Beelzebub appreciation thread

Let’s face face it, this guy doesn’t get enough love on here.

Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies (more accurately, Lord of High Places, Lord of all that Flies) can help you acquire wealth, prosperity, can teach you some powerful death magick, necromancy, raise your stature in social relations and business, he can get you that awesome job you always wanted, he can discipline you so you can get shit done, he can heal, and can teach you the fine arts of combat, spiritual or physical.

Beelzebub is a polite, protective demon. He is a lot like Belial, only less pushy. He on a occasion said to me that Belial’s methods can sometimes be, and I quote, “distasteful.” So if you’re a fan of Belial’s powers but not a fan of his attitude, energy, or methods, Beelzebub can be a good substitute for Belial.

He is an ancient, powerful and wise demon willing to teach you so much more than what I’ve briefly covered. He works fast, and manifests fast. He’s awesome all-around.

Beelzebub wants YOU to work with him, and you need only to dial the number…


Hail Beelzebub!


Yet another spirit that doesn’t get enough love on the forum. Not sure how he ties to Baal/Bael, but he seems like a great guy.


Thanks for this. I never really considered evoking him before now, but now I am very much looking forward to doing so and he’s going high on my list.

I am looking forward to hearing any stories you guys have with him that you can share.


I may make a separate thread for my experience with him/

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They are both Qliphothic deities. Some say Baal is a face of Beelzebub, but my experiences show otherwise. Baal/Bael is another Baal. Probably Baal Hammon. Whereas Beelzebub is Baal Zebul.


In my experience working the Qliphoth, Belial is the spirit who destroys the world as you know it. Beelzebub is the spirit who creates a new world atop the ashes of the old. The same dynamic can be seen in Satan and Moloch (he doesn’t get enough love either).


Yes, Beelzebub is the great healer; that is my experience of him as well. Outside of the Qliphothic context, though, he’s very similar to Belial in the way he operates, especially regarding material, everyday life things.

Oh, my, you’re right! I’ve not seen a single Moloch thread here.


Baelzebub has taught me the secrets to hypnosis and necrokinesis. I have learned the secrets of the herd mentality, confusion/distraction, mass entrainment and psychic warfare.

Much is said about it on my notes. If anyone is interested I can post some.



I evoked him once before. He seems to have a very grandfatherly vibe/energy to him. Like a wise, strong, loving grandfather that you can tell everything without holding back and he will listen to you and advise you, and then he’ll do everything he can to help you out.

Amazing spirit.


@Ashtoreth Beelzebub is also an Exu within Quimbanda so I’ll be working with him a lot more. He deserves way more recognition than he gets. As for Moloch, I haven’t worked with him enough otherwise I’d start a thread for him. @Atinama I’ve never heard of necrokinesis. Is it related to necromancy?


Interesting sigil, I usually use Bael’s sigil to contact him.
Works pretty well.

From my experience, he can offer the magician excellent protection, Mentally, physically, and of course spiritually.
He can also raise your overall power.

As for offerings he really likes potato chips, I’m my case veggie chips.
Just a word of warning, he can be a little laid-back, asked him to go and help out a friend of mine during an attack, and so he went out and checked the scene only to come back asking for a bag a chips, he then proceeded to eat them as he watched the battle take place.

He’s also an awesome companion.
I was sitting alone this one time wondering why my best friend ditched me, and he showed up in the form of a fly and he just chilled with me during lunch.

Awesome guy.


It’s killing using psionic power.

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Like cursing?

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I combine the use of symbols and ritual evocation of powers, but the real impact comes from your mental capacity to harness hyper-concentration for the direct manifestation of something.


I never worked with him but he aproached me on his own and offered me a blood pact. I will work with him in the future


I am loving the seal , where is this one from ?


Grimoire Verum.

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I concur.

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I was trying to evoke wealth last night. A demon appeared, I asked who he was he said Beelzebub. But he pronounced it " balls-ebub" . he spoke very elogantly with an English accent. He spoke in a language I didn’t know, I asked him to speak in my language, he said he throws a blanket over the sky. I asked him to open my senses to him. Then I asked him to leave as I was unfamiliar with this spirit. Reading your post here I see why he came to me. I’m gona evoke him again, and give an offering. And ask for help with money. What could I offer him? And any other info or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


Beef, chips, blood of an animal, alcohol, etc