Beginner evocation help please

can you please tell me how the Ritual goes (like Step to Step Guide) and what is needed for it? I am only asking cus I am in need of Money to pay off my Depth and making my Drivinglicence for Car (I only have it for Motorbikes).


well I would love to but since no one is answering my Questions I can not do it. So I will more likely result to try and delet my set up Topics in this Forum and never coment again on anything just watching.
And just in Case some one says I could write a PM/IM to the Ones in Question: I have done that lots of Times and even paid them for casting (3 paid but only two done and not one Answer of them when I asked him to do the third Spell).

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I dont understand what u mean. All the information is available in the forum and Book of Azazel.

You dont need anyones help

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I have searched and researched the Forum high and low and not one little bit worked so I guess you can imagine my Sadness and what I written above.
As fare as the Book goes, I am not the Daughter of Mr. Gates, meaning I havn´t got the Money for it.

You have to invest your hard earned money and make sacrifices, you will get what you put in.

Do more research, i have read hundreds of posts, searched on other websites, and experimented, took the risk of messing up.


You want to pass the Exam without buying a book or studying.

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I think you do not understand what I wanted to say but I can not expact that from a Person who does not know me. I need m “hard earned Money” to pay my Bills, Eat & Drink and Clothing. But I will not continue talking to you in this Style if you do not understand what I try to get across. In short: either try to understand what I am trying to say or stop talking please.

@LadyOliver43 How to evoke, step by step:

You can find the seal of Salas’ash on the forum.

Note: He does not have an enn, so you can just skip the step in the above instructions where it says to chant the demon’s enn.


@LadyOliver43, i haven’t worked with salas’ash yet ( on my to do list) however, just type his name in the search icon and you’ll get a ton of information on how other folks have worked with him. He’s also in E.A.'s "Evoking Eternity and "The Book of Azazel ".


Ppl understand that you can’t afford the book; however, they’ve given you places to look in order to help you out. I’ve never done an evocation, I’m not there yet. You get his sigil, ( which is already on the the forum), open it & say your request. That’s what i do anyway. You can find damn near everything on this forum, It’s a gold mine.


I did download this goetiaguide app and found it very interesting. I will use it together with the Invocationguide that has been suggested above and hope it will work on that Person I got in Mind since he is very complicated and I sometimes even do not know what he realy wants as he is very good in playing theater and you think he wants this and then does realy that. I know it might be wrong to say it here so sorry if it is that Case.
I also will try that in Terms of Money since I still have to save up for my drivinglicence and my Dreamcar ( a Tesla Model 3 in deep blue Metalic. Hail Elon Musk!) which costs in Germany minimum 40.000 €.

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@LadyOliver43 that’s the spirit! I’m glad that you one, took the initiative and two, took the advice from our fellow forum members. Best of luck!

thank you I will start this german evening (which is GMT +1 Hour) and hope I do the right Thing. For the Love Part I considered two Spirits: Dantalion & Sallos as I realy realy love that Guy (he look wild in a sexy Way, never gives up and the other Things I will not mention) ok granted he has a hot Temper and explodes (loud talking) sometimes but that is his Nature.I do not know tho what exactly to ask off them as I tend to ask Things that are Way to fare away so I am open for Suggestions here.

As for the Money I do not know yet who I would choose but I will again look into this App for it to see who suits me the best in my Situation as I think everyone is different and I never have been afraid of Demons.


As far as salas’ash, its best not to ask for a specific amount of money. He will provide with what he feels the amount you need. Just focus on the deire to receive it, and the end result as though you have the money already in your possession.


I think in the Moneyway I am going to side with Volac. As fare as I have read he is straight forward which I like and I might be able to ask him of the Amount to pay my Depts or the Amount to be able to make my Driving Licence for Car (only got the one for Motorbikes).

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That makes sense. I love that the possibilities are endless when working with these spirits.

Many of us that have been brought up in christianity, and the like kept us from freaking evolving.

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Yes I sometimes have a weired Dream in which a Demon comes to me with a Ring in Hand who is black and blood flowing inside like a little River. He says it is the Blood of our Lord Lucifer who belives in me and said I never freak out and say Demons are evil or look discusting.

Have you ever worked with Lucifer before? If not, That might be a sign that you should try to establish a connection.

No I did not work with him before I have to admit. It was always about getting my Dreams granted so I thought it is to good to be true. Also I do not know how to since Lord Lucifer is not realy a Demon or did I get it wrong here?

From what I know, He’s an Archangel ( fallen).