Let’s face face it, this guy doesn’t get enough love on here.
Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies (more accurately, Lord of High Places, Lord of all that Flies) can help you acquire wealth, prosperity, can teach you some powerful death magick, necromancy, raise your stature in social relations and business, he can get you that awesome job you always wanted, he can discipline you so you can get shit done, he can heal, and can teach you the fine arts of combat, spiritual or physical.
Beelzebub is a polite, protective demon. He is a lot like Belial, only less pushy. He on a occasion said to me that Belial’s methods can sometimes be, and I quote, “distasteful.” So if you’re a fan of Belial’s powers but not a fan of his attitude, energy, or methods, Beelzebub can be a good substitute for Belial.
He is an ancient, powerful and wise demon willing to teach you so much more than what I’ve briefly covered. He works fast, and manifests fast. He’s awesome all-around.
Beelzebub wants YOU to work with him, and you need only to dial the number…
Hail Beelzebub!