Beserker abilities awakening

Only very faintly.
But sometimes Im very convinced that ‘something is there’ with me. Like a feeling, like I almost KNOW that there is something. Though I dont see or hear anything.

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There’s a link a member shared in this thread . It is excellent

So there are a class who can shift between multiple animals as opposed to just one. Imma look into this some more


Soo I haven’t done this in a while but I noticed some physical benefits today. I was ninja jumping in my bathroom and felt something wrong with an object so I leaped away and less than a second later it completely broke. It’s like I sensed it was gonna break

I also got some sparring done in a none beserker state and my form was terrible but I knew were too look and for some reason just grappled my friend until I took him down (I’m not a grappler). Normally I’d barely be able to grapple but I sensed the weak spots and definitely knew how to apply it. I did almost get a boxers fracture though. On my walk I seemed to have heightened senses again and felt my beserker form

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Ahh and I also noticed when I didn’t shave or cut my hair, I start to resemble my Fylgia a lot more

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So I did end up finding a gym which I might join next year.

My fears of death and disability are been triggered though it’s something I want to do. So how would one embrace death and stop fearing her?

I’m also curious to see how beserker strength plays out irl