp may not be the same as the old Norse word. However, in modern Swedish which has remained the same since about the 1500 AC, it means: up, as in up in the sky or up on the ladder, you get the idea. Perhaps it meant high once upon a time. Whereas the word sál = meant soul in Old Norse. Sal without the hyphen means just a big hall, held for banquettes and such, that is the morsern meaning of the word. Thought I should let you know.


This sounds like a good idea

This is some awesome information. I did know it was a city I did not know it was so important. The visions and nde resonates a lot too

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BTW does anyone else with this ability see random figures moving out of the cornor of their eyes??

Where could one learn more about this gangr energy?

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