"Become a Vampire” spell/poem to Selene

As I said to another on here, if you’re going to do it you should post your experience with it :slight_smile:


Ofcourse. BALG is the place to do it👌

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Hmm… I may perhaps attempt this soon.

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Have you ever heard of this ”spell/poem”?

That spell - that is vague as all get out. It’ll be like "opening your door in downtown brooklyn and shouting ‘free beer and pizza!’ " as someone once put using a ouija board and saying “is anybody there”? And they wonder why disgruntled joe who hates that he’s dead messes with them. It doesn’t specify who you’ll get, but a ‘goddess of darkness’? And how many of those are there? I think you want to think about altering that to be a bit more discerning about who you ask to talk to and exactly what the pact is.

is it real or could it all be bs?

Well, I do think it’s bs, and I wrote an answer to explain all the ins and outs of why, but it got longer and longer, and was a bit too much and some of it goes off topic, so here’s the short version…

  • If you want to take energy from another human, for one, you can already do it, you don’t need to ‘be a vampire’. It’s a bad idea, human energy is imbalanced by nature and full of emotional and mental shit you don’t want, and there are much better sources available to a non-vamp, but both those are another topic.

  • You can’t be ‘turned’ into a vampire. Vampire’s aren’t a different species, or a supernatural creature, they’re humans with a very nasty problem - they have so much difficulty generating their own qi, that they become depleted and sick, to the point that they’ll die. it really sucks and some get actually very insulted when non-vamps ask then to ‘turn them’. Some see it as a curse, and would be normal if they could. They usually discover vampirism to survive, the ones that don’t die. Some can feed of other sources if they work at it, but many psivamps find this too hard.

If you want to play with energy work, I recommend taking a qi or prana course, and/or just asking a friend and working with them on exchanging energy to see what it feels like from both ends.


Well if you’re talking about me in the end, I wasn’t gonna do that or anything. Just wanted to know what you guys thought of it

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Go for it. Would love to know if something actually happens

I tried this spell two years ago when I was sixteen. I remember trying it at midnight when there was a full moon. I was very intrigued and anxious to see if it would work or not, and the prospect of becoming a vampire captivated my attention for quite a while. At first nothing happened, and as time went by I began to think that maybe it just wasn’t real. I put it to the back of my mind and forgot about it. Around this time I was a cross country runner so I would go for my runs at night when it wasn’t so hot to get some extra practice in. On one particular night I remember it being very very windy. It was very dark outside but my school’s track had some lights that made it easier to see. While I was running, I began to get an undeniable strange feeling that I was being watched. I continuously looked over my shoulder but saw nothing. Out of all the countless nights I’ve gone running this late, never have I ever had a feeling like this. I decided it was time to head home and thought that I was just being paranoid. When I made my way towards the gate to leave, I can recall being kind of dizzy. It was then that I saw a black shadowy figure near the entrance of the gate. I stared at it in horror as I saw it move. I felt my body tense in fear and panic, and I remember feeling a fear so intense, so strong, that I thought I was going crazy. I thought to myself, this can’t be real. I continued walking towards it, I’m not sure why I did. I saw the figure look back at me with red eyes. It seemed to have had a very thin figure, I can describe it as having a figure like nosferatu. It was making itself smaller, as if shrinking itself into the concrete but not before it shook it’s head at me. I felt hatred radiating from it. When I continued to walk closer to it, the light shifted and it disappeared. I told myself that I was just being paranoid and walked quickly the whole way home. I knew the truth, but telling myself I had imagined it kept me from freaking out. But I felt like I was being watched the whole way there. Ever since I’ve been plagued with small paranormal encounters but nothing as bad as that night. My animals would go ballistic at night and would eagerly wait at the door of my house as if someone was there, but of course, I saw nothing. I remember being annoyed that my dogs wouldn’t stop barking because I had to be up early in the morning. I laid in bed for a while checking my phone and when I looked up, my girl puppy was sitting beside my bed on the floor. My dog was staring at me intently and I made brief eye contact with her. This bothered me because I’ve never experienced anything like this with an animal, especially my sweet dog. It was as if she was trying to tell me that I did something bad, that my dog understood that I had attracted something dark. It was weird. Then she just turned around and walked out of my room. The dogs had stopped barking after that. I continue to go for my runs at night and early in the mornings by myself. It’s what I love to do. Sometimes I do feel like there is a presence nearby, though. And seeing strange shadows out of the corners of my eye has become common but for some reason I do not get afraid. At times it is as though some things deliberately try to evoke some kind of fear reaction out of me, but I immediately gain control of myself and calm down. I don’t feel fear when I’m confronted by these things and this has helped me a lot because negative entities feed off of fear, and they don’t have any power over me if I don’t give it to them. I have strange dreams from time to time that I am being attacked by some paranormal entity but I always defend myself in the dream, and each and every time I tell it to go away in Latin. But throughout it all I am just so glad and so relieved that nothing has harmed me. I am glad that for some unknown reason, I was not turned into a vampire. It was definitely a mistake and I have stopped meddling with that kind of stuff. I learned my lesson. This all happened merely because I was curious to see if it was real or not and I can tell you that it is VERY real. There are things out there you do not want to meet, especially when you are all alone at night like I was. Be safe out there.


I have some theories about this if you ever want to talk about your experience


Yeah I used to try “werewolf” spells, which now that I think about it is the main reason I’m in the occult today. A few years ago I was a stupid kid and tried these spells and one gave me all the side effects but never the transformation. I looked for spells on and off until I got into spells of magic.com, which said shapeshifting is bs, so I stopped, then I found subliminals,but after a year of that I didn’t find any good result and then I finally found a legit grimoire and found this site. Now I’m researching the possibilities of merging my soul with that of a powerful demon to become what is basically a “devilman”. It feels like back when I was a kid it was a slow build up toward finding the things I have now, and I’m finally going to succeed. Cringy spells online brought me here, and basically built my destiny. Ok that’s my story m8, the spell could work but it would take extreme concentration, but since most trying the spell are kids so it probably wouldnt work


Sure, I would love to hear your theories on this.


Thank you Brigitte12 for your story. It was very interesting.

I like to keep an open mind and I was thinking about trying this in the next couple of weeks just to see if anything happens.


This is very interesting

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Hope your well. Just curious, have you tried it yet?

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Amazing experience.

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I personally used such an incantation in a ritual blood magick where I called upon the ``goddess of darkness´´. I have to say that the effects were interesting because after that I became more of a night owl. After doing such a ritual I also always became tired at day but think of it what you wish. Also, after that ritual I felt more of a connection to the night and the moon than ever before. I get the sense that it empowered my vampiric side and after the ritual I always preferred staying indoors during the night(I´m still human I assure). After the ritual I also aknowledged something predatory within me(most likely also vampiric) and I still get these effects after many years afterwards.


Ever since then I´ve learned that you need a lot more than what I invested into the ritual, things that I´m not going to invest into it. The ``spell´´ more or less awakens something vampiric inside of you atleast but it still serves its purpose on satisfying level. And even if you do decide to research it, you will find that you need lots components and elements to invest into it if you want to take the transformation through vampiric energies even further.


I´m a bit of an explorer what comes to implimenting poems like this in incantations


Sorry for the delay in responding. My life has a tendancy to keep me super busy. I actually did the ritual tonight so we will see what happens. I have had other vampire spells given to me and nothing has happened so I am not holding my breath. Not trying to be negative about it… Just realistic. I will keep you updated if anything does happen

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Has anybody in this thread actually read and processed what @Mulberry took the time to post in detail that there I no need to be turned into a vampire!? As it stands every human ( who is in dedicated practise ) and familiar with energy manipulation, already has every tool necessary within the bioelectricity of their aura to feed and steal prana from another human, animals, plants , the earth, flames and more.
I will cop to the fact that I am a born vampire and am proud to have found my path through black magick and learned how to feed proerly , because growing up without a sense of what you are ( which is simple prana digestive disfunction as well as ki/ chi energy restoration disfuction. That being said your inner demon/ higher self manifest ways to feed unconsciously through behaviour disfunction, relationship sabotage, drug addiction and worst case scenario insane night terrors where your starving astral double spontaneously astral projects while sleeping and feeds uncontrollably off loved one’s pet’s , or innocent no deserving people. …
All that can lead a troubled soul to act and behave rash and tends to burn out all life situations very quick…why because they were born with a disorder of the astral and subtle energies? Would you guys be judging and prosecuting a Diabetic ( type 2) for beinb unable to produce insulin?
Since learning how to feed properly ( this includes sanguine feeding) which mainstream has stigmatized and glamoured Hollywood monsters as blood draining killers etc.
Let me tell you that once I found out who I was, if been skyrocketed Down my path of the Dragon and aside from a deserving enemy have not harmed or even complicated a single relationship or interaction of anyone innocent or in intended through this type of energy feeding. Do some research and discover that firstly as a black magician on them path of ascent ask yourself what are you willing to do or sacrifice to achieve divinity in this incarnation of individuality?
Vampirea get a bad rep , but i can tell you through my own experience that we are no parasite or plague upon the earth…we simply are more evolved rational humans who have learned to adapt and achieve what we lacked from conception of our astral body at birth…what ,ist don’t know is our ability to feed off ANYONE, any time is instinctively more advanced than most and once a keen grip is established on exactly how , who, and why , we lead extrodinarily amazing lives , especially as sorcerors. sorceror s includes the evolution of Brain matter and consciousness that not alot Wil attain in their life bare facts.
Examples you ask? Energy vamparism alone helpes me achieve EXTREMELY advanced success and progress with Psychokenesis/telekinesis, Pyrokeneisis , sleep deprivation recovery, and even Biolocation.
90 days I achieved that and more…and the magnitude of progress only heightens with every mundane human I drain harmlessly, who never uses their chi/ prana for anything kore than getting rich and getting laid. Who thinks , no believes people like us are just wack jobs who can’t interact with normal society.
Fuck that imma eat them all as i tread over the corpses of the ignorant slaves who choose to be sheep and cattle for whoever is extorting their life at that moment, place and time.
And as I walk across water to become the God that lies within all human as birthright stolen and diluted by tyrants who do far worse than vampires who feed off of neurological energy.
Even sanguine feeding , ( blood drinking) is harmless and is almost 100% of the ti e done through a donor close to families of genetic sanguine vampyres . A drop is all thats needed, as represented life force at a more intimate level. Like anointing a sigil…
Keep our minds open homies! Do the research and calculate what nature would allow I the process …like think what wpuld happen if a human drank ebough blood from another human stranger…instasick, vomiting , transmittal disease, H.I.V etc… I
I apologize for my pontificating this post into oblivion , It was not my intention to offend or be abrasive about this topic ( apparently someone’s opinion hit a nerve) lol.
Bottom line…to mee and my practise I accepted my circumstances and now I benefit from them. Hey if you practise left hand path magick well all raise ,cleanse and ground energy for our work regardless, technically all black magicians can be identified as vampires , just consuming inner prana and chi from their own sources . I hope I shed so e light on this topic and apologize for my intensity at times.
Rep rep the left Han path.
Darkest blessings online family.


You have a good point despite the fact that the ``poem´´is not of literal physical transformation. It more or less changes you but with some vampiric qualities. I used the incantation in a blood magick and ever since then I´ve felt this vampiric change. And I´m still human I assure you. Little bit extra info her but whatever. There were many side effects to the ritual indeed here they are:

  • You become more vampiric
  • You become more connected with the night
  • Your vampiric nature awakens
  • The entity known as ``goddess of darkness´´ will be there to with you at all times
  • You start to inherently understand energy vampirism in instinctual level
  • And more vitality