How to do shadow work?

I got very depressed because of my faults. I wanted to be higher then anyone else. That is why I fell. I lost a lot because of my proud. I hate myself, im cursing myself every day for a year. I can’t forgive myself. I`m asking help to find good ways to do shadow work. I want to heal myself and love myself.

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Here’s a video from Connor that goes into that.


If you do a forum search for the term shadow work you will there are a few their a few discussions about what it is and a few journals in which the user details their journey with and how they did it.

Sometimes reading others stories helps me, I’m sure this isn’t true for everyone, but it’s to know other people struggle with the same stupid things that I do.


Do alot of candle flame meditation, in a dark room, like bathroom, or just when its dark outside (evening is coming)

study subjects of inner flame and shadow self, with candle, (living fire) since you seem, to be, already “honest” to yourself, and your feelings, towards yourself.

change sleeping patterns and study some, what you would call “dark” subjects, like concertation camps, holy inquisition, federal agency secrets and stuff like that, you learn that god doesnt really care what you practice, and you can forgiv yourself… be up at nights !

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