Beginning Shadow Work : Guided Meditation - Video

Beginning Shadow Work : Guided Meditation.

In this video we dive into whats referred to as Shadow Work, there are many things which are obstacles, hinderences, barriers and limitations upon our spiritual and magickal growth. Things such as trauma, pain, depression, grief, regret, sadness, insecurity and so forth. All those things that we desperately keep suppressed within us can be found within our spiritual shadow.

In this guided meditation we confront the externalisation of the shadow self (an embodiment all that is suppressed and “negative”). Face the shadow and integrating it within the self, using this method the shadow self will become a symbol of strength, courage it will be the embodiment of overcoming hurdles, barriers and obstacles within your own life and being.

I go much deeper into this concept in the video all that you will need is a single candle, now this is to free you of these emotional, mental and spiritual chains placed upon you. Once the transcendence has occurred within shadow work, we rise into a state of glory, strength and open up many internal and external opportunities, potentials and so on.

Everyone has their own unique approach, methods or beliefs on this and that’s fine but I wanted to give a very easy to follow tutorial such as this, for those who are newbies, for those looking for a new approach or for those who have yet to meet and face their shadow.

I may start uploading my guided meditations ones more for magicians/witches etc, if you have any suggestions visit my channel, comment below in the videos comments.

Don’t forget to visit the channel, like, comment and subscribe :grinning:

Infernal blessings



@Darkprincess this is what I was telling you about. I think shadow work will benefit you a ton.


Thank you. I have it on my watchlist. It will most definitely help a ton.

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