Trouble with seduction game and blockages

Hi guys,
After Sitri, Asmodeus and others
Wherever I go I see beautiful women all around me. Sometimes they are friendly too. But I have trouble with game ,I don’t know what to talk or how to approach. I go talk and then I directly ask the girl " I want to ask you out". That is not working out.

The seductive aura seems to work only on grandmothers and other elderly women who are so kind to me and try to hug me often. With young girls it only gets the 5s, and the okay ones. The real hot ones seem to have no reaction.

I am told I should do Shadow work. What is the best way to approach this? Please help.

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@C.Kendall did a guided meditation on this, maybe it is a really good start for you to get into it before you confront the juicy and not-so-fun aspects and/or traumas in your personal history :slight_smile: (a word of warning, shadow work does make you feel things and they are not always fun. I would suggest to approach these workings in small steps and one at a time because there is no use in facing these aspects of yourself by force :+1: )

Context is so important, sometimes :sob:


I have updated the question. Basically I am attracting the old and the elderly who are so kind to me and try to hug me. I am a normal looking dude but I expect the aura to have the effect on the 9s and 10s. Or rather the hot ones are still nice to me but I don’t know how to get them to bed.


Thank you, before your edit I was wondering if you meant the “attracting elder women” part or if your seduction workings would for some reason make your grandma feel as if she would be in her 20s again :see_no_evil:

Hey, if the “not so hot ones” are responsive to your aura you would like to take the opportunity and polish your conversation skills? :sunglasses:

(I mean, it IS straightforward. Some might find this attractive in itself!)

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